We’re tearing out our hair, trying to figure out WHY Wendy Williams has been defending her marriage to Kevin Hunter until the bitter end! WHAT power does that man HAVE over her? Wendy admitted she caught him cheating right after their son was born, and she not only forgave him, but made him her manager and production partner! An employee of her radio show accused Kevin of sexual harassment and claims she saw him getting violent with Wendy. The case was “settled.” Kevin’s affair with the massage therapist started about TEN years ago and he supposedly bought a conveniently located house for her to live in. He was seen driving his diamond flashing girlfriend around in his Bentley. Wendy continued to defend her man until that baby was born! Yesterday a MAN accused Kevin of being a sexual predator! Yet, we think Wendy would STILL be with Kevin if her viewers and friends hadn’t questioned her sanity and EMBARRASSED HER into filing for divorce. What’s the real story here?
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Stockholm Syndrome. When she is away from him for a few months and gets her head back on straight, she will go after him with everything she has. Poor Wendy.
Dee took the words right out of my mouth. He must have a strong hold on her emotionally. Poor Wendy.
More like she’s purposely dragging it out for publicity to save her failing show
And the competition for the eyeballs of the stay-at-homes, the shut-ins, and the unemployed is fierce these days.
Not a fan of hers, but we hope it works— otherwise Wendy can probably look forward to being motor-boated on camera by “new guest co-host” Charlie Rose, and other indignities. 😀
She must have a really low self esteem to try to hang on to this loser.
Funny she is always dishing out her advice on everyone’s relationships. Give me a break.
glad she left him, filed for divorce, had that car towed away…you should be supportive of wendy now she finally threw the guy out…
I used to like her but I have lost all respect. She trash talks women for staying with dogs then does so herself. How does she justify that? he must really have something on her. Maybe the tranny rumors are true.
Tranny is more than rumors and should long ago have been brought to light.