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Andrew Morton’s book “Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography” is #1 on the bestseller list and he had a chat with Cindy Adams at The Post. Morton told Cindy this hilarious tidbit: “Scientologists buried founder Ron Hubbard’s works in titanium in underground vaults on three sites- two of them are New Mexico and California. They believe when the world comes to an end, his works will at least be saved. Someone at an anti-Scientology website wants to bury MY BOOK the same way so it is preserved also!”
Incidentally, Morton insists that Tom Cruise is NOT gay – just as I have always told you.
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NOT gay?! That’s news?
Why does Katie wear those 6 inch platform heels? Besides making her even taller than the Sci-Master, it’s ruining her feet. You can see blue veins and bulges, and I’ve seen pics of her mis-shapen toes. Relax Katie, you got him.
Ugh, I’ve seen pictures of her gnarly toes. Hope tiny Tom doesn’t have a foot fetish. Maybe he can take some pictures of her bare feet and put them in a vault underground, labeled….’how to look good if you don’t mind the pain’.
Gay or not, his sudden, aburpt courtships of famous women is highly suspicious. Why is it so necessary for him to always be attached to a famous woman? Since becoming famous, has he ever dated an unknown woman? Has he ever played the field longer than a few months? It just seems so odd.
Tom isn’t even legally married to Katie. They never did the legal end of their marriage. They just had a big wedding in Europe where the mayor of the city that the “wedding” took place in in said it was not even legal in her city.
The man is odd!
He was at one time in the 80’s a cool guy, but now he’s one weird freak….
Cruise will surely burn in hell for his foolish worship of aliens. See you there Tommy!
He’s gay.
She’s a robot.
Little ASSHOLES like tommy-boy are always Bi-SEXUAL or just FAGGOT!!
UNCERTAINE FAGGOTS to be precise!!
give us more tid bits from the morton book, puhleeze.
$cientology sucks people in by posing as a harmless self-help group…. they offer their “free personality tests” and hand out pamphlets called, “the way to freedom” and such….
it is all lies. all lies. the cult wants to draw you in and mind fark you so that they can manipulate you into giving them all of your money, working as their slave and so that they can ruin your entire life. that’s all.
rotten bastards.
in spite of all the bad press,he does seem to be a caring and hands on father.i just wish he would lighten up a little.
I used to absolutely adore him and he seemed so sweet back then. What a shame that someone as nice as Tom got sucked in to such an awful cult/criminal organization and now actually promotes it, even bringing in friends and his own family!
Did anyone check the hem of that dress before she left the house ?
This photo is KILLING me !
There is nothing attractive about this “man” at all.
Big & Tall; Short & Small !
JUST LIKE THE MOVIE ” the stepford wives” robots”””
these 2 weirdos need nose jobs!
Janet, Janet, Janet–you are so clueless. Tiny Tom is most Definitely GAY–since the beginning–
He may be trying to be careful now with his latest beard–but tommy loves the boys!
Tommy is most definitely GAY! I even know the course he took to “CURE” his hoosexuality. I am a former Scientologist, thank GOD I got out of it alive!
Big hint.. He likes to privately wrestle with new friends.
Sorry but she looks odd. All angular and awkward even though a very beautiful face. And if she is 5′ 9″ and is wearing 6″ heels and he is 5′ 7″ then Tommy is wearing some extra height somewhere…..all smoke and mirrors.
They are creepy and so mismatched just the same as Nicole and Keith!
When you play with Scientology in any form or fashion, I am telling the truth: You are playing with Satan and his demonic spirits. (The demonic spirits are the 1/3 of the angels that fell when Satan rebelled and was kicked out of heaven). When you hear Tom come out with that demonic fake laugh, that is just what it is: DEMONIC. SCI has got his ass. (See Michael of 3:01 PM).
yeah, he’s not gay, uh huh, sure.
and Katie already had a nose job since they got married
TMZ has played that fake laugh of his every time I watch (which is always). It sends cold chills; he has sold his soul and taking Katie and many more with him into the abyss. The short little faggot SCI-master is riding high now, but at what price.
22 . . . the rich man also died, and was buried;
23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father
I heard that Tom makes Katie tell him that he has been a bad bad very bad boy and spank his bottom.
What is the real reason that he and Nicole Kidman divorced? That was always fuzzy.
Also, what happened to the X-ray machine that tom allegedly bought when katie was pregnant to watch the growing baby????
J-9 9:16 ,
the hem on her skirt is very sloppy… looks like it was literally taped. oh well, everybody has days in which they dont look as good or put together as others. the shoes are fug.
1:22 AM: I always heard they divorced because she would not bow to Scientology; she stayed with her Catholic upbringing. He could not tolerate her not conforming to him and SCI. He prolly called down aliens to beam up the X-Ray machine for future use when all the Scientologists will live on other planets and their special planet. There is not way for him to be more nuts than he is. He has reached the pinnacle.
I read somewhere that they have separate bedrooms.
Okay Janet, sure he taint gay.
Andrew’s source was a private investigator, Baressi. He was hired by TC and his attorney B. Fields. You can find out more by looking into it.
A very odd religion that borrowed from the crazy mormons