tmzbrandon1cut.jpgGood luck to the Bahamian Atlantis Paradise Resort that is suing Brandon Davis for bouncing checks in the casino there in January. There’s little chance of them collecting the $75,000 he owes them, according to a friend of Brandon’s. Remember, a few years back Brandon was sued by the Hard Rock Hotel for $250,000 in unpaid gambling debts and he weaseled out of THAT by claiming he was underage. Since wealthy grandpa Marvin Davis died, the family has fallen on hard times and will no longer bail out errant grandchildren. Besides having credit card problems, Brandon moved in with Paris Hilton and he has no car. Those high roller days seem far behind him.

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    I hear he can suck the chrome off a bumper.

  2. Is that do f#ck all slob for real?
    Get him pickin up trash on the freeway ditches.

  3. if this guy lost some weight he could be the best looking guy in hollywood. but he is getting portly. look up some of his pictures.

  4. Don’t hate on him…hate on the parents who raised him to be the way he is…

  5. Don’t hate on him…hate on the parents who raised him to be the way he is…

  6. well, at least he can rely on his fantastically charming and sweet social skills

  7. OMG ! What a fucking loser !!
    But I have to agree with other posters * blame this loser’s parents who spoiled him rotten !
    There are waaay too many spoiled brats like Brandon out there today 🙁
    These P.O.S have no work ethic and absolutely no sense of responsiblity .
    America needs a military draft . These losers are only going to end up in jail anyways .

  8. well, at least he can rely on his fantastically charming and sweet social skills

  9. He’s not that bad! At least he will still do me, he’s not afraid of my herpes.

  10. It’s bullshit to blame his parents. He’s an adult, for chrissakes! As such, he’s old enough to be blamed for his own numerous shortcomings — NOT his parents! All the money in the world can’t make this guy a class act. It reminds me of Dorothy Parker’s great zinger: “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think.” Snap!

  11. ^^
    Exactly. He’s not a little kid.
    Can you imagine if no one took responsibly for their behavior
    and blamed it on their parents?

  12. What an ugly fat slob. Thanks for making anorexia an easy choice. I don’t think I’ll eat again. Until lunch.

  13. I was wondering what happened to Jimminy Glick, and suddenly there he is again, lying on the…..what?……It isn’t Jimminy…..It’s not Martin Short in a fat-suit….It’s an actual rich tub-of-lard?…..Oh, he’s a friend of Paris Skankton.
    ‘Nuff said.

  14. Is he gay? Those eyebrows sure are perfect for a man. Somebody tell me if he is gay.

  15. Between Brandon and Cisco Adler, Mischa must be on drugs. WTF

  16. The family has “fallen on hard times” when that lazy, greasy ball of fat ONLY has 75,000 to 250,000 bucks to gamble the night away with. Hard working people with BRAINS AND REAL JOBS don’t have that much for a house these days. What’s wrong with this picture????

  17. Does everyone know that Greasy Bear’s last name isnt even really Davis? Nope, his pops let mama Nancy Davis keep her last name and pass it on to the kids. Look at this asshole, absolutely disgusting. Come to think of it, I dont think he has any redeeming qualities….and he is ugly and rude on top of it. Perfect for Parisite, she is a no talent racist bag o’ herpes. Enjoy!

  18. OINK! Get a job. Do something useful. Quit living off other people!

  19. His Grand-mammy sold her party dresses to pay his Hard Rock bill.
    “You’re poor Brandon, you’re poor!”

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