Kevin Connolly


Kevin Connolly, 47, is no longer the Entourage playboy he was a few years ago. In fact, he’s had a few close calls recently. Last year in the midst of the MeToo frenzy, he was accused of sexually assaulting a costume designer named Gracie Cox at a wrap party in 2005. The assault was investigated and appeared to be true, and Kevin was very lucky because Cox never filed a police report or pursued it further. In June, Kevin and his girlfriend, Colombian actress Zulay Henao, 42, (age appropriate!) had a baby daughter named Kennedy. When she was just six weeks old, Kennedy contracted Covid after Kevin had it (he WAS vaccinated) and the parents were terrified. Fortunately, Kennedy recovered and the family turned up this weekend at a party at Holiday Road – its a Christmas village and light show in Calabasas.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Life goes on and the Entourage guys are actually growing up and settling down. Kevin Connolly, 46, played “E”- Vincent Chase’s best friend, and when the show ended he sought directing jobs. He got a few, but in 2018 he directed the gigantic flop Gotti with John Travolta which was a career disaster for both of them. Last year a costume designer accused Kevin of sexual assault at a wrap party. He insisted it was consensual. Now things seem to be looking up because Kevin’s girlfriend, Colombian actress Zulay Heneo, 41, is expecting their first child in a few months. Fun fact: Zulay and Kevin are the same height: 5’5.”

Photo: Instagram


Kevin Connolly has long aspired to have a directing career, and while filming Entourage he directed some music videos and eventually a few episodes of the series. When his series ended he went on to direct other TV shows and short films. Imagine his excitement when he landed his first job directing a feature film! Unfortunately, that movie happened to be John Travolta’s pet project Gotti. It was a GIGANTIC flop- Rotten Tomatoes gave it a ZERO rating! Poor Kevin has been struggling to find work ever since…

Above, Kevin is squatting on the street, chatting on the phone and smoking

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA