Leonardo DiCaprio’s model girlfriend, Bar Rafaeli, is bending over backwards to keep her moody boyfriend happy. She’s even become a sports fan to please him. According to a friend, one of the problems that Leo and Bar experienced when they previously dated was that she felt like a sports widow, so now she’s learned to love all his favorite sports, especially basketball. “Bar accompanies Leo when he goes to the Lakers games or even when he watches games at his local sports bar, Goal in Hollywood,” the insider says. “She decided that she was never going to change Leo so she decided it was just easier to start watching sports with him.”

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  1. Leo is a nice guy and quite talented as well. That’s not too big of a sacrifice.

  2. I don’t care WHO he is, there’s nobody on this planet I would watch sports for! I wonder…does he get invlolved in HER interests?

  3. Ha! she hopes to meet a more successful, entertaining, and better built, handsome guy.

  4. I love Leo as an actor and love his movies, but I just get the vibe that he’s just a very complicated person. His relationships seem to follow the same pattern.

  5. By strom
    On June 21, 2010 at

    Bad news jew,
    A bigot hiding behind a computer

  6. Is Leo really a monster model-izer, or is he hiding something?

  7. I agree with Sally. Is he worth all the problems/demands his package comes with? And good point Reta, does he get involved in her interests? If not, I would say “see ya”.

  8. Well, what are her interests? The main one is that she has been trying to snag Leo and get him to say “I do”. She’s been trying for some time, and her parents want the same thing. Keep trying, girlie, I’m afraid it’s a lost cause, unless you want someone who is definitely on the down-low.

  9. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks! says:

    Know that is love and that means loving what he loves and respecting what he loves and that is major care if you ask me.

  10. Casonia Logenberry..Natural Cook and learn on the spot and yes we all get it? All of the food that is served has to be your way or there ass is going to hit the door! Elisa is a good cook to a large degree and it her personality, that sucks! says:

    Take a man as he is and never try to change him.

  11. Casonia..Alway look Chef Gordon in the eye and say what you have to say and never ever call him out of his name! Listen and learn all of his food and learn all of his food and prepare it the way he would make it himself! Do it just like him.. says:

    Feel his passion and gather understanding from what gives him joy and…It puts a smile on his face and it is about falling in love with a person just the way they are.

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