Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
It looks like Kanye West’s girlfriend Amber Rose is blindfolded and being led into BOA by her friends for a surprise party. But that’s not the case. Actually she’s wearing trendy visor style sunglasses at night for the coolness factor, but it doesn’t help her eyesight any. Hopefully, she didn’t walk into any walls.
Reminds me of Geordie from StarTrek.
see no EVIL, hear no EVIL?
This gal is worse than Lady Ga Ga. For them it’s not just trying to get attention, it’s that times 500 and be totally classless and tacky.
Thunder thighs and lard-butt would harm anything she tripped on for sure.
Are we really interested in this sweathog?
Funny how nowadays you get famous just for who you screw! This person is NOTHING but a celebrities girlfriend, nothing more. Who gives shit what the bald wierd dressing giant assed chick does? I’m sick to death of looking at her! Knock it off!!!!
Are those are friends from her stripper days?
She was obviously wearing those glasses when she chose her outfit for the evening.