Kim Cattrall’s bold character Samantha on Sex & the City was probably the most popular of the four leading women – especially among gays. Maybe that’s why she was resentful toward Sarah Jessica Parker because her Carrie was officially the STAR of the popular show. Personally, we would love to have followed these women into their 50’s and 60’s in a third movie. Everyone loved the script- so why did Kim lead everyone on and then back out at the last minute? Why wouldn’t she go through with the movie to please her costars and pocket the money? How many offers does she GET? Kim called HER COSTARS “toxic.” In reality, Kim was always the toxic one – Sarah happens to be a genuinely decent and kind person. Kim’s decision means a lot of people won’t be working and fans will be disappointed. Actually, we’d be happy to see the movie made without Kim.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Sarah looks like a witch from the 1300’s. I’m sure the producers pulled the plug on this Walmart $1 DVD bin garbage.

  2. well this was clueless moronic article… got to love you desperation..

  3. Absolutely nobody wants to see this movie, the second one was horrendous and Kim was not offered what she wanted, so she walked. It’s that simple. She has enough money, she can afford to say no to something she doesn’t really want to do. They’d better meet all of my demands if I’m going to embarrass myself as an actress with a part three.

  4. This would be worse than the 2nd one. Time to give it up people

  5. Actually, it’s been done: the spoof SATC with Bea Arthur and other Golden Girls from years ago as laugh-outloud funny; it can’t be topped.

    As for Kim, agreed with the above that she was absolutely correct in sticking to her guns, re contract provisions. Her talents have been woefully underused by that series; she’s right to move on and focus her energies elsewhere.

    Case in point: the thriller she did some years ago (I know, I know–with POLANSKI) in which she was RIVETING. Kim played a political operative–and was so good, we didn’t quite recognize her until well into the film.

  6. First movie was fine. The second was awful. Kim is a talented actress with a wide variety of movie and theater roles. Her character had breast cancer on the tv show and could easily be written out of the movie. SJP has floated the concept of a 3rd movie a few times and there was NO interest from the public or from the studio. Give it up Sarah

  7. Kim is over it and that’s that, all these nasty throw Kim under the bus stories are just SJP team trying to blame someone else because the studio won’t do it without the whole cast, it’s not Kim’s repsonsibility to provide work for film crews. CDan has a whole different take on the story the SJP team are trying to sell.

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