We didn’t realize that there WAS such a thing as red toilet paper until we read Beyonce’s list of backstage necessities while she’s on her Mrs Carter Tour. Besides the freshly painted dressing rooms and new toilet seats and healthy snacks and gourmet water, she wants all the backstage crew to wear only 100% cotton clothing because she has “allergies.” (?) If the red toilet paper aroused your curiosity – you can pick up some for yourself HERE for only $3 – $5 a roll and feel like Beyonce in the bathroom.
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First thing I thought of was the red toilet paper leaving red on the wiped area? Too funny.
this is the signal: SHE IS ASHAMED TO BE PART OF THE BLACK SOCIETY, folks.
the best thing she could do is end her marriage with mister Nose Bone himsel: jay-z!!
dear abe, grow a brain, any ole part will do, hypothalamus, neo-cortex, anything,
then jump, dumbass,
btw. you sound suspiciously like that drooler Strom
Abe Strom xyz… Whatever the wacko is calling himself today; GET HELP! YOU ARE ILL!
The issue ISN’T her skin color, but, that she is not talented and part of the 1% ruling elite. People are starving to death, living on the streets, etc and real criminals like this are so delusional and spoiled their main concern is their toilet paper color?! What a sick perverted unfair world.
Further proof she’s a moron, dyes are horrible for your butthole. But I agree this woman does not want to be BLACK, she has clearly bleached her skin and she insists on wearing her blonde wigs at all time, multiple nose jobs and she named her baby blue ivy instead of aquaneeshanessey
She is a fake white wannabe! I’de like to rip that fake hair off her head!
Okay, healthy snacks & fancy water: fine. Red toilet paper? A little odd, definitely superficial (just ask for a soft brand, if that’s important to you). The new toilet seat: I guess, if you are one of those germaphobes, but repainting? Dictating everyone else’s wardrobe? I don’t see her limiting herself to 100% cotton. These last two things are selfish and onerous. I’m in the public service; I make good money, but I collect furniture from the bins and lawn sales. The walls are visibly caked in old food and grime. The rugs are cleaned annually, although 1,000 people tread them everyday. Guess what business I’m in. We cannot afford to maintain the work environments of people who are important in our world, we do not invest in the protection of the vulnerable, but an okay singer who dances badly and photographs well can have whatever she wants without any regard to how much it costs (in terms of money and inconvenience) people who have no power to say no.
To hell with her butt! How about the fact that toilet paper full of red dye #3 is absolutely horrendous for the environment! And these idiots are turning out not just that, but also paper towels in purple, red and lime green. It’s despicable.
I’m surprised her ghetto ass didnt order the Louis Vuitton toilet paper.
MissEva you are 100% correct. She worries about 100% cotton but not dye? What an idiot!
her new nose job looks really bad. When she sings , it looks long a skinny.
This goes to show that she is buying into her own press. She simply is not that good. But as long as she keeps on snubbing Kimmode KrapTrashian I will not speak ill of her. The day she caves in to Kanyeeee and acts all cool to tramp Kraptrashian I will no longer hold myself to that standard.
I don’t believe half of what is allegedly in contracts for artists. Red toilet paper? Seriously, who cares what color it is?
Poor sewer and water systems…
I agree with a new toilet seat, healthy foods and snacks, not too sure about the polyester “allergy”-especially if you are not actually wearing it but really, red toilet paper? That can’t be good for the nether regions.
WHAT a pretensious bitch. I am amazed that she even deigns to shit and piss herself; you mean she doesn’t have some flunky to do it for her?
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