We heard a VERY interesting piece of gossip today. We were puzzled by the fact that the first masseur who filed suit against John Travolta had the WRONG DATE. How could that happen? An insider whispered to us that the incorrect date was most likely DELIBERATELY given as part of a strategy before the suit was filed. This is a way for the celebrity involved to save face. And both lawyers are adding billing hours. We suspect a settlement is in the works that will make everyone happy, including the victim. Our legal source told us this is a fairly common procedure in high profile lawsuits.
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John’s brother Joey was married to Dick Shawn’s daughter (Dick was a comedian who died years ago). Dick said that John was “weird”.
Pure rubbish
This is such a non story! Post something substantial.
……..well, I can.
That would make sense but it said that John Doe’s lawyer dropped him after John proved he was in NYC that day. I doubt that was part of the plan since it sounds more like the lawyer was having 2nd thoughts on the validity of the lawsuit.
As usual, it’s all about $$$.
but I’m a cowardly closeted gay man
I want a piece of male ass so that I can make that change!
Dragonfly, Why couldn’t the lawyer be a part of the “plan” to begin with? Let’s face it, the cult has $$$$. Just a thought.
Scientology lawyers will buy Travolting out of this. Course Johnny will have to pony up some really really big buck$ and promise to never ever leave SCI and promise to promote the cult every chance he gets. That would be the deal.
Indy, “Maybe” the cult is responsible for it…..all of it.
Maybe part of the deal should be that he stop sexually assaulting unwilling individuals?
@Walt, the only reason I don’t think the lawyer is part of it (knowingly) is because he kept John Doe 2 and says he has up to 100 more people that will talk. Him dropping John Doe 1 has me confused. I’m sure we’ll see why in time though.
It is well known among L.A. masseuses that John is a very promiscuous homosexual. It’s also why John is a Scientologist like many homosexual celebs. Scientology protects them, beards them and lets them be who they really are behind the curtains. In return, these celebs help recruit more victims to their cult. A win win for all involved.
I forgot to add,
Do you think these two masseuses are suing because they got “stiffed” by John?
Who impregnated his wife?
I think these stories are bullshit lies drummed up to make a few people get rich quick! JT is not that desperate and I hope he takes these guys to the cleaners.
I personally think the CoS is behind the whole thing. We keep reading rumors that JT desperately wants to leave the cult but they won’t let him, causing all this ruckus shows how much power and hold they have over him.
@Will, they had frozen fertilized eggs which she had implanted behind his back. That is a fact stated on another site, not gossip. Many, including myself, believe the fertilized egg was implanted in a surrogate and she faked her pregnancy.
Dragonfly, I think she faked the pregnancy too.
Where the “cult” is concerned, there are big $$$. “If” the cult were a responsible for this then I would suspect the lawyer would be in on all of it from beginning to end. Even if the lawyer wasn’t a scientologist, $$$ talks. It wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to think that he would be in on all of it. Just speculating here but the less that know what was really going on the better.
As soon as it came up about the date being wrong (via the victim), I felt in my gut that it was ALL TOO OBVIOUS. Perhaps, it was suppose to be. Why would the cult do it to begin with? They would be afraid of losing Travolta aka money. Plus, he might influence others or just Travolta leaving might innocently encourage others to rethink their membership in the cult.
palermo, Yes!! Exactly!
This whole thing reeks of clam sauce.
@Walt, read that book. There is no chance in hell COS would use a non COS lawyer. Non COS people are not even associated with.
May I interrupt this thread to wish everyone (the women of course and Mrs. Walt) a Happy Mother’s Day?
The economy is really bad and a lot of message therapists are out of work. I am in the business and I know this. Luckily I have a successful business and J.T. has actually been a client at my establishment several times over the years. Never once has any of my employees mention that J.T. ever acted inappropriately. He had always been a gentleman and actually flirted with the female receptionist in all good fun. I was also told he was an excellent tipper. This is nothing but extortion.
Even if John was sucking cock all over the world the ramifications of it it would be between him and his wife. However if he is assulting men in search of it….he should be outed in the public and then hung up by his horny gay balls, just as Michael Jackson should have.
I read last year that Carrie Fisher said that everybody in their circle of friends in the 70s and 80s all knew John was gay.
This is beyond absurd. There are plenty of male massage therapists who gladly give “happy endings”…even the straights massage guys do it! It’s called TIPS!!!!
{{That would make sense but it said that John Doe’s lawyer dropped him after John proved he was in NYC that day. I doubt that was part of the plan since it sounds more like the lawyer was having 2nd thoughts on the validity of the lawsuit.}}
This lawsuit could be valid, and the lawyer for the massage therapists may have clued in No. 1 as to the strategy Janet spoke of. Their lawyer knew that JT’s lawyer would prefer to pay hush money. It’s what celebs do.
I do believe that the first m.t. came forward for monetary purposes (economy??), but it doesn’t mean JT did NOT engage in the accused behaviors.
Dragonfly, I agree. How do we know that he isn’t a cult member?
@Walt, we don’t know. I just can’t make heads or tails of why the original John Doe would be dropped. The only thing I can think of is he heard all the stories as we have over the years, filed suit and then the lawyer found out he was lying. In the meantime, others spoke up. I’m sure it will come out in the end. We just have to wait and see.
What is going to happen…Doe’s this man have to Grant interviews all over the World to get his Point of View across? I Would be ashamed if something like that came out about me in my Career…It has to be really hard for John Travolta at this moment?
Sexual Harrassment in any form is very trying and tramatizing to people that work at that certain location…Workers just want to there job and get paid for it and then go home…Leaving everything at the Door when stepping away.
Mesaeurs are there to help a person relieve stress and tention and frustration from your mind and when you can kick back and have some one rub the tention out of those shoulders or Help that bad back that has been giving you trouble is relief to a large degree.
It is hard doing your job for some one you like as a friend and they keep pushing for more…When some one says no! That is really meant and the flirting and Dirt talk should stop! Because if some one wants you…They are not going to fight you along the way…The old Game of Playing Hard to get is a thing of the pass.
Dear John I Hope and Pray that you pick men that are not attractive at all for your Future Rub Downs…Get People that are willing to take your Money….Because those people that have to walk the street at Nights to Turn Tricks will take what you offered that one Man(Twelve Thousand Dollars) You can even go throw a Service if that is what your looking for…But it is time for you to come out of the closet and…Have your cake and eat it too. I will still like your movies and nothing will change for me, As Far as me liking you as an actor!
Well I hope John gets out of COS alive. Lisa Marie seems to have done it and wrote a song about it. I hope many more follow.
I think John should just come out and be himself and understand that other people in this world care about him and will always like him! No matter what but to keep up a front is not healthy for him or his wife…His wife should just be on her own and just stop playing along with the open relationship but who am I to tell a mother and a woman what to do.
John do you want your cake and eat it too and your life and freedom can be a new John…Who is GAY AND HAPPY AND CHEERFUL NEW YOU….THE GAY PEOPLE OUT HERE YOU CAN BE THERE HERO…I KNOW MY UNCLE LOVES YOU And Has always thought of you as his Dream man.
You’re a conspiracy theorist huh. The man’s attorney dropped him like a hot potato as discredited.
Casonia is holding her pills in her cheek, then spitting them out in the trash when no one in the dispensary is looking.
“Well I hope John gets out of COS alive. Lisa Marie seems to have done it and wrote a song about it. I hope many more follow.”
Thanks for the link Dragonfly. I am thrilled for Lisa Marie. I wonder if “Cilla” is still with them. Hope not. What chaos if she is.
See, I believe the first guy that came forward (with the wrong date) was never gonna go to court. I believe that was an early warning to Travolta. It’s smart. It’s public and it forces him into making a decision…..not because THAT GUY is going to continue to file suit but THE OTHERS after him that are legtimate and have accurate dates.
Thank you Denise!!! Happy Mother’s Day to you and to the many other mommies on this website!
Hope you have had a special day with your family and/or friends and hope it involved chocolate! Chocolate is my favorite food group (just like Walt). ha ha
Bluejay, LOL!!!
steve mann, you are correct.
“Wow! I mean, my feeling about John has always been that we know and we don’t care. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it, and that’s all I can say. It only draws more attention to it when you make that kind of legal fuss. Just leave it be”
——–Carrie Fisher as told to The Advocate——-December 2010—-
In the September 2009 issue of Out, you participated in its monthly Can I Be Blunt? column by sharing 10 things that gay men should know about straight women. One of those things was, “We don’t really care that John Travolta is gay.” I know you and Travolta go way back, so let’s get really blunt here: Does his legal team have any business demanding Gawker remove a recent post suggesting that he’s given blow jobs? —The Advocate – BY Brandon Voss–BY Brandon Voss
“Wow! I mean, my feeling about John has always been that we know and we don’t care. Look, I’m sorry that he’s uncomfortable with it, and that’s all I can say. It only draws more attention to it when you make that kind of legal fuss. Just leave it be.” –Carrie Fisher
What I don’t understand is if he wants out of Scientology, then why not just come out of the closet? They must have much more than that over him because it seems pretty cut and dry to me that if he came out, COS would have nothing. But it must be something big.
We ALL know that Scientology is and will be heavily mixed up in this. Actually, if we knew all the stuff going on with JT, we would be really really, I mean really, shocked. Plus, I think another shocker would be if the truth ever came out about how Jett Travolta really died and the circumstances surrounding him. The question is: Is Kelly miserable or OK with all this.
PS: I have a theory about what happened to Jett, but don’t dare say it.
I agree with those that think this is COS doing, but I also think JT is being careless, as he is past caring and wants to get caught. Also COS wouldn’t want him coming out, because less gravy for them and puts a high profile spanner in the works for their ‘straight commandment’ or whatever it is.
I could care less of his sexual orientation. Whichever way this goes, I am sure JT will do well out of it. He does seem like a likeable guy (mind you, I wasn’t being forced upon for sex by him), he is one of the few whom I enjoy as an actor.
Like Arnie, he will be a Teflon John, hehe.
John, I don’t care if you are top just make better movies.