We keep hearing (and seeing!) about Paris Hilton‘s smoking habits, such as the time last year when… Paris got into hot water at Koi when a friend at her table lit up a funny smelling cigarette and started puffing. The restaurant manager caught wind of it and made a HUGE scene, screaming at Paris “What kind of people are these? Smoking that is AGAINST THE LAW!” (All heads turned to watch the tongue lashing.) He was particularly outraged because he’s friendly with Paris. The guy kicked everyone at the table OUT and pulled Paris aside for a stern lecture. After he yelled at her, naughty Paris apologized and he allowed her to stay – she sat down with some better behaved friends.

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3 thoughts on “Paris, In Smoke Again

  1. Why give this woman any more publicity, not a good role model, its a shame America promotes these people, famous for having the name Hilton, they are not even good hotels!!! SHAME!

  2. It’s a shame her parents didn’t do the same when she was a child. Perhaps she wouldn’t be such a laughing stock now!

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