Annette Bening (“The Kids Are All Right”) has been a major achiever in Hollywood. Besides getting four Oscar nominations, she married and tamed the incredibly elusive and flirtatious Warren Beatty. Nineteen years and four kids later, it appears that she has NOT had any plastic surgery. Hard to believe, but this was verified by a plastic surgeon who examined numerous photographs of Annette. Cosmetic surgeon Dr Hannah Vu declared that Annette, 52, shows normal signs of ageing and “looks completely and utterly natural.” Maybe that’s why Annette is still in demand for movies – she starts filming “The Third Act” this month.

About The Author


  1. Annette is a professional, very much in the league of Meryl Streep. She make her films and goes home. She is Not a publicity seeker, and appears to enjoy a quiet life at home with Warren and their brood of 4. She make few films, but the ones that she make usually receive good reviews. When she has been nominated for films, she keeps a low profile,show up for the awards and parties. She was so good in Bugsy with Warren,the film that they met and fell in love . She has a good resume of films, but I thought that she was especially good in Bugsy!!

    ………… single without kids!!

    (for at least fourty years)

  3. LOVE AB !! Mrs. Harris with Sir Ben is one of my all time favorite movies of hers…..SO good.
    “That’s me… a shiksa with a crap career.
    My own father never missed an opportunity to warn me of the dangers of a career in education.Thank you for reminding me of him.
    I feel I know you so well already, Mrs. Tarnower.”

  4. Gerard, fuck off you asshole. When are you going to GO AWAY?! You NEVER make ANY sense at all!

  5. @the American, no dear, that’s what we all think.

    Good for Annette who probably knows that plastic surgery will only make her look strange.

  6. Reta, who the heck is Gerard?

    It is nice to see a celebrity that doesn’t take themselves too seriously!!

  7. I adore Annette Bening with all my heart — and UNDERSTAND she was ROBBED of her very well deserved Oscar. Her body of work is impressive. And she appears to have a lot of class and integrity in her personal life. (So very rare in Hollyweird.)

  8. It’ll be okay little Reta. Don’t worry. Come sit beside me and my disfunctional bunch. We’ll order mimosas by the pitcher. Then we’ll sit on the veranda, gossip and drunkenly point at people…….just like we use to do after church services in south.

  9. JC should monitor the posters a little more closely and ban the nut cases who wage the personal attacks on others.

  10. I agree with Strom!!! (sorry for the previous misspelling of your name)

  11. She has a ‘motherly’ look about her and does not seem to be the type Warren would settle down with. Hope he got tested for multiple diseases/germs/bacteria/viruses/STD which are probably still lurking in his cells, being as he was one of the biggest (if not biggest) skirt chasers in all of GollyWeird.

    Annie does have a perfect nose, her best feature, imho.

  12. Muffin, Gerard Vandenberg is the true name of the above poster who NOW goes by “The American”; who previously went by “wim”; who previously went by “Captain America”; who ISN’T American in any way shape or form, and originally, way back when went by his true name Gerard Vandenburg but changed it when the others got so sick to death of him. Now he regularly changes it and pretends to be somebody else, but because he so STOOPUD and so easily seen as his true self I catch onto him right away as did SebastianCanada as does Patrick. He’s a racist, homphobic asshole and I’m just sick to death of Janet letting him and strom ruin this site with their gutter garbage.

  13. Walt, so you think Janet should monitor the “nutcases” that make personal attacks, but not the “nutcases” that make racist and homphobic disgusting rants? Nice one Walt. OH, and by the way, I have probably had more “personal attacks” against me on this site that any other poster, yet I always defend against these creeps who are so nasty and dangerous against the public in general.
    I ask you personally, would you rather have me, or strom and Gerard? And why?

  14. By Reta
    On April 7, 2011 at

    Walt, so you think Janet should monitor the “nutcases” that make personal attacks, but not the “nutcases”

    that make racist and homphobic disgusting rants? Nice one Walt.



    I indicated in my comment that I agreed with Strom in that we shouldn’t tolerate personal attacks and there is a need to
    monitor. The End. Your reply stunned me. YOU tried to put words in my mouth by writing, “but not the nutcases that make
    racist and homophobic disgusting rants. Nice one Walt.”

    Reta, why on God’s green earth would you think that I would possible approved of racist comments? I have never supported
    this and if you read my comments you would see this quite clearly. Why would you write such a thing?

    I haven’t figured out if some of the people on the forum are planted in order to promote dialogue or if they are on the forum as trolls.

    Janet shouldn’t tolerate abusive language, ageism, racism, bullying, homophobia, sexual or obscene messages or personal attacks on her website. When
    these types of incidents occur, the person should be either banned or suspended for specified length of time.

    We should all respect the views and beliefs of other people. Janet shouldn’t tolerate aggressive or disrespectful dialogue.
    If someone has offended you in anyway you should report them immediately to Janet and do not engage in any diaglogue with that person.

    It is because we have both similar and diverse attitudes that I enjoy coming to to Janet Charlton’s website. As long as we act like

    big boys and girls, things should work fine. However, I do see the need for rules and regulations on this particular website.

    Walt Cliff, April 7, 2011

  15. By Reta
    On April 7, 2011 at

    Walt, so you think Janet should monitor the “nutcases” that make personal attacks, but not the “nutcases” that make racist and homphobic disgusting rants? Nice one Walt.



    I indicated in my comment that I agreed with Strom in that we shouldn’t tolerate personal attacks and there is a need to monitor. The End. Your reply stunned me. YOU tried to put words in my mouth by writing, “but not the nutcases that make racist and homophobic disgusting rants. Nice one Walt.”

    Reta, why on God’s green earth would you think that I would possible approved of racist comments? I have never supported
    this and if you read my comments you would see this quite clearly. Why would you write such a thing?

    I haven’t figured out if some of the people on the forum are planted in order to promote dialogue or if they are on the forum as trolls.

    Janet shouldn’t tolerate abusive language, ageism, racism, bullying, homophobia, sexual or obscene messages or personal attacks on her website. When these types of incidents occur, the person should be either banned or suspended for specified length of time.

    We should all respect the views and beliefs of other people. Janet shouldn’t tolerate aggressive or disrespectful dialogue. If someone has offended you in anyway you should report them immediately to Janet and do not engage in any diaglogue with that person.

    It is because we have both similar and diverse attitudes that I enjoy coming to to Janet Charlton’s website. As long as we act like big boys and girls, things should work fine. However, I do see the need for rules and regulations on this particular website.

    Walt Cliff, April 7, 2011

  16. Most of us have not used the F word or N word on this site or called other posters names like asshole or waged any personal attacks. Some posters believe the site is about them but it is not. It is only a means to put $$$$$ in JC’s pocket and that is the American way!

  17. You guys are bunch of morons. Why don’t you form your own psycho club and buzz of this site. Nobody wants to talk to you or about you and your next cuckoo trip.

  18. so strom, you say you haven’t used those particular words but you and Gerard are THE most offensive “people” on here and always hAVE been. YOU strom are always going on about all the black c**k the Kardashians have had, etc etc etc ad nauseam, and Gerard is a gay basher of the utmost horror. Between the two of you you’ve pretty much got the sicko gene swallowed.

    Walt, my remark to you referred to the point that you tolerate and support these two idiots while apparently calling for Janet to “montitor” ME for objecting to these sleezes. Get it NOW? I like you, you seem like a fair and honest person, just trying to open your eyes a bit. I’m always BAFFLED by the tolerance of this site and it’s readers to these two colossal ASSHOLES and yes, I WILL cuss because I am so beyond frustrated by these two being allowed to spew their hate non-stop for as long as they have. That others object to them seems to make to difference. I would LOVE to come here and just comment on gossip such as some are calling for but get sucked into these racial and homophobic steotypical bullshit rants.

  19. It’s the same person, Reta.
    Pippa, Gemma and Sebastion too.
    There are others.
    A first class troll.
    Hats off asshole.

  20. He is Sunseeds.
    He was Sebastion. He is The American. He is Gerard. He is Pippa and Gemma, Wim and a host of others.
    The guy is an internet, sociopath.
    A very entertaining and hardworking troll who plays both sides of the moralistic fence.
    A pro, troll.
    You should have a sore neck Reta for how many times he’s jerked your chain.
    All of you.

  21. annette came out the box in the 80s with a radical, crooked nosejob!

  22. Per Reta “Walt, my remark to you referred to the point that you tolerate and support these two idiots while apparently calling for Janet to “montitor” ME for objecting to these sleezes. Get it NOW?”

    Reta honey you are full shit. I wasn’t aware that Strom was talking about you. I thought he was “generalizing” it and/or someone had hurt someone else’s feeling. For Strom to make that kind of statement, I figured it had to bad. lol I don’t agree with a lot of what Strom says. Free speech. I respect his right to say it. He doesn’t go on and on and on. (like you and I do …. lol).

    If something is out of hand on the comment section and trolls come on the site and create problems then by all means, Janet should be told about it and they should be banned.

    With that said, I enjoy reading what you write or Muffin, Indy, Denise…etc. I like seeing different opinions. I don’t care if you cuss, scream or throw a tantrum. That’s your choice. I don’t give a rat’s ass. Just as I know you don’t care if I do either.

    Whatever it was that you thought was WRONG. I can’t make it any clearer than that. If you don’t get it, then bite me. Otherwise, lets please move on. : )

  23. Most of us have not used the F word or N word on this site or called other posters names like asshole or waged any personal attacks. Some posters believe the site is about them but it is not. It is only a means to put $$$$$ in JC’s pocket and that is the American way!

  24. I believe that Annette is a smart,attrctive, and confident wife/mother/entertainer who continues
    to live her life quietly with her family and is able to ignore the chaos that others invite into their lives!!

  25. This is not even a story.
    But you people who love to add your two cents worth made it one. How silly.

  26. True and the last post was the silliest of all!

    It is all about putting $$$ in JC’s pocket.

  27. She is totally not caring what idiot, loser husband thinks about her looks, and eclipses him by staying the entertainment industry’s darling liberal female star, like Meryl Streep, and that is all that matters in the end, and is a rotten actress anyway.

  28. ^^^LOL—Not sure what I’ve stepped in to here, given all comments above…

    but I just wanted to concur with Leo (very first post) about “Bugsy.” What an INCREDIBLE movie!

    Beautifully shot; well-written and exceptionally well-acted. Both Warren and Annette embody the words “Movie Star” in that film.

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