It’s with an aching heart that we must report the tragic loss of brilliant UK designer Alexander McQueen. Devastated by the death of his mother last week, Mcqueen, only 40, apparently hung himself in his London apartment. He was certainly one of the most prolific and imaginative designers of our lifetime – anyone who loved fashion aspired to own something by McQueen. The pieces we have of his are now collector’s items. In a recent interview Mcqueen said “In my passing, I do not want my label to go forward.” Mountains of flower arrangements, bouquets, and cards are heaped outside his store on Melrose Avenue and a sign says it will not re-open until Monday. It’s the end of an era.

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  1. … and the models’ feet narrowly escape years of podiatrists’ bills…

  2. The fashion world and all in it are like they live on another plant. I don’t think little green aliens would wear laughable shoes and clothes like this. And, one wonders why he committed suicide. Will this be investigated?

  3. May he rest in peace. If those shoes are an indication of “brilliant,” I would hate to see what a moron would design.

  4. I agree with all the above posts. From what I’ve seen of his so-called “fashions” they are hideous and look like they were designed by a blind spastic idiot. Is the idea now to create something as ugly as possible? If that’s the case, I can see how he was famous. Those shoes look to me like he hated women and wanted them to break their legs!

    And whoever kills themselves over their mom’s dying is just plain loony to begin with. What the hell kind of relationship did he HAVE with his mommy anyway????????

  5. Never heard of him but he must have been very depressed. How tragic to have the world at your feet and throw your life away like that.

  6. What I love most about high fashion is the extent to which it is art… and in this aspect, no one was more of an artist than Alexander McQueen.


  7. Strom: U R so right. Most in the high fashion industry (designers and models) are faggots/lesbians. Who can disagree with this fact? Everyone knows it.

    And….Strom is right again. If he did have AIDS, then that fact along with his mom’s demise might have pushed him over the edge.

  8. It doesn’t require much talent or imagination to be a fashion designer. They’re all overrated and much of their stuff is hideous and unwearable, just because it’s far out doesn’t make it art. You’re such a media victim, Janet. Obviously you’re from California because you don’t have a voice or mind of your own, you always go along with what other people say is good.

  9. Thing is McQueen was relevant to the fashion world when he passed. MJ was completely irrelevant at the time of his death. Also, McQueen milieu was international and high-class. MJ appealed to the plebs. No comparison.

  10. He HANGED himself. HUNG is incorrect. I hate that mistake!!! You can always remember it this way:

    “Hung man found hanged.”

    Lesson over.

  11. Maybe the celebrity rich are mourning his death cause he designed only for them in mind, but in the real world where everyday people are trying to make ends meet, they couldn’t care less about this person.

  12. He came from a working class, background, look at his body of work not just shoes that are ironic. He was an artist and a genius. To compare him to Michael Jackson who didnt have any influence on music since the 80’s is absurd.

  13. How sad it is to see such negative writings. Have you not heard of the expression if you have nothing good to say about someone say nothing at all! Alexander was and will always be an amazing, brilliant designer/artist. Some who are so narrow with there views will never understand the greatness that the world has lost. For someone to be able to take us to another place, a journey, to question, to excite through fashion is a true master.

  14. This is a horrible comparison. Alexander McQueen was a great artist. He never touch children on the no-no parts like michael jackson.

  15. You are right,Janet!He was a legend!What a brilliant designer so unbelievably talanted!!!He will be missed!

  16. Give us a break on the legend bit…it has now come out that it was a gay thingie…the guy that was boning him left him high and dry, so to speak. More will follow, no doubt.

  17. Alexander Mcqueen had every thing to live for and He killed himself…No way and I Will never get over some one who has everything to live for killing himself…Was it depression or did he always have this feelings about doing himself in and I bet all his family and friends and love one really miss him and love him and would love to pick up the phone and hear his voice and He must had felt like was worthless and empty and boring.

  18. How in the world a millionaire kills themselves and leave this earth and there must not be enought to keep him here and maybe he missed his mother and was really sad but there are always reason why people have this need to take there life and I will never understand why this happens but it does happen and there is nothing any one in this world can do to stop this. Unless the person is willing to talk out the issues that bother them and want to address the issues at hand and try to solve some problems and He felt there was no one on this earth to talk to and so He killed himself and there fore stopping his creative-ness forever and what he has left on this earth is something that he has left to the world.

  19. He and Michael were both weird. He was a card carrying faggot and Michael was a paedophile.

    AIDS is behind the scene here.

  20. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    Strom, They both had something in common and that is money and creative thoughts that made them really rich and powerful men.

  21. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    People die every day and there are reason behind it and..At times family want to keep there privacy and not allow the world to know.

  22. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    But another thing this two men have in common is that they had different focas on there lives and…Where able to be creative and think about things and other stuff that no one ever though about or even know about until they show us an area that was something we never seen or heard or notice before.

  23. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    You can say they where both Weird in some way but people picked up and got into there weirdness with them and…I like taking a walk on the wild side.

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