Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

We never would have guessed that this is Ben Affleck in costume for his 1970’s thriller “Argo” on location in Hollywood. The hair and the beard threw us off. Ben is also directing this story of a CIA specialist who hatches a plan to create a fake Hollywood production in order to to rescue 6 Americans from Iran during the hostage crisis. Today they filmed at the architectural landmark Crossroads of the World.

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  1. The fact that he married the starfuc*er Jennifer Garner, the most boring Woman on the planet speaks volumes.

  2. Hey pippa, that karma has come back to bite both Afflack and Garner in the ass. He is a cheat, she is a nag. She cheated on all her men till Ben. Now, she’s a drab shrew of a housewife while Ben whore-hops and wears excellent hair plugs in real life.

    He was gonna leave her but she did what all dumb chicks did- got off birth control for rugrat number 3!

    Ben in this costume and make up look like my sister’s husband in the 1970s! Except my BIL was a sandy blond.

    Mind blowing.

  4. @Palermo – LOL!!! I thought the same thing but can add drug dealer & sleazy director to his look.

  5. Hopefully he checked for STD’s after pounding J Lo. Especially if he went for her back door which was worked on so often by BLACK Puffy Combs.

  6. By Mel Zipski —-“She is a nag”

    “hewas gonna leave her but she did what all dumb chicks did- got off birth control for rugrat number 3!”


  7. I also thought is was Keanu—and I’m not really convinced it isn’t LOL.

    And Ben’s toupee/plugs wrangler, whomever that may be, is an ARTIST. 🙂

  8. He must be really far away from home if he’s smiling that broadly. That item at blind gossip turned out to be true afterall.

  9. That is Ben allright, with looks like a full head of fake hair. And, J. Garner IS a nag and how I know this is I heard Ben say she has built a poker game room in their mansion, hoping to keep him there while he plays poker w/ his buddies to his heart’s content. I think tho that she has wasted her money, because, honey, he ain’t likely to change his cheatin’ and gamblin’ ways.

  10. Casonia Logenberry..Hells kitchen Elisa is a major pain in the Butt and hope her ass is kicked off the show soon..Because I want to be the first black woman to win on the show and..How could Tennile be any one role model she was kicked off the show for me says:

    Ben is looking wonderful and handsome as ever and really attractive and very sexy and…Good luck with directing yourself and the long hair on you looks fantastic and fatherhood agrees with you so much and very happy for you and your Beautiful wife and lovely children. Take care and have a wonderful day.

  11. That saying that “he who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a lawyer” comes to mind when I hear that he’s directing himself…yuck! He’s creepy enough without being in that outfit and wig.

  12. Hopefully he checked for STD’s after pounding J Lo. Especially if he went for her back door which was worked on so often by BLACK Puffy Combs.

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