Bristol Palin, 19, is shaping up to be the new (difficult and demanding) Kate Gosselin on “Dancing With The Stars” and producers couldn’t be happier about her complaints. The show has barely started, and Bristol is already reportedly annoyed by all the questions about her mother and she’s not happy about the amount of press she has to do. Plus, of course, she intends to remain “modest” and won’t be wearing those sexy costumes. Producers are hoping her bratty behavior captivates viewers like Gosselin’s did – ratings zoomed and for the first time the show beat American Idol.
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Someone should tell Bristol that its not important how much cleavage is showing, but that a girl keep her panties on. Apparently she has a problem with the latter.
Please, Bristol, make a fool of yourself so we can all laugh at you and your mom, especially your mom when Mama Bear starts growling about how you’re treated and viewed. Yippee! More entertainment from the dumb hillbillies from Alaska. Are you any relation with the Clampitts?
Bettye, she should just relax and swill down some good ol Billie Beer…yee-haw!! Just wondering, how is it that this young woman is considered a “star” as in “Dancing with the STARS”? Since when did having a child in youe teens and out of wedlock qualify you for being a “star” in Hollywood”? Nothing like telegraphing to all the similarly young and overly stupid girls of the country how to instantly become “famous”…spread em and get knocked up, and you too can be on TV dancing with the other “stars”! She needs to be pulled from this show before it even starts!
I do not know what changed, but a few weeks ago Bristol stated that she wanted privacy for herself and Baby Tripp.DWTS is as close to reality as she can get when Judge Len Goldman, and the other judges gives their views and criticism to the dancers. If Mama Sarah is in the house(audience) and her Babygirl gets the boot,Sarah is not going to go out the door quietly. Trust Me!!
Bristol Palin’s va-jay-jay did not fall far from the mother tree. MONEY!! That’s what made her change her mind about wanting privacy. Each “star” gets $125,000 up front without dancing a single step.
Captain America, that is hilarious!
The name of the show should be changed to “Dancing with the D-List, Some Pansies, and Beards”.
I’m certain Bristol will draw big ratings. “Train Wreck” TV is what’s popular currently. Proving the I.Q. of the viewers is at an ALL TIME low.
To me, she looks at least 25 years old, she has an old face. But she will for sure draw in millions to watch her, prob more than anyone else on it. And, this will put the final nail in American Idol, which comes up against DWTS on certain nights. teeheeheehee.
Didn’t her Mom give Letterman a hard time about exploiting her ‘young daughter’ because she’s ‘just a kid’, etc etc..and yet, she has no problem with her getting knocked up, getting on the cover of magazines, splashing her personal info everywhere, and now being on a dance show. Right. Hypocrite much, Sarah?
How foolish…they are just trying to get to mom who is making the big $$$$ but is still under an illusion what she says is important.
I am starting to believe that Sarah Palin and her family are smart enough to realize they need to grab the cash while they can. All that talk about Palin in national politics? – No way. America will smarten up soon enough. And then those ice-flow hillbillies will be back in Alaska with few sources of income. The don’t pay you for watching Russia from your house, you know.
1. It’s a bit too late for this one to be worried about “modesty.”
2. Wasn’t she recently complaining that her baby daddy was obsessed with the spotlight and fame? Ha!
3. She could set a busload of orphans on fire and I still wouldn’t hate her as much as I hate Kate Gosselin.
This no-talent stink fish will win because she knows how to land on her back, leggs in the air and no rubbers. Just like her Daddy.
“Annoyed about all the questions about her mother?”
Dearie, if you weren’t the daughter of Sarah Palin, you would not be on DWTS!
At least Levi never pretended to be anything other than what he is — a local redneck boy without an education, but willing to take advantage of a system that rewards the infamous. What’s Bristol and Sarah Palin’s excuse?
It was bad enough las t time when they brought on that HUGE mouthed Niecy Nash and that national disgrace whore Pamela Anderson as well as the baby factory witch who was not a star in any sense of the word but AT LEAST had a reality show. This young whore doesn’t even have THAT to her name. She is NOT A “STAR” in any sense of the word and should be removed immediately from the line-up. I will not watch this show if she remains on it. And until they start putting on STARS I won’t watch it again.
Most of the people on list aren’t stars. Bristol is just taking advantage just like the rest of them. Look at the people on the list name a real star.
Some info on this chick (and her fam), I bet u didnt know:
“Bristol Palin. She has been pregnant four times. The first time in fall 2006 (there are photos of her wearing a green sweater dated fall 2006 in which she is noticeably pregnant, about four months pregnant, maybe five months). That baby “disappeared.” Trig, which Sarah Palin claimed as hers. Tripp, which Bristol had with Levi Johnston – maybe. Although she slept around so much, and Levi has shown little interest in a decent custody arrangement, that parentage is questionable. And this winter she bought a condo away from her mom’s place, moved in with a hockey player friend of Levi’s named Ben Barber, got pregnant YET again….broke up with Ben, got back together with Levi for about five minutes (still pregnant with Ben’s baby)……….
And now she’s suddenly filming Dancing with the Stars…..not pregnant anymore.
Sarah Palin will do anything and everything to remain in the limelight and sold her soul and her body a long time ago. She is systematically doing the same thing to all of her kids. Her “veteran” son, Track, is a known drug addict and was arrested for cutting brake lines on a bunch of school busses before he was shipped off to Iraq (with a cushy job of driving dignitaries around.) Now he’s home and back on the drugs. Willow, Bristol’s younger sister, vandalized a home and has also been arrested for fighting with another girl – all covered up. They’re all being groomed to be part of the machine in one form or another, and it’s the little ones who always suffer. (I include the kids on this list because their destinies were sh*t from the moment they were born. They never had much hope for a decent life.)”
XYZ, seriously? That is so funny! But, on some level, no surprise. The Palins do not do a very good job of hiding what they are (I mean Sarah, get rid of that redneck accent. How hard can that be?). I suspect that is why Sarah was proported to be such a nightmare campaigning in 2008.
Sarah was a nightmare in the campaign because she ran amok in every Needless Markup in every city–the hell with the campaign, it was big time shopping.
Yes, Sebastian, the info is as serious and true as it can be. Obviously u wont find that on wikipedia, lol or from other official sources. The history is written by victors after all, right? U get the picture…
Ye gods, where will these fame whores strike next?
I’ve lived in Alaska for 28 years and until Sarah Palin ran for govenor I have been very proud of that. It is very sad that Sarah has made Alaska the laughing stock of the country. Alaska is the last frontier, full of incredible beauty, amazing wildlife and some very smart people. I don’t understand how people can give so much credit to someone who ran for govenor, won and then didn’t fullfill her term because she bigger and better things to do. How can you trust someone like that?
My daughter was born in Alaska. She is an honest hard worker, single but not a mother and is my sweetheart of Alaska! Why didn’t they call and ask her to be on the show?
Something smells! I love DWTS but I am very dissapointed in their and Sarah’s cheap way to get publicity. This makes Bristo fare game, some mother bear, HA!
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