Suri Cruise was seen walking around New York in a fur coat and heels this week and now she’s got some competition in the growing-up-fast department. Zahara Jolie-Pitt, 6, got hair extensions for Christmas! Zahara seems to love her long braided extensions and she wore them with her family in Las Vegas when they went to see the Michael Jackson musical show there. Extensions can be uncomfortable and cost over a thousand dollars – the question is: can a six year old take care of that expensive hair?
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Awww! This little chicklet is such a gurly girl! When I saw this picture, I thought she wants to try to look just like her Mommy. She is sure the opposite of little Shiloh who seems to be a tomboy and wants to look just like her Daddy.
It is really nice to see Brad & Angie allowing their children to be who they want to be, and not what “others” think they should be!!
Just chatted online with some black friends they all say its wrong and it will ruin her hairline like Naomi Campbell, who is practically bald from weaves tearing her hair out and it was brought to my attention that Kim Trashcan has bald spots on the side of her head from heavy hair extensions. Poor child.
Soon she will be wearing vials of blood around her neck and snogging with her siblings!
They do NOT cost that much! You can get your hair braided for as little as $50! and it will only break off your own hair if it is braided too tight. Nothing wrong with it for a special occasion like Xmas. Most little girls get their hair done for the holidays.
That’s pretty normal, and usually is done in someone’s apartment for much less than $1,000, but it takes many hours. Angelina should just find somebody in the hood to do it cheaper.
Pippa LOL
Who is the FOOL saying thats its cool for little girls to wear fake hair? Psych 101 will tell you it makes them feel as though their authentic self isn’t good enough!
Most little girls DO NOT WEAR FAKE HAIR FOR XMAS!! Stupid broads!!
Saint Angie started the buy-a-black program that has been continued by Madonna and others. Must make them feel better…doesnt do a thing to help the real problems!
Angie u are dumb, not even in the ghetto do u see this mess.
Zahara is such a cutie pie anyway, I don’t see the harm in letting her get the extensions just for the Christmas season. It’s like wearing fake nails for a wedding; just a one-time thing. After that, I do think she’s too young. She has a very far back hairline anyway, and she doesn’t need anything pulling it back further. I’d hate to read about her getting hair plugs around her forehead when she’s 16. LOL!
How do you know this is not her hair?
The trouble with extensions is that you can’t run a comb through your hair. The cost depends on the quality, and the length. ‘Great Lengths’ extensions, are top of the line, and they cost me about $800. It’s well worth it, because they last about 6 months. ( I wear a riding helmet every day, so it’s not worth having my hair styled, so it works out to being a bargain to have full, smooth locks, and not worrying about a hair style when I have ‘helmet hair’ ) The thing is, they hurt for the first few days, and I don’t think that this is something appropriate for a child. Perhaps Angie is one of those moms who give into the guilt, and indulges the child to assuage her uncomfortable feelings. I have never believed that she is a full time parent, and that a phone call is placed to the paparazzi, when ever she will be out and about with the kids.
Ditto what Village said. How do we know it’s not her real hair?
They can’t seem to win with this little girl, all I ever read is criticism about how they don’t know how to care for black hair. I suppose it would have been better for her to remain in the orphanage?
Denise, because hair doesn’t grow that long that fast. She was just shown with very short natural hair in the recent weeks. I too disagree with extensions after reading what it does to the real hair it is tied to and stresses and weighs down. Our hair is designed to hold the weight of it’s OWN length and strand. PERIOD. Ask a specialist who tries to fix the damage done to countless women from this vain, lazy, fake look.
Myself? Having just found out I have cancer I have thought about this and would much rather show my honest bald pate than the numerous fake examples of “hair” now showing in society. I have seen many bald and beautiful women who wear their honesty with dignity and pride. By the way, I currently have waist length brown hair and have had since I was 19. I’m 59 now. If the hair goes it will shake me because I know nothing else. My sons have never even seen me with short hair. But I’d rather be shiny bald and proud than tie fake braids to my head and pretend it is mine. Stupid idea.
I have a 7 year old “girly-girl”, and even though we work really hard to not focus on the superficial, she is fascinated with hair, make-up, jewelry, etc… There is no harm in the occasional “treat”. My daughter loves the occasional trip to get nails painted or when my hair stylist curls her hair. They obviously treat each of their children as individuals. It’s not like you see Shiloh forced into dresses…
Give us a break …please!
You’re an angry elf!
She looks adorable! I also love that Angie and Brad have set up charities for their kids to be a part of in their own countries!!
I am also dying to visit New Orleans ’cause Brad has helped build dozens of new homes there! I love this family 😀
As a African American mother I think the parents need to have the child spend time with other Black youth or at least have a Black nanny who can relate to this child. We would love to live in a “color blind” world but this child needs to be exposed to persons who look like her and understand issues that she will face regradless of how much money her parents have.
Beth, your experience confirms what I think. Angie and Brad gave Zahara the hairstyle as a Christmas gift (and maybe Christmas and birthday). I doubt we’ll be seeing this again for awhile, especially if it is uncomfortable on the head. But Z certainly is a girly girl. I’d love to know where her mom got that coat, too.