Seems like only yesterday that Prison Break’s Wentworth Miller was working as a temp for the Friedman Agency on Sunset Strip. Actually it was 2000 to 2001 and a former receptionist there remembers him well. “He was the most popular temp at the agency. Whenever they got a call for a top level job and they needed someone really competent and smart or good-looking “for the front office” – they sent Wentworth. And wherever they sent him – he was so well mannered and efficient that the company wanted to KEEP him. CAA wanted him to be an agent assistant at $15 an hour. But Wentworth didn’t want permanent office work – he wanted to act. “

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  1. I’d definitely pay Wentworth $15.00 an hour to service me. 😀

  2. I’d definitely pay Wentworth $15.00 an hour to service me. 😀

  3. Yummy he is 1 fine looking man.Id hire him as well,bring him on.

  4. doesn’t do anything for me, except annoy me.
    and the funny thing is, too pretty gay men are my type.

  5. Fifteen bucks!?!
    You old queens would work him straight to death for that!
    Wouldn’t you!!

  6. So the kid was a good worker!
    NOt surprised since he’s a Princeton Grad!
    and if CAA is so darn smart, why didn’t they get one of their agents to represent him instead of offering him $15 bucks an hour????
    who reps him now????
    boy were they stupid!!!

  7. Hi,
    What can i talk to Wentworth Miller directly? Oh God! i’m crezy about him!

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