Something’s going on with Vanessa Hudgens and her boyfriend of nine months Austin Butler. First, Vanessa was seen moving large pieces of furniture out of her LA home into a rented u-haul – which the two Disney stars drove away. Later they were spotted at Ikea stocking up on bookshelves, tables, lighting, and art, like newlyweds. They loaded two carts with their purchases and had to put the stuff together when they got home. It could be that Austin in moving into Vanessa’s 5200 sq ft house – her last boyfriend Zac Efron shared the place with her. Maybe she’s getting rid of everything that reminds her of Zac.
Austin Butler Ikea Vanessa Hudgens Zac Efron
Ikea–the mindless way to decorate one’s abode.
Most believe the persistent gossip that Zac is gay gay gay.
How old is Austin Butler? He looks about 14 y/o.
Sorry to write again.
I have seen pics of Vanessa’s mansion, the inside, outside, the pool area, etc. (in the Enquirer) It is absolutely gorgeous. How did she get so famous and what did she do to get so rich.
That is funny that you call Zac Efron her first ‘boyfriend’ given he is a known homosexual.
She is a professional beard.