Variations of Spanx for men are becoming a hot commodity in Hollywood. A New York underwear line with the annoying name of 2(x)ist (pronounced “to exist”) is selling out on their tank top with a “hidden compression lining,” and trunks with a six inch fitted waistband to minimize muffin tops. 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, and Mickey Rourke are already customers of the line. And don’t forget, Tom Cruise wore a girdle under his Armani wedding tux! Maybe Sylvester Stallone will be interested also – this reminds us of an old story about him. Sly had to gain around 30 pounds for a movie and struggled to take it off. He shopped at Bergdorf Goodman for clothes to make him look thinner while he lost the excess pounds. After he left they found some kind of male “girdle” he left behind in his dressing room! Nobody wanted to mention it to him, and he never called to get it back.

About The Author


  1. Finally, uncomfortable undergarments for men. It’s about time.

    If Sly left his girdle behind these days, it would end up on EBay.

  2. Denise, LOL


    I’m not a fan of cult creature Cruise. Nothing he does surprises me.

    Stallone was good in Rocky and Cliffhanger. The rest of his movies just blur together.

    I remember reading about him in the 90’s in a book written by former hooker (s). The things they alleged about his requests and such were sickening.

  3. amended

    ……”I remember reading about him (Stallone) in the 90′s in a———-

  4. I’m more interested in Cruise’s lifts than in his girdle.

  5. Stallone was superb in Rocky I, and the following sequels were good too, though not as good as the original; it won top movde of that year.

    Tiny Hitler Tom Thumb Cruise…imho..never made a super good movie. He is a nutty Scientologist and that’s all he is. braaaack

  6. old ass janet had trouble reading the name of the company? seems easy to me.

    maybe it’s time to put down the cheap, tacky wig and get some bifocals.

  7. Stallone’s last Rambo grindhouse flik is good popcorn munching fun. Not for kids.
    Remember him in The Lords of Flatbush? He was playing Rocky in that first.

  8. You’re right Patrick, but I have to say, when I first laid eyes on this post I had a spontaneous wonderful snicker out loud over the visual my mind was conjuring up of these two standing there in their girdles!! Such FUN!!!

  9. What’s good for the goose…,right? 🙂

    Hey Denise, any weather drama in your neck of the woods? I’ve just been looking at photos of the Tornado damage in Springfield and W. Mass. on the Globe site.


  10. Forget the manspanx. Let’s talk about shoe lifts, especially with these two.

  11. Thanks for asking Mona. Fortunately, we don’t usually get tornadoes in this area of the country, but 3 of them came down the Mass. Pike and flattened houses, trees, other buildings and 3 people were killed. One woman was killed by shielding her daughter in the bathtub. Makes you really feel for those folks in the midwest who get this sort of thing on a regular basis. I don’t know how they do it.

  12. Denise, I am glad you are safe. 🙂 Hopefully, the storms are over for awhile.

  13. Give me an old fashioned man any time, not one wearing makeup, girdles, high heels and toupees. YUCK

  14. Denise, I too am happy you are safe. I am safely ensconced in the upper desert of Calif. I guess I’m taking my life in my hands because in basically neighbors with the San Andreas Fault. Here’s to crossed fingers!!!

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