Now that he’s 51, Sean Penn doesn’t take any chances on drinking and driving. Or maybe he just drinks more. He likes to hang out at Sunset Tower in West Hollywood, which also happens to be Jennifer Aniston’s favorite bar. When Sean is planning to have a few cocktails there, he calls ahead and reserves a room just in case. If he happens to get too liquored up to drive, he stays overnight. And if he has a hard time finding his room – the staff helps him out – they like him there.

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  1. One would need the panarama (wide angle) lense to get him and his ego in the same photo.

  2. Juicy gossip, Janet.
    I would love to get blasted with him.

  3. A person who drinks decides to drink responsibly. This is news?

  4. The ladies all are dying to go out with him because he has a big nose?

  5. Travolta should get him drunk and then tape him anally invading that douche that calls himself Sean Penn.

  6. Sad he has to liquor up to relax.. and he thinks he knows better than anyone how to manage anything..

  7. he is one of the best American actors and i love him.

  8. the French writer Colette said, ” after a certain age you get the face you deserve” …

  9. He is just hanging round there to “met” some 25 years old girls. and for there case, that the “going get rough” he got that room.
    Sad, he s getting older, not wiser but more bored…

  10. hurly burly
    bad boys
    she’s so fine
    the game
    u turn
    dean man walking
    carlitos way
    state of grace
    casualties of war
    falcon and snowman
    at close range
    plus more and more And MORE NOT TO MENTION DIRECTING………
    when any of you make 1/4 of a decent movie then you can judge someone else
    re: his mustache & his nose:
    i bet all of you are just perfect ten gorgeous huh?? yeah…….wish you could post your gpoy’s….

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