Britney Spears’ bloated ex husband Kevin Federline, 33, just became a father for the FIFTH time, and he still has no visible means of support. K-fed’s girlfriend Victoria Prince, 28, had a baby girl named Jordan. The couple share a home in Encino that we assume Britney pays for. K-fed MAY be feeling a pang of conscience – he IS pushing to get himself and Victoria a reality show about their life together, but we suspect the public is less interested in their daily activities than he realizes.
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Which one had the baby?
@Muffin – LOL!!!
This guy gives trailer trash a whole new dimension. He’s the only mooch who’s honed the art of making babies & having celebs support them & his sorry ass. Wow, father of the year.
I don’t understand why people have babies before they are secure in their relationships, when they don’t have the means to comfortably make that child’s life safe and comfortable AND when they already have more kids than they have time to devote to them!
Well, here’s hoping he finds some way to support this one.
He is definitely living off Britney. But what happens if something happens to her….she already looks saggy and worn out. One wonders how much longer she can keep bringing in big bucks on her concert tours. Then what is this fathead moocher gonna do. He must also be getting money from Brit to support his 2 kids with his ex girlfriend. Brit’s health and/or money is bound to run out sooner or later. Victoria and Kevin, you are two damn morons.
I’m not a big fan of this guy but he does seem to be a decent father to the kids. I hope they can find a way to support themselves but I just can’t handle another reality show. I am so tired of them being on all the channels.
he was a happy man.
You’d have to be crazy to have a child with somebody like this gigilo
@ Britney:
With K-Fed having another child, it might be time for you to go to family court, and seek joint custody. It simply can Not be fair for you to continue paying your ex $15,000. a month when he has a woman and 2 other children *possibly sharing what is intended for your 2 sons. It might be time to have your child support payments amended, and I am just saying!!
@ Walt:
Reality shows like Ozzie and Harriett were the years of the innocence.
Prayer was still in schools, and every morning we pledged allegiance to our flag.
Sad to say, the world as we knew it is gone.
The days of family shows like Father Knows Best, and Make Room for Daddy are a thing of the past.
I can easily believe that Britney love her children, even though at the time she was Not able to totally take care for them during her personal crisis. At the ages of 4 and 5 and living with their father, what is it about K-Fed’s latest introduction to fatherhood that make him a better parent than Britney might be Now??
He should be neutered but these women should also be spayed plus have their heads examined!
Absolutely. Amen to that. Well said Leo.
I remember starting each school day exactly that way! TV shows were entertaining and not morbidly shocking.
We’ve got hundreds of stations to choose from on our tv and yet, I still have a hard time finding something suitable to watch with the grandkids and us. When I say that I am SpongeBob dependent, I sincerely mean it because that is one show that I feel fairly safe with the kids watching (that and the old Looney Tunes).
I hope as a father he is helping some kind of way and matter of fact…He could write a book and sale his story of his life and that way..He can earn some money for his children on this earth and..Wow he put on massive amount of weight but still a Handsome man..But there is something…He could do and yes children are a blessing and a gift.
Dear Britney you should stop sing for a while and go back to acting and find another medication without side effects if you get pregnant on that medication you will be risking having a retarded child.
Kevin is taking the money and giving it to his other kids and…If you stop singing your income will come down and people out here are always telling me they hate you and so for know take a break and stop putting your music out there for a while.
Federline clearly had a plan to mooch off of Spears — I tried to watch one episode of their “reality” show; and even there it was painfully obvious that she was in love with him and he was just using her. Now I know what he was using her for ($$$$$$).
Haha, don’t forget, Federline has to split “his share” among a bunch of agents and PR and wardrobe and especially her mooching parents, as well (or at least her father; not sure if her mother got a part of that too).
I think that Spears is no angel, but her family are using her to death.
I hope she is eventually able to escape them without having to be on stages for the rest of her life or until she “opts out.” I think she is at high risk of suicide.
The only relationship she’s ever had with her family is of getting used by them; and now she’s of legal age she can’t even escape.
She couldn’t stand the paparazzi being up her @$$ all the time, and she probably could have lived an anonymous life if she left California for another state or Europe or somewhere, but couldn’t leave if she wanted to see her kids (only Halle Berry gets to leave the state and force her kids to come with her)