Simon Cowell is looking exceptionally spiffy all dressed up for the Royal Ascot races where he occupied a $20,000 private box and hobnobbed with several exgirlfriends. Which brings up the question: Where is his fiancee Mezhgan Hussainy? They’ve only been engaged since February. Not only did she miss Ascot, but she missed the BAFTA show where Simon was given a Lifetime Achievement Award, and the American Idol wrap party. In fact, Simon and Mezhgan haven’t been seen together since May. His friends who were shocked by the engagement don’t seem shocked by this turn of events. Perhaps Simon’s massive ego is creating problems.

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  1. Before Simon, Mezghan was Clay Aitken’s girlfriend. Yes…
    And YES, I think what you think 🙂

  2. Maybe they’ve broken up already. Or MAYBE they are both so secure in their own lives that they don’t NEED to be unbelically attatched to each other in order to be a couple. You know, people actually DO have separate interests sometimes.

  3. If she were still on the scene she should have been at his lifetime achievement award (assuming he knew in advance he would be the recipient).

    I’ve watched a few seasons of AI and I don’t think he has a massive ego. Just calls it like he see’s it and doesn’t suffer fools. He has done exceeding well and deserves it.

  4. I think it would be difficult to please Simon whomever you are, male or female. He seems kinda crabby and petulant. I’m sure he’s happy in whatever relationship he’s in, tho, as I’m sure he’s the one calling the shots.

  5. Reta, face reality, he’s a HOMO. If his queenie behavior on Idol didn’t give you a clue your Gaydar is hopelessly ineffective. Most famous people are gay. FACT.

  6. It is Cowell’s homosexuality that is creating problems. Why is it that, in this age of spin, when anyone under 50 should be extremely media savy, so many people handle covering up their homosexuality so badly, and when doing so seems so important to them and their career? If you are a gay man playing straight you don’t acquire trophy girlfriends, imitate a 1960’s or 70’s playboy, or enter into relationships that look so obviously like they were arranged by your team and hers. Perhaps there is an opportunity for a business here, teaching these gay celebs how to really look hetero. Training would include being obviously whipped, settling because you were in dry spell, and carrying the ball and chain with a smile. You could call it Get It Straight.

  7. Clue: Not too many straight dudes are willing to get that sparkly for an event.

  8. You people that sniff out gays everywhere need to seriously go get help. And Kylie, I really have concern for your mind if you think “Most famous people are gay.”

  9. Seriously Reta, go to or and you’ll see threads where they’re outting who’s gay in Hollywood. Get a clue. It’s not a slam against gay people, just the truth. You remind me of those rabid claymates that denied for years that Clay was gay. It’s not our fault you don’t have gaydar.

    I’ll tell you who ISN’T gay….. Brad Pitt. Dennis Leary. Conan O’brian. Kevin Bacon. Reese Witherspoon.

  10. Reta, what is the big deal? If these celebs do not want to be pegged as gay, they the need to stop fabricating male/female relationships based on either silly male-female cliches and/or characters from movies and tv shows loved by mushy women and fey gay boys. If someone can say, oh, he is Mr. Big, and she is Carrie, then chances are HE is gay, and SHE is his beard. Should we all just say nothing and look the other way, participating in the lie the media chooses to feed us? Sure, this time the lie is a silly fact-simile about a twit of a celebrity, but what comes next? There really were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? G.W. Bush is a hyper-literate genius? The corporate world has all our best interests at heart? Wake up and smell the coffee.

  11. I suspected he was queer after he dumped his long time gal, Terri Seymour. If he had been straight, this was the perfect girl for him, both from the U.K. She most probably knew he was gay and stayed with him for a while and it paid off. He bought her a mansion and gave her lotsa $$$. When will this new girl wise up? Or maybe she knows and is waiting for her payoff. Simon is a very very crafty individual.

  12. So, Kylie, let me get this straight, you’ve seen sites where they “out” people, and THAT is gospel to you? Do you ALWAYS believe everything you read? You must be very simpleminded. Unless there is some documentation, I tend to not blindly believe slanderous verbiage about people. Those who want to BE BELIEVED make NOTE of their souces or somehow document the proof of their discovery. TRY to understand that!

  13. Oh Reta just shut it. No need to run off a diatribe of insults because you don’t possess gaydar.

  14. I would say Simon woke up to the fact that his fiancee is just looking for a paycheck. Who writes a book about their husband before he’s their husband? Simon may as well stay single, pay some woman to have a couple of kids to satisfy moms and call it a day.

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