
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Lane Garrison is still trying to do all the right things. First of all, he admitted his guilt. While he was in prison for the drunk driving accident that killed a teenage boy and injured two teen girls, he studied and was a model prisoner. We hear that recently he arranged to have separate private meetings with the families of his victims and he apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness. Lane will be on probation for four more years and we can’t help thinking he’s more sincere than Michael Vick. But will Hollywood give the “Prison Break” actor another chance?

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  1. “We hear that recently he arranged to have separate private meetings with the families of his victims and he apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness.”

    You have to be able to forgive yourself. Nobody else can do that for you.

  2. NO, ofcourse not!!

  3. Who would possibly hire this bum again in any acting capacity. Instead of 4 years probation, it should be 4 more years in the slammer. THEN, 4 years of making speeches to schools, etc., about the evils of drinking and driving. Then, any money he makes from anything he should pay to families of those he killed.

  4. He is not solely responsible. Those teens got in the car with him, like idiots.

    I think he should get another chance, as long as he continues to be remorseful, do community service, etc. Punishing him forever benefits NO ONE.

  5. janet I have been following your career since you were a guest gossip reporter on the joan rivers show. anyway, you are really getting out of pocket lately. you almost seem a bit racist. this guy killed a young guy and didnt seem at all remorseful to me yet you defend him and have no companssion for michael vick.

  6. Ugh: Janet’s comment was in no way, “racist”. Get off your high horse. It is people like you that keep racism alive.

    Now in regards to Lane, I think he is genuine. He made a big mistake and took responsibility for it and is trying to make amends. Give the guy a break.

  7. I don’t support drunk drivers. He should STILL be in jail, he got out WAAAAAAAY too early. He should never be allowed to drive again, or DRINK again. What a fool, KILLER!!!

  8. Hey UGH.

    Not to crush your LAME racist BS excuse but Mike Vick’s skin color did not intentionally MAIM & TORTURE inncoent, DEFENSELESS dogs. MIKE VICK the heartless PERSON did. No sympathy here for a spoiled, CRUEL sportsstar who had everything and yet felt he was above the law. Let’s see YOU get chained up with 1.5 inch thick chains around your neck for days at a time and then get FORCED to fight vicious mistreated pitbulls to your death or get mauled and loose your eyesight or get shocked,kicked or beaten because you didn’t fight hard enough to please your sadist football star master and THEN tell everyone what a “great guy” he is. You have your priorities wrong.



  10. Where was Vick’s compassion when homeless dogs had their teeth filed down so they could not even defend themsleves as they were tied to trees & used as practice BAIT & TORN to shreds by pittbulls in training?!

  11. and UGH is dumb enough to think this is about race. unbelieveable.

  12. We hear that recently he arranged to have separate private meetings with the families of his victims and he apologized profusely and begged for forgiveness.”
    He is trying to do the right thing..
    I wish him luck with his fresh start.

  13. Hey Anon.

    What I DO get is that YOU TOO condone animal mistreatment and cruelty. Vick has absolutely no excuse for his long time involvement in harboring fear and terror onto defenseless animals. You should be ashamed of yourself for putting something as shallow as football in front of humane treatment of living beings.

  14. oh and BTW excusing someone’s deplorable behavior because of their race. It’s 2009 – and about time you start hero-worshipping people WORTHY of that title. Vick is no hero. Just an overpaid athelete who used aniimals at any cost to make a few extra bucks that he didn’t even need. Why? Because the guy had NO CLASS – not unlike yourself. Good thing he didn’t harm children too because apparently you would have condoned that too.

  15. Janet, I am attempting to understand how you are so sure that Lane is sincere but Michael is not.

  16. That’s an easy one PR. Vick deliberately participated and ran a dog fighting cell. He’s only sorry he got caught and “sorry” the ramifications of that lead to his loss of money, status and a career. This kid made a bad decision one night and is genuinely remorseful. Vicks issue went on for years on purpose.

  17. Thank you, ObamaDrama and others. I can never understand how people can come in and feel that people like Michael Vick, who deliberately torture animals, are in some way “victims.” Vick was not a victim, the dogs were. No one did anything to him, he did things to the dogs. Furthermore, I don’t think anyone could tolerate doing that “just” for the money; I don’t think that anyone could do what he did unless they were sadistic and enjoyed it. Some people look upon it with the viewpoint that “it’s just animals,” but in point of fact the vast majority of murderers start out on animals, so even if you have no compassion for other living creatures, you should watch out around people who torture animals.

  18. Not only that, but there are gang members who are too chicken to get aggravated assault charges for carrying legally-defined weapons such as guns and knives, and instead train dogs to kill on command so that they can threaten people while feeling that they can’t be held accountable for it. See DMX’s autobiography, if you don’t believe me.
    In California, there have been cases of workers who were just reading the electrical meters each month, but have been mauled by dogs because the dogs’ owners didn’t want to pay their electric bills. Some of them all but owned up to it; I don’t remember the exact quote but it was along the lines of, “well they shouldn’t have been on the property then.” How would you like to be doing your job and get mauled because some lazy ass doesn’t want to pay for what they take?

  19. Getting back on topic, I am not familiar with Lane Garrison or his work, but if the facts as reported are true, then at least he is trying to do the right thing.

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