Our suspicions are confirmed. The nations largest independent TV station, KCET, has sold their Hollywood studio lot to the “church” of Scientology. What’s horrible about this is the fact that the nearly five acre studio will no longer be paying taxes to the city or anyone else. Even worse are the plans that the cult has for the facility. They will use it to “deliver their message to the largest international audience possible.” We will be bombarded with Scientology TV shows, “informative” films, and internet content to further the creepy organization’s “purposes.” Governor Brown – can’t you so something about TAXING these people? (Above: Celebrity Center headquarters)

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  1. No real comment because I am SPEECHLESS over this.

    *smacks head*

  2. Why are you and your friends bugging out on scientology. Good for Sciencetolgy and their bullshit. Jews get away with all the time and now they are being compensated for the pretend bombings to secure their church for safety measures.

  3. hell0: Well, it’s not that the church is going to own the station—you can just not watch if you don’t care to.

    No, the issue is that KCET SOLD OUT. That station has been a Southern California institution. No more.

    To whom they sold out is almost secondary, but I absolutely agree with the spirit of your comment.

  4. Good point hellO. How many American tax payer $$$ are funding a war in the name of what religion? Not Scientology!!

    I am not a Scientologist nor do I have any desire to become a Scientologist but sometimes peoples “religious beliefs” cloud or even negate their common sense.

  5. let’s hope soon we will not here from them again!!

  6. I live in nyc so I don’t care. I turned off the idiot box for 2 years now and couldn’t be happier. There’s the 700 club and other religious nonsense on tv for people who need to believe and send their money. Good for those people who throw their money in the toilet.

  7. This is just MORE proof that ALL churches need to be taxed and start paying their share for the businesses they run. Tired of then getting a free pass while they get richer and richer using people.

  8. Of course it is a media outlet that sold out to Scieno$$$….it is my firm suspicion that Scienos have their noses up the asses of many media outlets. And yes, that is not real and actual war….or is it? I hate Scientology….it is a multi-level marketing organization, and their intentions to expand globally is due to the fact that Americans are just STARTING to understand how dangerous, powerful and menacing this so-called religion is. California and Florida is where the cult has its stronghold, but they probably own property all over the country, because they hide behind other company names.

  9. For Priscilla and LisaMarie to be Scientologists is too hard to begin to understand. To be savvy enough to snag Elvis when 1000’s would give their soul just to kiss him and then to be so stupid to join a demonic cult boggles the mind. E would not stand for it. Pris and Lisa don’t even have the guts to read about SCI on websites and get the hell out shows that the richest are the dumbest. The brain dead celebs spill their guts in auditing sessions and then are afraid to get out and just keep pouring really big buck$ into it.

  10. Scientology does not have it nose up media ass. NoWay! No Can do. Absolutely false. The jews m own and operates 97% of the media where does scientology come in to operate or own a door knob?

  11. “hell0”, again 100% “right on the money” no pun intended. Thanks for telling it like it is. That is exactly why the Madonna/murder story never made news.

  12. Scientology won’t produce the next Hollywood Blockbuster. Per their website they bought KCET for internal broadcasts and productions (“This new studio is a turnkey setup that provides the Church the means to move into broadcasting for both the religion and its many social betterment and humanitarian programs. It is also ideally set up to establish a central media hub for our network of Churches around the world. Utilizing the studio’s existing satellite uplink, we will be able to provide our Churches and affiliated groups globally with instantaneous access to a wealth of content, all in high definition, ranging from the Church’s six annual international events to new educational and introductory films and even video updates for the public informational displays located in Churches around the world.”)

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