Joan Collins loves the 80’s revival in fashion – these poofy shoulders are something Dynasty’s Alexis Carrington would have adored. We hear that Joan is eager to be back on TV and she’s hustling to sell a series about two aging actors (her and Robert Wagner to be exact ) who run a hotel in Hollywood and give advice to young actors starting out. With those shoulders she’s bound to talk someone into producing it.
"Dynasty" Joan Collins Robert Wagner Series TV
NO. She has the same ailment Bret Michaels has: skinny frail legs, then tapering as you go up to a wide triangle, or as I noted in his case, an upside-down bowling pin shape. HIDEOUS! She needs to hide those two hundred year old legs first and foremost. AND she needs to take all her old Dynasty crappy wardrobe out back to the incinerator (oh, come on, you KNOW she has one…) and pitch them all in and burn the hell out of them…(Indy could help her, she’s really knowledgeble about Hell).
Then she needs to burn the nasty wigs and do something (I don’t know WHAT) about the hideous plastic-pulled-mask face. It looks like she can’t even make any expression. And THEN there are those white witch hand-claws…oh my…
You would think Joan would want to retire. She was in Dynasty, in the movies. Hell, she did Shakespeare.
She did not act in his plays, she actually DID Shakespeare.
Oh enough already. Just because they dug up Betty White and she’s enjoying a little warmed-over success, every octogenarian in H’wood wants a comeback now. When it comes to these super-senior actors, a little goes a long way.
Just heard even Burt Reynolds is trying to get another show off the ground. I can’t even fathom that. Please people, your time has come…………………. and long gone. EONS ago. Do us all a favor and keep it that way.
Maybe she needs the money.
The woman is elderly yet still classy.
I say she should have a reality show where they teach men and woman how to be bitchy or drag queens …she’d be perfect for this!
Joan Collins is a strong-willed survivor,and she plans on going out in style. She has refused to age into retirement.At the ripe
“young” age of 77,she can still command an audience.She was on The Talk today,she was not senile,and does not show any signs of slowing down. She is married to a younger man who appears to adore her,and they are happily living it up.
All the best to Joan and Percy!!
Joan is said to have had more different cock’s in her than any white woman in Hollywood. She lags far behind the one who sets the record for total cock,,,black Diana Ross. Both still probably get their share.
The 80s fashion has not been revived. What was Joan thinking?
strom, I bet you get all the girl with the way you smooth talk. She no Betty White, but if there something like a grandma role I guess that’s okay.
If she could get 3 more oldies (and famous) gals, there could be a revival of Golden Girls. If Betty White would be in it, it may be a hit revival of GG. At least don’t make it another one of those damn reality shows. Joan could play an aging ex-Broadway actress. yeah, it might be a hit.
I have great respect for her, because, rather than settle on her laurels, she went back to the theatre in London and did a series of Noel Coward plays. She also did Private Lives on Broadway. Look for the Noel Coward Collection and get the Tonight at 8:30 series. She has a lot of versatility as an actress, and she worked with her ex-husband, Anthony Newley, again, just before he died. She’s the British Betty White. You go, girl!!!!!
Joan Collins is coming back to television? Great! I loved “Tales from the Crypt.”
At least she has the spunk to not just lay down and die. Better than being in a nursing home.
I think tho that she should do the following:
Always wear slacks (bad legs and cellulite)
Don’t wear bright red lipstick.
The wigs should not be crow-black.
Ditch the shoulder pads and get modernized.
Not sure Joan is so classy. In her early years in acting she spent more time staring at the ceiling than Michelangelo did.
She is a perfect example of the old line: In Hollywood, if you want to succeed, you had better be willing to suck seed.
Was just about to post the same thing Helena posted above, there’s only one Betty White, forget about it Joan.
Of course. Betty White has had a long and rich career, and is incredibly witty (I have loved seeing her in Cleveland, and in movies, but I think she has been at her best on Craig Ferguson’s talk show). Joan Collins was just one of the last studio contract bimbos who stretched her 15 minute by riding the whole Bitch thing. No one wants to see anymore of that preying mantis in a wig.
I bet somebody’s going broke. You never want to outlive the money.
What insane vitriol on this board. Commenting on her legs? Evil. These creepy posters should post pix of themselves. No doubt they are flawless and probably half Joan’s age. As I said before, evil.
Thanks Persi, I agree that many commenters are horribly negative – I admire Joan’s spunk and think she looks great!
Yo Janet, I didn’t diss her!
Janet there ya go again — Joan and spunk in the same sentence. If you know about her days as a young actress, that is so funny!
WOW! Janet speaks up to defend the (as Sebastian so brilliantly put it) “Preying mantis in a wig” (which describes the above picture to a “T”, but yet she won’t or never says a THING about the freak known as “wim/Captain America/Gerard Vandenburg” OR “strom” and their CONSTANT racist and homophobic vomitings.Or she won’t install a button or way to protest their spewings. Way to go Janet!
She did survive the transition to “talkies” back in the day, so have to give her credit for that.
And Pierce_mn, Anthony Newley famously once said of ex-wife Joan: “If she could, she’d sell tickets to her bowel movements.” 🙂
PS: Helena: if Burt Reynolds indeed does get back on TV -screens across America will spontaneously protest by melting back into silica and spilling towards the nearest ocean.
Oh, and Janet, it should read “(she and Robert Wagner…”
coming out of lurkmode…if you don’t like this site, leave. no one begs you to come here. there are other sites for your viewing and posting!
some of these posters lack control of their lives that’s why they use this board to vent their frustrations through trashing celebs. when you feel powerless in your life, it leads down a long, sad lonely road.
i agree with you! 🙂
Love You Joan Collins!!
We feel powerless in our lives? How Dr. Phil of you. How about this is a celeb gossip site and those are traditionally a place for snarkiness? This is not the Joan Collins fan club website, all are welcome to speak here.
Honey Bear, and how pathetic does your life have to be for you to crawl to, or identify with, a celeb who probably wouldn’t hire you to pick up her dogs turds?
A while back, Janet ran a photo of Joan walking on the beach. Joan’s legs were absolutely fabulous.
Palermo: HERE HERE! One wonders why Janet even HAS a gossip site if she rails against the very people who support her best. And on WHAT PLANET has Janet been on that there is an “80’s revival in fashion”? It certainly ain’t here babe! It was bad enough the first time around!!!!!
Inquiring Minds, LOL!!!!
Don’t forget: Joan and D.W. Griffith. Which is kind of creepy, cause ten years earlier she baby-sat him.
Palermo and Reta, bravo! I think that Janet and whoever is really controling her site are kind of trapped. There is a great deal of activity, because a certain community has developed. This is good for business. However, at times the level of analysis AND venom is too high. Bad for business. It would be far better if regular posters just gushed about an actresses outfit, or how an actors new house must be a palace, or how a recently-release movie was brilliant.
Every so often some new poster appears condemning regular posters as losers, or whatever. These are either kool-Aid-drinking fans or employees being sent out to be trolls. I am starting to firmly believe it is the later.
Me too.
Village has a point!
I agree Sebastian. There is most definitely a certain group that “Janet” pushes on us. Or perhaps we are just test dummies to see which stars the general public really likes and then they can push them in the next issue of the Enquirer.
………why not?
Sounds awesome. Sign up Joan!!!! Let’s get Reality TV off the air and put the veterans (the good ones) back to work.
I think the 80’s of which Joan was a significant part, was a sign of what was to come in the 21st century. Look at the TV that made big splashes in the 80’s. We had the first reality television shows — Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, and The Real World — and we saw an over-all tackiness, with has-beens like Joan landing on TV, over-the-top show concepts, etc., etc. In the 90’s the pendulum swung the other way — with quality, interesting and landmark televsion (e.g. Seinfeld) — but it swung back again, and this time much further.
Joan would fit in nicely in the current pop culture climate. She, in her small way, helped to make it the cess pit it is.
Mr. Demille, I’m ready for my close-up.
trust me, you’re just a web click and putting ad dollars in janet’s pockets, so carry on. if you think you are that important, that jc’s staff will even fathom something like that, then you prove my point. you need this site, it’s all you have in life!
Honey Bear, and what does it say about you then?
If you push a strain for a whole week to come up with you sad posts, more is the pity. I check back here when I happen to be on the web, and rattle off a comment.
It is a bit of fun. I know your type — and the only fun you people have is being snotty towards others. Whatever gets you off. And thanks, you actually make me respect people like Strom and captain america.
This whole site is getting old and boring. Nothing much going on but the same old racist assholes, homophobes, and bible thumpers and now a new pile of them blindly attacking anyone who has the nerve to ask a pointed question. The question won’t get answered, but questioner will surely be personally attacked. So “Christian”of them…I guess they missed that day in Sunday school when they were little.
Yeah, I may rant occassionally myself, but firmly believe I deliver on the funnies. There are several regulars who can deliver a snappy sassy comment, which I like. However, comments are starting to get too much off-topic and too heavy.
Yes, I am considering taking my wares elsewhere…but would miss you Sebastian, you seem to be the only regular with true wit…so hard to come by in this day and age. But stoopud is stoopud and this place in here gets harder to visit when no progress is ever made…I’m outa here babe! It’s been nice!
Anything we can do to help that happen, Reta?
Meanwhile, back on topic:
Like Janet, I also admire Joan’s spunk. And back in her heyday, she was usually drenched in the the stuff.
It can’t have been easy earning her nickname—”The British Open.” XD
But her war stories—like being chased around the casting rock by Louis B. Mayer’s father—are delightful!
Diana Ross was surely, The Detroit Open then for many a four-some.
Mona Garrett, LOL!
I think the ridiculous pretense of certain older celebs, that they are now the classy grand dames of stage or screen, when they were worse than common whores in their younger years, is far worse than anything the young skanks like Lindsay and Paris are doing today.
With a few exceptions most actresses from the studio contract days were nothing more than sperm dumpsters for studio execs and A-list actors. And it was not just the obvious sex-bomb types like Marilyn Monroe.