Italian designer Carla Fendi (Above, far right) invited Woody Allen, his wife Soon-Yi, and their daughters Bechet and Manzie out to lunch in Rome. Afterward, they all went shopping at the Fendi store. Tonight Woody is playing clarinet with his New Orleans Jazz Band at the Accademia Santa Cecilia near the Spanish Steps and they expect a big crowd.

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  2. The is way worse than Tiger, but remember it’s Hollywood so it’s normal.

  3. The Fendi family is trash for looking the other way and ignoring the unspeakable thing Woody did…..marrying his stepdaughter who is obviously brain damanged. Satan and hell will have a holiday when Jesus comes and wreaks vengeance on the heathen.

  4. I agree with dandy lion that Soon-Yi is simple minded.

    Tiny scrawny little men like Woody will outlive every one. That’s a mystery.

  5. Mia Farrow’s autobiography is so good and convinced me that Woody Allen is an untrustworthy creep. I used to love his films and now I can’t watch them. Ugh. I hope he’s not left alone with his new daughters.

  6. Nice of Woody to take out the two future Mrs. Allens along with the current one.
    Mia Farrow’s autobiography was surprisingly good, and Woody is a supercreep.

  7. Mousey liberal Mia picked a ‘good bad-boy’ who keeps getting applause and awards and compliments.. despite his filthy mind and evil actions, didn’t she..? Egg on her face still and she just doesn’t GET IT!>?

  8. I won’t/don’t support woody’s films because of what he did. I also believe what Mia said about finding Woody with his face in their young daughter’s crotch. She caught him in the act. He denied it but the way Mia described it it sounded like the truth.

  9. I completely agree w/ Reta — I haven’t been able to watch Woody’s movies since the scandal. BTW, a great, very detailed article about the whole mess is at — just type Woody Allen in the search box, and it will come up.

  10. I don’t watch any of his movies either. I think he’s a dirty pedophile and I am on Mia’s side, I think he molested more than his current wife in that family.

  11. Reta–I thought Mia found out by finding nude or partially nude pics of the daughter that Woody had taken. Did she really find them in bed together?

    I’m off to the library to get Mia’s book.

  12. He’s probably too damn cheap and without taste to buy them anything nice, ever.

  13. I agree with everyone here, he is a very sick man. I don’t watch any of his films.

  14. Creep.

    It is bad enough whenever I see his name I think that he is a pedophile, now in future after reading the above comments I’m going to be stuck with him giving head to asian kids.

    So many levels of wrongness – and not good wrong.

  15. The way I remember it, what Mia caught him in the act doing was with the five year old blonde girl at the time. He has his face in her lap, like perhaps he was licking her or something else thru her clothes, and Mia came into the room and briefly saw it and he jumped up and pretending to be innocent. She used it to try to stop him from visitations of the small kids. I don’t know what time frame it was in regards to the other mess with the 18 year old asian girl that Mia had adopted and woddy had been screwing. Mia DID find nude photos of the girl posing, on the mantle at Woody’s home across Cental Park from her place. Woody had been having an affair there with the girl and taking pics of her. The girl became alianated from her entire family of the other children. The two kids that are with Woody and Soon-yi now are adopted by them, so I’m sure he is repeating the same crap with them. Pediphiles don’t stop, they just find younger victims. Someone needs to STOP him, he is a disgusting filthy creep!

  16. You’ve got remember Hollywood loves this freak. They never condemn his behavior or his nasty pediphile, creepy ways.

  17. I wish that hideous looking little fungus would take a long walk on a short pier.

  18. I will never see another Woody Allen film as long as I live. And I hope his wife doesn’t experiance the same pain that her mother Mia suffered by this creep.

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