Is anybody else out there sick to death of hearing about Kim Kardashian’s wedding? Let’s boycott the obnoxious event! E! plans to devote FOUR HOURS of primetime TV to the event which is packed with free advertising. Cameras are shooting every iota of preparation for the Montecito ceremony -from cake tasting to dress fittings to rehearsals. Everyone involved in the event seems to be “a friend” and donating services in exchange for shoving more publicity down our throats. Every day Kris Jenner releases the latest news and photos about the upcoming event and gullible news sources release them. ENOUGH ALREADY! E! is expecting around five million viewers – let’s tune OUT and surprise them!

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  1. Carcinogenic Loogie-Butt.....I like long ass titles so people will pay attention to me and no one reads what I say because I don't know how to punctuate a sentence says:

    what a wonderful couple they make and they willl be happy and then they will have kids and is anybody reading this because i am starved for attention and i need something better in my life than emailing website after website everysingle day of my life unless i am in the toilet and if i am in the toilet then i am busy.

  2. Carcinogenic Loogie-Butt.....I like long ass titles so people will pay attention to me and no one reads what I say because I don't know how to punctuate a sentence says:

    look at me i am making another comment can you see me cuz i likes to be seen

  3. Carcinogenic Loogie-Butt.....I like long ass titles so people will pay attention to me and no one reads what I say because I don't know how to punctuate a sentence says:

    somebody stop me cuz here i go again

  4. If the pictures were not run they would stop. Much the same as the famous Bennifer wedding that didnt happen. Kris knows there are many gullable people who will buy this crap.

    Her daughter is only famous for a large ass that has been pummeled by many BLACK men.

  5. Totally I agree.. she is just marrying for attention.. He is like a big ogre

  6. I think for a man that size, he needs a full size woman. If they stay together he will need to get her one of those portable doggie stairs or risk getting hump back. lol

    I actually pity Kim if she gets pregnant with his child. He’s a big ole boy and his head is enormous!

  7. I bet mama Kris had him take an IQ test and if it was slightly lower than Kim’s (which is surely low), then she can enmesh him into the K empire. That’s what mama does best and she needs a new challenge. Everything else, well heck, she’s been there, done that. Look close and there are $ signs in all their eyes. And, needless to say, the height difference is really laughable and ridiculous.

  8. Trash just plain publicity whoring trash. I never watch such trashy fake people on tv.

  9. Given Kim’s past well-publicized sexual adventures, does anyone really think Kim is/will be happy with a guy who looks like he’s still in high school, and probably has very little sexual experience (translate: boring in the sack)?

  10. Janet, no offense, I could say if you want to boycott lard ass & her stupid, useless life, please start by NOT posting about it. Yet, I have to confess, do enjoy taking cheap shots & the funny remarks posters leave on this site. So, to be fair, do keep us updated, we could always use the laughs.

    @Indy – LOL!
    Both their IQ’s combined is lower than the curb.

    @Walt – LOL!
    Even if homeboy has a huge head, chances are, he slaps on a board incase he don’t fall in.

  11. I have no intention of watching this farce. It was clear when the younger one married, that Kim believed it should have been her getting all the attention. She is a narcisist, and once the attention is over, she’ll have to find some other way to get her fix.

    Calling it a fairytale wedding is ridiculous. This poor guy looks like he hasn’t a clue.

    Walt, the doggie stair notion is hysterical.

    yoyo, a board on his head so he doesn’t fall in. LOL!

  12. Yeah, let’s all boycott the event. All 12 of us!! Hahaha

    KK is workin’ it. She will be laughin’ all the way to bank. This girl is set and will never have to work another day in her life. That is if she doesn’t want to. It is a bit much but people are obviously interested in them for whatever reason. I say get it while ya can, cause it ain’t gonna last forever!

  13. LOL everybody. All the remarks are too funny. Personally, I can’t stand any of the K’s and I’ve always wondered what the attraction is. I sure won’t be watching any of this crap.

  14. Y’know, more I look at this pic, more they resemble Herman & Lily Munster.

  15. One of the British papers had an article today showing the two of them laughing and hugging and twirling around at Kim’s Dad’s GRAVE. That was the final straw for me. Who in their right mind goes to pay their respects with the TV cameras following them. I always thought Paris Hilton was the bottom of the barrel, but now I see it is Kim Lardassian.

  16. We all know the happy couple is worth gazillions. I think it would be appropriate if they would donate all wedding gifts/monies they receive as gifts to the poor and needy in this country. They obviously don’t need anything as far as gifts go, so why not do a humantarian thing and donate to those who truly could use help. Just a suggestion…

  17. Denise: That’s a great suggestion. Or, how about donating the millions gazillions they’ll make to the starving children in Somalia? So much money, and so little compassion. I won’t be watching this spectacle!

  18. Or better yet helping the BLACK families in the USA….you dont need to go to Africa to see problems. LBJ enabled the downfall of the black race with the handouts which gave many a sense of entitlement…..there is nothing more arrogant.

    This fellow qill wake up one day and find out he married a woman known only for screwing a sucession of BLACK men. At least Reggie Bush’s mother wanted no part of the Kardashians.

  19. The E channel has been hijacked by the Kardashians. Enough is enough! It is absurd that talentless people are running amok on tv.

  20. @ Palermo…..’I always thought Paris Hilton was the bottom of the barrel, but now I see it is Kim LARDASSIAN’. LOL, 3 X

    And you can throw in Britney and Lindsay and a few other choice sluts and Lardass would still reign supreme. LOL

  21. Kim is a twin of Jennifer Aniston, separated at birth. They each desparetely want to get married, the man doesn’t matter; every one they date is “the one”, and they’ll make sure the public knows every intimate little detail. They both make me want to hurl.

  22. Dare I say let forget about the K’s for a day, and send shout out birthday greetings to our very own entertainer/humorous Walt Cliff.
    He is celebrating his birthday month, and we all are invited to wish him many,many more birthday celebrations!!
    @ Walt Cliff:
    A special 2011 birthday greeting!!
    Less candles, and more icing on the cake!!

  23. TRUST!!!

    there are a ton of folks that will not be watching and the same ones no longer tune in to their show..

    check their ratings this season.

    She is not royalty, she is trash and non talented..this circus family is annoying.
    He is a nobody and she is an attention whore.

    WON’T be watching
    IF you must watch, don’t watch the original taping, watch the re-run. E will lie an say
    billions tuned in.

  24. @Leo

    What a cool buddy you are!! Thank you. Any reason to eat birthday cake is always a great day (doesn’t even have to be my b-day!!) 🙂



    I completely agree with you!!!


    It is the media that deliberately blows Jennifer Aniston’s relationships out of proportion. She can’t even go out to eat with a friend without the paparazzi having them engaged before the salads are served.

    There is nothing remotely similar about these two young ladies. With that said, your comments do seem to ring true about Kim. 🙂

  25. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Jonathan you tossed everything away...Being Lazy and doing a poor job in the kitchen and Elisa You really give me the creeps and there is something about you that is not right? says:

    Privacy is much needed in a Relationship and so it could start off strong but Pressure and Harassment is one great reason to run and hide and most of all special moment that are wonderful will never happen again and…I think it is great that they are thinking about themselves and Take care and Well wishes!

  26. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen Elisa your doing a great job on things you want to do but you suck on Italian food and you should had rocked it out and made yourself look even better! Taking on something you had no passion for but...You are stro says:

    This Two People really love each other and need some time alone and every since they got together…All there Privacy is Gone and they just wanted to share a moment that the whole world does not get to share. Good for you and may you have a Beautiful and incredible and fantastic day and may your future be Bright.

  27. The Kardashian Wedding Boycott has already started on Facebook and it’s growing by millions! Kris J “worried” ratings will tank and they will be done. Brand has been oversaturated – any good marketing person knows when to quit. Kris didn’t.

  28. E! Online is their own worst enemy. Every day there are photos of “the fairytale wedding”. Today, they actually compared Kris Humphries to Prince William. The comments clearly indicate that people think are really sick of the hype.

  29. Carcinogenic Sucks Loogie-Butts and i hope everyone sees what i have a gift for readin and writtin and that i be smart and i am proud...and my fingers stink like my arm pits and my feet are webed and i happy and you are not says:

    i would go to the weddin but i would take too much attention away from the bride and the groom would want me and throw me on a horse and ride away with me

  30. @jimmie, what is the link to the boycott of the kardashian wedding? I want to LIKE it.

  31. @ Palermo

    Thanks a bunch! My wife is making two over sized chocolate ice cream cakes. We always have a house full of people coming and going for b-days and holidays and such.

    Pull up a chair and I’ll slice you a big piece! We’re having bbq smoked butt too! 🙂

  32. Everyone pls like boycott kim kardashian’s wedding on facebook.

  33. Instead of these 2 morons having a public wedding, they should have a public hanging, that should boost ratings.

  34. By all indications Kim is desperate to get married, as told in People Magazine a few months ago. It is amazing that she would be desperate enough to marry the first goof that was willing to go along with her desperation. I can easily believe that Reggie Bush is glad to be off the hook as the (latest) man of her dreams!!

  35. @ Walt:

    Still celebrating with you. I couldn’t make it over for ice cream cake, so I settled for Oreo Klondike Bars!!

  36. This guy is such a dork and Kim without heels is the perfect height for his off court blow jobs. She’s disgusting, and he’s a dorky looking guy, I wouldn’t wish on my nerdiest enemy. How do u go from Reggie bush to this geek, Reggie looks confident like a real stud, this guy looks like a big ol’ dud.

  37. Oh! SO seconded! I started out mildly curious about the Kardashians, and now they have been so over-over-hyped that I can’t stand the hint of any of them, or anyone they are associated with, and change the channel. I won’t even look at Kendall Jenner pictures, even though I think she’s gorgeous, because I can’t stand anything even peripherally related to them, let alone a half-sibling.

  38. Or better yet helping the BLACK families in the USA….you dont need to go to Africa to see problems. LBJ enabled the downfall of the black race with the handouts which gave many a sense of entitlement…..there is nothing more arrogant.

    This fellow will wake up one day and find out he married a woman known only for screwing a sucession of BLACK men. At least Reggie Bush’s mother wanted no part of the Kardashians.

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