Child Custody


Hi Readers,
We are going to try something new. As a one-woman operation, writing this website is a time-consuming task. We hear a lot of great gossip but don’t have the staff and resources of other websites like TMZ, so they occasionally break the story first. That doesn’t mean we don’t have some exclusive details, so we are going to call this weekly feature, HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW. As the title implies, we will update you on what we know about items you might read elsewhere. Just because we didn’t write it first, doesn’t mean we don’t have some good tea to share! So here we go:

Everyone is talking about Tish Cyrus stealing her husband Dominic (Prison Break) Purcell from her daughter, Noah. Here’s what we know… Noah WAS casually dating Dominic before Tish hooked up with him, but the gals were already estranged before the betrayal. Noah and her mom Tish have been on the outs over Billy Ray Cyrus. Noah is a daddy’s girl and took his side when Tish finally pulled the plug on the marriage. On the other hand, Noah’s big sister Miley sided with her mom, and is now estranged from Billy Ray…

Kayne West is back to posting direct pleas to his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian on social media. His latest one urged her to take their kids out of what he calls “system school” (which some took to be leaning into antisemitism.) We DO know that Kim called a meeting with lawyers since the social media post apparently violated their custody agreement by naming the school where the kids are enrolled. Huge safety concern for Kim – so she’s using this an ammunition to get full custody. We will keep you posted.

Finally, Stephen Baldwin raised concerns about the state of his daughter Hailey’s marriage to Justin Bieber when he asked fans and his social media followers to pray for the couple. Here’s what we know: We already told you the marriage was in trouble and that the couple were in therapy and spending time apart. This time we beat the other websites in revealing this, so we will say it again, WE TOLD YA SO!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Tish Cyrus and Dominic Purcell


Remember where you read this. Kim Kardashian is headed to court to request full custody of her four children with Kanye West. Kanye was captured on videotape going on an anti-Semitic rant in Las Vegas early Friday morning -the tape is already viral on TMZ. As soon as she saw it, Kim reached out to her attorney and said enough is enough. She’s worried that her kids should not be around her ex-husband because he’s apparently mentally unstable and she doesn’t want their minds poisoned by his unhinged rants. Stay tuned as she’s expected to file quickly…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Kim and kids at LA restaurant


Brad Pitt HAS to be wondering which of his six children dislike him enough to testify AGAINST him in his and Angelina’s custody court battle. Angelina is furious because the judge recently gave Brad shared custody of the kids. Court papers show that Angelina said THREE of the children were ready to testify AGAINST their father, but the judge didn’t allow it. We already know Maddox, 19, wants nothing to do with Brad (he was with Angelina long before Brad came along.) Pax is 17 and would probably side with Maddox- but who is the 3rd angry child? Zahara? (we remember Brad shopping with her to find a doll that looked like her) Shiloh? She and the twins Knox and Vivienne look a LOT like their dad. Brad just wants time with his kids so he can win them back. SOME will be more difficult than others…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA – The Pitts in happier days


Lisa Marie Presley, 52, and her ex-husband, musician Michael Lockwood’s custody battle might turn out to be as tawdry as Johnny Depp’s court battle with Amber Heard, with both of them revealing embarrassing details about the other. In the past Lockwood has accused Lisa of “snorting so much cocaine that she stayed wake for eleven days straight.” Lisa Marie retaliated by claiming she found child pornography on Lockwood’s computer. Their 11 year old twins Harper and Finley were temporarily taken into child custody, while both parents were investigated. Lisa has been treated for substance abuse and the court could find no solid evidence for either claim. Now they are back in court fighting over the twins and money. Lisa arrived to court still looking wan and devastated by the death of her son Benjamin. Michael (above) was dressed to kill. And so it begins…(By the way, HE’S still a Scientologist and she is NOT.)

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA