Brad Pitt has long been obsessed with architecture and design, and he jumped at the chance to create his own line of modern furniture. Brad commissioned high-end furniture maker Frank Pollaro to make some things for his own home and they struck up a friendship. Frank saw Brad’s collection or sketches and suggested he create his own collection. Together they built around a dozen of Brad’s pieces to show in conjunction with Frank’s Art deco inspired furnishings on November 13 in New York. The prices will be high, but Brad points out that the designs might be recreated in more affordable materials in the future. Here’s a fun fact: Brad had an artisan working in his LA garage for many months creating a special had carved marble tub for his then wife Jennifer Aniston.
In the photo above, Brad and Frank brainstorm in the wine cellar of Brad’s home in France. Below are photos of the bed and marble bathtub for two that Brad designed.)
Photos via: Architectural Digest
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he’s better actor than designer
Look at that picture of him! He really looks like he lives at the bottom of a dumpster now
That bathtub looks like what I can only call a “butt snow angel”.
I really don’t think New York or Jersey at the time being are interested in overpriced toys. My heart & prayers go out to all the victims affected by that super storm.
Denise, you must really have a BIG butt
Just kidding girl 😉
the word is out: HE CAN’T DESIGN NOR ACT!!
Denise, you said it best about the tub.
The bed has great design.
He strikes me as a pretentious bore
Weirdozzz… -_-
I agree with Colin!
Perhaps there’s a song about Strom the magic bigot?
It aint that big Manny!
Brad hasn’t seen a shower or bathub in a few days. Just ask those who work with him. Also, I’ve read Angelina lacks somewhat in the hygiene department. unbelievable that you would neglect cleanliness…..too many kids maybe to take care of yourself, or just plain lazy?