At last the truth comes out. An acquaintance of Reese and Jake acknowledges that they were very smitten with each other for quite awhile and seemed perfectly matched. Unfortunately, Jake had a habit that Reese could not live with, and he wouldn’t give it up. He smoked way too much. And we’re not talking nicotine here. Not only did it rub Reese the wrong way, but she worried about her children being exposed to his bad habits. So, regretfully, she moved on. Note: those of you who insist that Jake is gay are NUTS.

About The Author


  1. lies just like this is exactly why i quit reading this site over a year ago.

  2. I find it interesting that on the one hand Janet called those who insist Jake is gay “NUTS”, but on the other hand, she stopped short of denying that he’s actually gay.

  3. Oops and sorry, I just noticed Janet made the denial a headline banner. No wonder this story is popping up all over the web as commenter ‘PO’d if I was Jake’ noted.

  4. Please this is such a bs story. Whatever Jake’s sexuality, enough with him and Reese already. Now you want to blame the breakup on his pot smoking. Give me a break, Janet. Jake seems like a good guy, leave him alone.

  5. Why are you beating this dead horse? Who cares why they broke up? And since when is it unusual for someone in H’wood to smoke pot. “All the time”? He looked straight as an arrow whenever he was photographed. That’s part of all the time. Reese has admitted that she often has a little too much liquid cheer, so that’s not a bad example for the kids because middle class people do it? I’d love to know what the agenda for this post is.

  6. Hey Miss Janet! I’ve seen this story ALL OVER the other gossip sites today…i’m glad to see other sites read you and are picking up this story, although I have to admit – no one believes it. But that’s what gossip is all about!

  7. They broke up because she didn’t want to have any more children. She is DONE. She has her two, one of each, but he wants his own children, and she is not willing. That’s the real reason they broke up.

  8. Maybe it is not just TMZ that is reporting things like this tongue-in-cheek.

  9. Senior Citizens watch The Price is Right, and Wheel of Fortune. They don’t bother with gossip sites.

  10. At the end of the day, I hope Jake can find someone prettier than he is to date, be it male or female. lol

  11. Sorry to lower to tone of this thread, but I just noticed that there are 66 comments. Can’t wait til it gets to 69.

  12. Talk about gay and racial comments it fills up fast. Wow!

  13. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY is so much time spent on this site bickering about ANYONE’S sexuality? It doesn’t matter in the LEAST bit or affect anything important in YOUR lives, does it?

    I just think it’s so wierd that there are so many people going on and on about this guy Jake, who dates so many hot chicks, and long term as well, when none of you mind at all the Keanu has never seemed to have had a long term girlfriend (that I have heard of anyway) or been engaged or married. Yet you guys don’t rave about HIM being gay, so what’s UP? Exactly what IS IT that makes you people so SURE that Jake (or anyone else for that matter) is gay? Where are the PICTURES, the personal confessions, the ex-boyfriends coming forward? N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!! And yet you people rave on as tho you live with him and are a daily eye witness to this guy’s life! GAWD, get a GRIP why don’t you?!!!!

  14. And Reta, you are the sexual-preference-equivalent of the people who say the earth is flat.

    Coming out is a huge issue. Hear of a disease called AIDS? Gay bashing? The Down-low?

    If some of the most privileged people in our society cannot feel safe coming out, what does that say?

  15. This thread is hilarious lol I would agree with the person who said that Reese just doesn’t want anymore kids ..makes the most sense

  16. The more I read Janet’s column, the more I realize I could do her job. I’ve seen her make too many mistakes over the years, and she never really seems to have any real gossip. It’s either stories like this which are clearly PR lies (and people more in the know are quick to put the kabosh on) or she shows a photo of someone and gives her impression or opinion of what she thinks she sees in the photo. At least the political commentary has stopped.

  17. Reta, you’re contributing to what you complain about, but as usual, the biggest mouths are the biggest offenders too. The comments associated with these columns would be so much more pleasant to read if you’d realize that your opinion is just that – your opinion, not a loud speaker announcement, and certainly nowhere near as important as you seem to think it is, thanks!

  18. Maybe – just maybe – prospective dates of gays would like to know if they are straight – or if they are just using them for a cover. You wouldn’t want to date a guy dressed in drag, right. And some of those guys in drag are prettier than real dames. (la cage au follies.) And as we all know some gay guys are handsome and manly looking.

  19. I for one have never thought of Jake as being gay. Being in gay movie does taint you abit but that’s acting and I never thought Rose O’Donnell was straight when she had love scene with a man.

  20. Right Indy. Too many people do not want to accept that a certain actor is gay because he is so butch and manly, or has a more ugly-sexy quality. They have a stereotype in their heads of gay men as being pretty twinks or queens with high-pitched voices and lisps. And then they turn around and call other people homophobic (Reta?)

    Anyway, remember Rock Hudson!

  21. Jake Gyllenhaal is gay.

    Reese Witherspoon is dull PR wh*** who used closeted gay man to get press after her husband dumped her for Abbie Cornish.

    Their “relationship” was a showmance.

  22. In any case, Reese needs to marry someone nice and get rid of that stupid last name. Maybe she should marry Mr. Piece. Then she would be Reese’s Piece(s). lol

  23. gay people WANT everyone to be GAY! when the gays burn in hades, don’t say i didn’t try to warn THEM!

  24. Reta, I am sorry if I offended you when I asked if other people wondered whether Miles O’Keeffe was gay (And I think O’Keeffe is a better actor than he gets credit for, and a great guy, from what I have heard in interviews or from people who have met him).

    Since your angry post was just after mine, it seems likely that mine set off an issue that bothers you.

    Yes, I am interested in who is gay/het/bi; I am also interested in who is in a relationship with whom, who screwed over whom, who did something nice, who dyes their hair or has weaves or got plastic surgery, or a million other things.

    There seems to be a popular misconception that if someone wonders if someone is gay, that they are insulting them or trying to bring them down.

    I see nothing wrong with what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedroom (but if they talk about it, I am listening) and I do not think that homosexuality is wrong.

    I like gossip because I like knowing and/or speculating about people — I am interested in the relationships of people in my real life, too.

    For the record, I have always wondered if Keanu Reeves was gay.

    I had always thought Lori Petty might be gay or bi, UNTIL I saw her in a movie that required her to be physical with a woman (I think it was “Relax… It’s Just Sex!”), and then it seemed to me that while she is gay-positive in terms of fighting for equal rights, she is not interested in women, herself. And, again, of course this is all speculation.

    I have always been interested in people’s relationships and in whom they are interested — not limited to just gender, but also what types of relationships different people seem to get into (This is borne out by my comment history). Among the books I like to read are autobiographies (whether famous or not), because I am interested in people’s perspectives and daily life experiences.

    I am not asking about people’s sexuality because I think it’s bad. I am asking because I think it’s interesting.

    I’ll tell you who I do judge: murderers like Phil Spector and child molesters like Woody Allen.

  25. not only is he gay but a bottom one. he was casted as the female one. The director couldnt posibly see him playing a butch gay.

  26. reese is not very atractive.., no lips, short, anoying voice..if you see her with no hair she will look like an alien.

  27. Jake’s sexuality is a mystery yet for we gays who have followed his work, we’d love to work out with him in the gym and work out with him in private. What a bod !!!

  28. There is one truth to accommodate ALL the quotes & gossips:
    He is bisexual.
    He answered No to a, man rudely asking him point blank at a signing, if he’s gay.
    He doesn’t mind being seen as bi.
    He likes tits and ass, to lipton (yes let’s give him a say in his own sexuality, instead of the public court of opinion having all the power.)
    The gossips are about men (mostly anonymous & frequently embellished) & women (credible posting accounts in long time use, not gossip obsessed.)

    Now was that so hard? Why does it have to a b/w issue, as if witch hunting him to the ground of “faking” guilts him to repent through claiming a label imposed on him by public? And for the celebrity argument, there is a personal dimension to sexuality just like a woman with her decision on abortion. It’s a personal choice, an individual’s own body, mind & spirit. The lynching mob is sadly contributing to homophobia while deluding themselves as allies. It’s so much easier to bash celebrities who aren’t rapists, abusive or pedophiles, than actually engaging the homophobia making gays miserable (no, Jake not giving you a public signal to “claim” him “fully” as sexual fantasy object isn’t an excuse.)

  29. The PC crowd who don’t worship gayness now seems to really believe that Bi is the way and the motto will be: “Give Bi a Try”.

    Angelo, little Bob, & the Pied Piper are all in!

  30. The best proof for this homophobic witch hunt is this logic: Out yourself, so we can stop obsessing over your sexuality and start caring about you as an actor.
    Really? That’s the exact opposite of what these equal rights crusades aim for, to be treated without discrimination on the job.
    If an actor has to account for their private life (unless a Cosby, Polanski or Terry Richardson, or a serial cheater inside a marriage contract) before his work can define his identity in public, then you’re working against equality, using the prurient interest in celebrity as excuse to deny a person’s potential on the job (which highlights the homophobia against some actors online: belittling their perceived closet as a reason for their unsuitability, inability to convince in “straight” roles. Yet “straight” actors are praised for “getting in touch with their feminine side”? Cut the bigotry & go after people actively making life difficult for those who are” different”.)

  31. @Strom, And has the anti-PC crowd heard of the idea of blind men feeling up different parts of an elephant?

    But it’s easier to sleep at night thinking you have a complete stranger all figured out, because they are objectified, infantalized, reduced to easy catchphrases for venting your indignation, outrage, disgust, righteous moral superiority huh? What is being compensated here? The 10+ years of gossiping, living inside a hive mind where like minds echo back to each other endlessly, and the frustration of rejecting the Surface yet lacking substantial “proof” with which you can March up to Jake’s agent, lawyer, publicist, producing partner, or just his Facebook and demand him to give you the “closure” you “deserve” from the time & energy spent on this saga?
    Sure, who wouldn’t like such epithet on their tombstone!
    “Guise I outed XYZ, dragged them out with my mighty power! “

  32. @Strom, And has the anti-PC crowd heard of the idea of blind men feeling up different parts of an elephant?

    But it’s easier to sleep at night thinking you have a complete stranger all figured out, because they are objectified, infantalized, reduced to easy catchphrases for venting your indignation, outrage, disgust, righteous moral superiority huh? What is being compensated here? The 10+ years of gossiping, living inside a hive mind where like minds echo back to each other endlessly, and the frustration of rejecting the Surface yet lacking substantial “proof” with which you can March up to Jake’s agent, lawyer, publicist, producing partner, or just his Facebook and demand him to give you the “closure” you “deserve” from the time & energy spent on this saga?
    Sure, who wouldn’t like such epithet on their tombstone!

  33. *epitaph

    Ad Strom, get yourself up to speed with the notion of Bi-erasure. That’s what you are potentially doing. It’s not some inclusive PC bull$hit if someone likes others without regard to gender. Such a novel concept.

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