What happened to everybody’s sense of humor? This silly Ford ad, which was leaked but never published or used in any way, has caused the mischievous ad agency employees responsible to be fired and Kardashian lawyers are threatening a lawsuit! Apologies are flying all over the place! Feminists are riled up! What’s WRONG with you people? Don’t you know a JOKE when you see one? The “ad” was captioned ”Leave Your Worries Behind.” Paris Hilton is gleefully driving the three bound and gagged Kardashian sisters who stole Paris’s fame and popularity, in the roomy Ford trunk. Obviously Paris sees the humor in it because she’s the only one not complaining – about an ad that was never used. Stop overanalyzing- it’s a funny mock-up, nothing more.
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Who would you rather be trapped in a car with? and death is not an option.
I pick Paris, because there’s only one of her.
I think the artist was too nice to them because they simply aren’t that good looking. I call this wishful thinking!
I think this is hysterical
LOVE it!
People that are a joke can’t take a joke! They can never have enough money so why not sue? You know the new rich!
Now can we have ad with the whole lot of ’em going over a cliff?
Why do you post about the KARDASHIANS every day? Are you on their payroll?
I love that Kim looks like an amputee, btw I have always liked Paris Hilton. I get why people don’t like her, but I afore her.
well, humor means hating with them.
I would have liked it better if it showed them getting shoved through a tree chipper!
I think it is awful that so many people are upset about this stupid cartoon and yet how much crap has women like Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton, Michelle Bachman taken and no one says a word to come to their aid. Sometimes I am ashamed to be a female.
Michelle Bachman deserves all the crap thrown at her. She is a mean freak.
Just like the fake Nike Ad before? This type of PR stunt is the OLDEST trick in the book! People are sooo stupid to fall for it.
It is no surprise the KarTRASHians would pull a stunt like this with all the thousands of raped and murdered women yearly. There is no boundry with this scum if it keeps attention on them. Shame on you Janet for printing such an OBVIOUS PR Stunt. Violence to women is NEVER funny.
As annoying and irrelevant as the Karadashians are this is anti women sentiment and I fail to see the humor in it.
Would it have been just as funny if there were 3 pitbulls tied up in the back, with Micheal Vick driving? Ya probably not
Ford would never seriously do this. For one, there’s LOTS of people out there who would not “Get” the humor.