Vanity Fair photos: top: Bruce Weber, bottom: Annie Liebovitz

Vanity Fair must have a crush on Rob Pattinson too, because he’s featured on his second cover in two years. The first time around Bruce Weber took the photos and the April shoot was done by Annie Liebovitz. One thing BOTH sets of photos have in common is Rob with a piano. Yes, he plays in real life and did so in the first Twilight movie. He’ll play one more time in the last Breaking Dawn movie.

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  1. Boy, that second photo sure shows off his triangle head proportions to great “beauty”. It also accentuates his rather Bob Hope-ish ski slope or flattened against the windowpane nose, doesn’t it. Bad angle alltogether. But the piano is beautiful. So is the ashtray above the keyboard. Nice touch.

  2. Handsome actor and I enjoy his interviews. He seems to be enjoying life. Hope he can maintain his humor in the business.

  3. because americans just HATE to hear the truth………

  4. I don’t get the appeal of this guy at all.

    Nice pianos, though.

  5. His appeal is that he’s different. He’s not a classic “hunk” and he seems to have an actual brain. It’s also appealing that he seems rather humble.

  6. Kid always looks like he needs a bath. Not appealing.

  7. I wonder if his brain is in a triangle too? And yeah, so sexy that he smokes, it’s all the rage with the “new” actors out there. We’ll be seeing them down the road doing one of those “hole in the throat” commercials, or like John Wayne, standing there stick thin, with one lung already taken out due to cancer, trying to warn the rest of us. Maybe time to get out all those old commercials and rerun them.

  8. PS: his soon to be yellow teeth and fingers and the dragon breath must be a real plus for his female costars. But, oh yeah, he works with his girlfriend who also chainsmokes, so they’re a perfect match. heaven help them if they get pregnant.

  9. Casonia...Elisa is not going to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen.. Would I ever have a shot or am I going to be ignored for another season? Hells kitchen really hurts peoples feeling and most of america is weak minded and stressed out by this says:

    Rob is in great shape and has something that makes you pay attention to and that is his looks and personality and sense of passion.

  10. Casonia...Elisa is not going to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen.. Would I ever have a shot or am I going to be ignored for another season? Hells kitchen really hurts peoples feeling and most of america is weak minded and stressed out by this says:

    A Role model for other men his size and shape and..Lets face facts what ever he wears he wears it well.

  11. Casonia...Elisa is not going to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen.. Would I ever have a shot or am I going to be ignored for another season? Hells kitchen really hurts peoples feeling and most of america is weak minded and stressed out by this says:

    He pictures come across as sweet and kind and trusting and…He looks great as a fashion model and he is willing to think outside the box and try all fashion that is applied towards him.

  12. Casonia...Elisa is not going to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen.. Would I ever have a shot or am I going to be ignored for another season? Hells kitchen really hurts peoples feeling and most of america is weak minded and stressed out by this says:

    He is open to trying new thing and…His smile really lights up the room and has softness and warmth about it.

  13. Casonia...Elisa is not going to be the first black woman to win Hells kitchen.. Would I ever have a shot or am I going to be ignored for another season? Hells kitchen really hurts peoples feeling and most of america is weak minded and stressed out by this says:

    He is clearly some one to look at and pay attention too as his career takes off and..He opens up and goes in many directions.

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