Interesting how Ryan Seacrest and Julianne Hough just announced that they have gone their separate ways so soon (one day) after she claimed she was robbed of $100,000 worth of jewelry he gave her. The valuables were stolen from her car while she was visiting “a friend” at an apartment complex and she’s not sure if she locked the car door. (No sign of forced entry?) There’s more to this than meets the eye. Why would anyone in their right mind drive around with valuable jewelry (possibly visible) in their car and FORGET to lock it? Certainly Ryan must be insulted by her casual attitude toward his gifts. Or maybe he wasn’t happy about whomever Julianne was “visiting.” There are many possibilities and they are all unsavory. We’d love to know what’s been going on between these two.

About The Author


  1. Sounds juicy!!

    she is so fake anyway. Ryan could have a better beard.

  2. She is likely a druggie and the “heist” used for drug money.

  3. He is gay and this is a publicity stunt as her bearding contract is up. How much do you get Janet to publish this propaganda?

  4. The stolen jewelry story is very strange. There’s got to be more behind the story. Didn’t know they broke up the next day. I’d love to hear the real story.

  5. He knew he was dumping her and “recovered” the jewels. I’m sure he will be looking for another girl to convince us he’s straight

  6. This was a for-show relationship to begin with. They each get what’s coming to them when they live deceptively. There!

  7. Beachy, I think you’re right.

    I believe this was a manufactured relationship and I think the the story the prior day was a ruse on her part, that only Ryan would understand and I believe that that story made Ryan and his people come out and alert the press their relationship was done. The filthy little opportunistic ho was given her pink slip, and Ryan is on the search for his new beard.

    I knew they were done when her movie career tanked, because that’s all she wanted anyway. Ryan is a fool going after such a young girl, he should get a beard closer to his own age. I doesnt matter that he spent millions of dollars trying to turn her in to the new jennifer aniston, nothing about this chick comes off genuine like JAnistison makes you believe she is.

  8. i guess they were going to break and she wanted to keep the jewelery

  9. Well,maybe they broke up and he asked for jewelry gifts back(maybe it was nasty split)and she didn’t want to give them back,so she invented this story about the theft.Anyway,I think she was his beard and her contract was up,so they convenietly “split”.

  10. Those are two of the most beautifully groomed people on the face of the earth.
    That would be her car was burgled, not robbed, unless she was in the car when it happened.

  11. Good comments here & agree with Palermo. The creep probably repossessed what he considered was his jewelry. Of all the bearded couples in this town, these two looked the most ridiculous, the most fake. This guy is never going to find a woman that can make him look straight. Why does he bother? He’s not an actor (although I don’t know why they bother either).

  12. It must be terribly difficult to have to hide your sexuality, but perhaps Hollywood demands it ( maybe his family?). What I find sad is that both of these people entered in a relationship( with a contract?) in order to get what they wanted. It’s a dog eats dog world out there and we can’t judge.

  13. Who leaves 100K in jewelry in a car? I don’t even leave my umbrella. And who do these think they are fooling? A straight beard deal. Maybe he can hire Clooney’s castoffs.

  14. Ryan is absolutely NOT gay. He is a BIG mama’s boy who is very controlling with his girlfriends. A control freak, anal, Mama’s boy is a sexual turn off after a while. He loved Julianne and I’m sure she cheated on his controlling ways because she couldn’t take it any more. Ryan fly’s his Mom in to LA all the time on his private jet. He puts his Mother before every girlfriend he has had. His mom has had so much control over Ryan that he has actually broken up with at least two of his past live in girlfriends because she worked on him to leave them. His house is so clean you can eat off the floors and he would freak out over Julianne’s little dogs being in the house. The guy is a serious freak NOT gay!

  15. Bu,

    This might all be true and all, but as a heterosexual female; there is nothing attractive about Ryan to my species. He seems gayish and short and not sexual to us. He’s repellant for straight females.

  16. That is probably the description of T Cruise as well. I dont think either are fags.

    I think this was a set up or she has th same drug issues as Charlie Sheen’s ex.

  17. Hi all, just enjoyed reading all the comments…and…recovering from flu/cold/allergies (it’s been tough).

    Anyhoo, my 3 cents is: There was no robbery and Julianne made up the robbery story and is going to keep the jewelry, (knowing that their contract/time? was up.)

    I think Ryan is AC/DC, but whatever he is, I can’t stand him or his looks.

    Wha happened to Julianne; she is supposed to be a chaste virgin Mormon girl. She has bragged that she would be pute until marriage. Just another conniving slut, imho.

  18. Hi all, just enjoyed reading all the comments…and…recovering from flu/cold/allergies (it’s been tough).

    Anyhoo, my 3 cents is: There was no robbery and Julianne made up the robbery story and is going to keep the jewelry, (knowing that their contract/time? was up.)

    I think Ryan is AC/DC, but whatever he is, I can’t stand him or his looks.

    Wha happened to Julianne; she is supposed to be a chaste virgin Mormon girl. She has bragged that she would be pure until marriage. Just another conniving slut, imho.

  19. She must look in the mirror 100 times a day. She must think she’s God’s gift to the penis. Who will be her next victim to date and/or try to marry. You can bet he won’t be mega-rich like Ryan. Maybe she’ll beg her way back on to DWTS. She is an excellent dancer.

  20. hey Christine, do you read what you write ? Maybe more time with your bible, less time mindlessly hating on complete strangers and btw I don’t think anyone cared you were gone …

    what does the bible say about hubris ?

  21. Ya, you sure got that right Donny !

    I seems that the Southern Baptist perspective on loving others, is to spew hatred and utterly superficial accusations at complete strangers, to complete strangers.

    @ChristineIndia, your a walking, talking expression of the validity of your church girl. So far honey, it is a sad, frustrated, passive aggressive failure.

  22. After all these hateful comments, I feel faint; I must take to my bed now.

  23. Hey Ryan, we’re all meeting at Club Giant Pickle tonight at around 10ish. Can we count on you to be there? We’ll get to the bottom of this jewelry “heist”.

  24. ya, that’s true, as the Christians never loved anything quite as much as a public execution …

    Ryan Seacrest, can’t really care, he seems about as interesting as hmmn .. insert, any minor television personality here ……. , he is, like all the others really, disposable, temporary.

    At least Jullianne is pretty in that false, calculated, veneered sort of way …

  25. This is for sure: For over 2 years, Ryan wined and dined Julianne on his yacht, the south of France, parts of Italy and the Caribbean. What did he get in return? Maybe dance lessons? Maybe the word slut was a little harsh, but I have been following her actions and she needs to get out of the fase Mormon religion and join a southern Baptist one. Stay pure and simple and I must remind myself to remember not to be so harsh. Thank you to the above 4 or 5 of my friends who are …guaranteed…the same person. You give yourself away in your writing and mannerisms. WINNING.

  26. Oh, and to add another reason for your veins to pop:

    You should get baptized and as soon as possible, **YA** don’t wanna be left behind.

  27. “she needs to get out of the fase Mormon religion and join a southern Baptist one. Stay pure and simple and I must remind myself to remember not to be so harsh. ”

    really ? you are funny, in a very sad sort of way CI

  28. Heaavens to Murgatroyd, gotta go, tis almost time for church via streaming on trusty computer.

    Later, dudes and dudettes.

  29. His next ‘relationship’ i.e. beard will be Sophia Bush, Reece Witherspoon or Stacey Kiebler, all top bearding ladies.

  30. No sign of “forced entry”? Let me get to the bottom of it!

  31. sherry,

    Reece Witherspoon is married but I think ex-beard would fit her description.

  32. This was a fake relationship don’t be surprise if she and Tom Cruise get together.

  33. @Christine India PLEASE get help. You are such a woman hater. How STUPID are you to hate your own gender? Every woman is a slut or bitch. You have been so brainwashed by your woman hating, Bible thumping, penis worshiping religion you cant think straight. There is no GOD. It is a fantasy and system made up by men to control women. It is based on hatred and fear of women pleasure and sex. You are so damn ignorant I doubt you even know the history of Christianity. Hint read scholars not people who you HAVE TO GIVE MONEY TO FOR YOUR SALVATION and answers because you are too weak minded to think for yourself. Clearly, you are mentally ill.

  34. A “blind item” in another gossip site hinted that Ryan was actually dating Julianne’s brother, Derek and she was a beard. I think that is more probable

  35. Simple. He broke up with her brother and she, being the beard, was collateral damage.

  36. Sorry to say that heathens (unbelievers in Jesus, the Son of God) will go to hell.

    John 3:16 and 17.

    I can’t believe the heathens who write on this site. It is pitiful and I am so sorry for you.

  37. Ryan Seacrest is having a secret affair with her brother..

  38. I truly didn’t know there were so many atheists in the world,…and a lot of them on Janet’s. Wow, tooo bad and I’m sorry. I for one desire to go to heaven, not hell. What is wrong with these people? They must have been hurt in times past. Lord help them please.

  39. PS: I hate the way she is pursing her lips.

    BTW, this comment is not from the real ‘strom’. The real strom does not capitalize the s. You are busted, poor atheist.

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