Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Snoop Dogg is rumored to be worth over 200 million dollars, but he ‘s not about to give up his gangster image onstage. Here he is performing in Liverpool wearing a Dickies industrial polyester suit and sunglasses. The Suit costs around $55 and it’s the fashion choice of LA gang members. We fondly remember the day Snoop puzzled Parisians when he wore a shower cap outside his hotel in Paris.

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  1. Janet, you have stunning insight into the hidden world of LA gang culture. Thank you from all of the readers and of course from the Dickies Company for plugging their Industrial wear.

  2. Dickies Industrial Work clothing isn’t just worn by gang members Janet. And its not cheap unless you’re stealing it or buying the seconds. Why so freaking racist Janet?

    My dad wore Dickies work wear at home while putzing around. Yeah my dad was black but he was in no way a gang member. Dude was a lifelong decorated high ranking Naval Officer who just like a certain type of clothing. My dad was always ready for anything – something broke he was on it, need to look presentable for guests- done, have to run to the store- clean and ready and coordinated.

    Same my nephew. Like his granddad he prefers to wear Dickies on his off time. My nephew prefers to wear the Dickies coverall speed suit in bright orange or olive green which makes him look like a prison change gang member or elementary school janitor but he says its comfortable. And he’s a CHP cadet so… um nowhere near a gang member.

    I myself paid $125 for my Dickies pants for my public service job uniform. And that was with the Civil Servant Discount. Get you sh*t straight.

  3. Gangster hahahaha very “vanilla” as they say…how about Gangsta…..hehehe sorry Janet.

  4. Maybe he is trying to relate to the Blue collar workers as well as gang members?? I mean they are the ones buying the albums, no??

  5. I remember my great uncle who was a world war two Canadian airbornne hero, christ the guy is on a D. Day,commerative series postal stamp wore those things every day. He was a very wealthy land owner and fooled a lot of people by his work dress.
    Incidentally his brother was allied forces heavyweight boxing champ and there was a very famous picture of Uncle Fred that went out on the A.P. of him directing traffic{military police} from the middle of a bridge under enemy machine gun fire during the allied retreat over a “bridge too far””. There are stories of that man stopping riots in bars by simply walking in the door ny himself. Everyone would just stop when they saw him.
    When men were men.Those Saskatchewan farm boys were tougher than nails.

  6. You can get Dickies at Wal Mart much cheaper….the snoopster would present a much better image if he wore a suit and tie and dropped the gangsta look.

  7. Janet is a racist bitch, much like piggez Hilton. They have the same anti black agenda that they think they are discreetly sneaking in to their blog.

  8. Nope…JC doesnt show any anti black threads that I see. EEOC BLACKS believe that everything is racist that points out their poor behavior.

    Herman Cain should be a BLACK role model and not Snoop or Kardashians or Beyonce or RR or others that cant even speak proper English.

  9. “My dad wore Dickies work wear at home while putzing around. Yeah my dad was black but he was in no way a gang member. Dude was a lifelong decorated high ranking Naval Officer who just like a certain type of clothing. My dad was always ready for anything – something broke he was on it, need to look presentable for guests- done, have to run to the store- clean and ready and coordinated”

    Yep and he was a good role model. not to be confused with the poor role models of today.

  10. Pee Paw needs to go out and help his homeboys get an education and work..

  11. I must comment on Strom’s comments, and yes dear, I know “it’s not about posters”: Do my eyes deceive or are 2 of the above comments complimentary to african-americans?

    The other comment, the link he posted about Morgan Freeman is from a website advertised as a “black women’s lifestyle” site. Something you’re not sharing “Strom”?

  12. I Love white people who tell me whom my role models should be.

    Herman Cain? Conservatives only like him because they like whatever FOX news tells them to like….talking about being brained washed.

    his fans are just ordinary folks like you and me……….

  14. God role models deserve compliments….unfortunately most BLACKS want their role models to have many tatts, much metal, and a room full of uneducated ho’s surrounding them….no wonder the race is being passed by all others like jets….just keep on rapping and soon it will be gone.

  15. Even the illegals will pass by the BLACKS and be working while the BLACKS just have their hand out for the dole.

    Compliments to all the BLACKS who have gone into the military and seen this as a way to make something of their lives and progress my comments dont apply to the many hard working ones but they should be scorning the rappers and enablers who just want to keep the others dumb and poor.

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