When it comes to some diehard Kansas City Chiefs fans, the bloom is off the rose for their star player, Travis Kelce’s blossoming romance with Taylor Swift. Travis didn’t have his best game last night when his team lost to the Philadelphia Eagles – he fumbled the ball on an important play that could’ve won the game. Now some team management are worried that Travis‘s recent trip to join Taylor in South America took him away from practice so he wasn’t playing his best game. Behind closed doors today, some members of the Kansas City Chiefs met to discuss the situation. While they’re over the moon happy with the attention the romance is bringing to the team and the sport in general, they’re delicately trying to find out a way to let Travis know he must focus MORE on the games and practice, and LESS on international trysts with Taylor…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. The contract is over soon. Look for a ‘breakup’ song crafted by an AI bot to sound like a 13 year old girl sobbing in her suburban bedroom .

  2. if they’re blaming it on his jet lag then they’re not paying attention to his craft on the field

  3. This will all be over soon, and she will move on to her next inspiration for another stupid song, that her brain dad fans will gobble up, Her track record is very dismal with men, maybe she would have better luck with the ladies

  4. Is Taylor Swift just using men as beards ? Maybe she is a lesbian. All of these starlets and their fake 90 day relationships.

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