This young heartthrob actor has many female admirers but he pays a high price for his good looks. He works out maniacally in the gym but can’t control his eating. He LOVES to eat in burger joints and in the fanciest restaurants so he’s cultivated a bad case of bulemia. But of course there are drawbacks. It’s destructive to his teeth and his breath isn’t exactly kissing sweet and his current relationship is suffering. But his body looks fantastic.
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The kid from high school musical….Zac Efron
Matthew McConaughey!!!
Oh Zac don’t tell me you’re having a love affair with mia!
Zac Efron.
McBongo doesn’t work out at gyms, he exercises outdoors.
Bennifer (Affleck-Garner)?
oops, sorry, wrong mystery answer above.
i don’t think it is zac
Shia ?
i don’t think is Shia, because he’s not in a relationship. Zac is a very good contender BUT, the word “LOVES” is a clue of some sort. As if the hearthrob has worked in a recent movie with the word Love. I think it’s Orlando Bloom because he just recently made a movie called, NY I “LOVE” YOU.
Joe Jonas? He has been seen leaving the gym in recent pics. The Jonas Brothers new single is “Lovebug”
Uhh… Justin Timberlake? He was in the McDonald’s ads lovin’ it. Just thought about the LOVES burger joints -part.
Justin isn’t an actor per se……neither are the Jonas Brothers – or are they? What about Mario Lopez
Mario Lopez doesn’t have relationships, he’s into flings. Shia doesn’t really have a body guys would envy and I wouldn’t call him a heartthrob. Justin isn’t an actor and he looks scrawny, does he even know what a gym is? I don’t think it’s Orlando considering he has said he hates gyms and working out.
This screams pretty boy Zac who has teen girls swooning. The boy’s body is ripped and his girlfriend is Vanessa Hudgens.
Janet is fooling you all, this is really about Texas Nit-wit Hillary Duff, the speed using, food barfing, battered girlfriend Hillary Duff.
I thought Mario Lopezbut I thinl definatley Zac Efron
thekid from harry potter
Matthew McConaughey hey! hey!
I’m going with Matthew MiceeDee. He probably inhales too much weed, gets the munchies and eats away. Besides isn’t he good friends with Hemp Boy?
Zac Efron…this has been said before…also Janet gives the clue “high” price for fame…”high” school musical. Janet this has been up for awhile got anymore?
what do you think of james macavoy. he’s fit, but not so nice in the teeth department