#adamsandler #janetcharlton

Adam Sandler seems pretty down to earth for a guy who has 350 million dollars in the bank. No bodyguards in sight. He saved gas this weekend by riding bicycles with his wife Jackie in Malibu. Adam’s bike towed their two daughters Sadie, 6, and Sunny, 4. His latest movie “That’s My Boy,” in which he plays Andy Samberg’s obnoxious father, opens in June.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. I wouldn’t mind have a contraption like that to tote the great grand kids around the neighborhood. I’d need the hat too because the two little hairs remaining on my shiny head cannot shield me from the sun. 🙂

  2. Why isn’t he wearing a helmet? Too cool for school?

  3. missyco, maybe his head is too big to fit in one. lol

  4. The World is yours if you are a Jew in Hollywood.

  5. He is SO not funny, and sorry to say, he has the ugliest kids of the world.

  6. That’s why people love him. God knows it isn’t because he’s a good comedic acto or a handsome man. Another humble, loaded bazillionaire!!

  7. did you visit his bank to watch his bank accounts?

  8. I don’t think his movies are funny either, but I must be in the minority because he still seems so popular.

  9. He is box office poison, his movies suck, but like a typical Jew he sucks at least two paychecks from each of his movies and everyone else takes a dive. Greed at its finest.

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