Ryan Phillippe has turned to therapy to deal with his complicated life. Ryan is getting serious with Amanda Seyfried but she was shocked when Ryan’s ex-girlfriend Alexis Knapp revealed that she is pregnant with his third child. (He has two children with his exwife Reese Witherspoon) DNA will eventually prove that the baby is or is not his. But Ryan is not taking these events lightly – he’s been confused and meeting with a therapist in hopes of doing the right thing with all the women in his life. (Above, Ryan and Amanda look glum)

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  1. From what I can tell, he is aging (turns 37 in Sept.) well. He doesn’t look all that different from when he was in Cruel Intentions (1999).

    I can’t get use to some of the newer styles for the ladies. Why do they wear those big ugly oversized boots? Looks like an accident (as in tripping) waiting to happen. I could understand slipping them on to slop the hogs or grab the mail in a rain storm but not just for regular day to day wear.

  2. Put a rubber on it Ryan, that will solve your woman problems. Clearly these bitches aren’t using birth control so man up and put the glove on.


  4. He’s one of the actual handsome/cute still actors in Hollywood. I’m sure if he hooks up for a long haul with Amanda she will want to pop one or two of her own out too. That’s what we women do when we’re madly in lust with the love of our life (we think). And we are blinded by lust and love and the desire to breed and make nests and settle in.

    Unfortunately sometimes, or most times, it doesn’t work and the offspring are left wondering where did daddy go all of a sudden.
    And why is he with that OTHER woman and kid?
    It’s called:
    “How To Get Some Huge Scars That Will Never Go Away And Will Fuck Up the Rest of Your Life!”

  5. Gerard: a “male” has a penis and a female has a vagina. Now, does THAT clear up your bloated, clogged head some? Do you even HAVE a dictionary? Try figuring out how to use it. Maybe ask a neighbor if you can venture out into the light without shriveling and bursting into flame within seconds. Or, you know, you can always call the library, THAT won’t require your stepping outside into the light of day, but of course, you’ll have to have a telephone (and know how to use it). Just press 411 to get the library’s number and maybe the information lady can help you out on your dialing directions too.

  6. Ryan is not worrying about women. This post is complete fabricated rubbish.

  7. 1. Ryan, next time use a condom.
    2. Paternity test fully recommended.

  8. I don’t get his appeal, to much of a boy, just like justin timberlake.

    Having to see a therapist; boo hoo ‘dry your eyes princess’.

  9. Ryan Phillips is gorgeous! If reese’s kids are cute, why not the next chick get knock up and hope for gorgeous kids too. He’s not married and men these days want to have more kids by different To remind themselves of their legacy as they older.

  10. It’s beyond me how in 2011 all these people get “accidentally” pregnant. Birth control and condoms, use them

  11. Ryan was always a cheater, and seems now he is gotten himself in a mess and is now “confused and meeting with a therapist”. boo hoo. He is really an un-manly looking little twerp. (I agree with cal: a nerdy Justin Timberlake…blah).

    I know this is mean, but he must have gotten tired of looking at Reese’s tiny, small, long pointed witch chin. She REALLY looks bad without makeup, as per pics in Nat’l Enquirer.

  12. Hey Indy, Glad you are safe & okay and the storms didn’t get you. The storms and high winds seem to be ongoing week after week.

  13. Is this actually news. Any guy who has a gf or a wife has “female problems”, get serious.

  14. Walt, thank you. Last night, from about 5 until 10 PM my area was under HIGH RISK for storms. We had sheets of rain and some hail, but thank God, no tornadoes. I’m glad you are OK too. The weather channel said the jet stream was up north now (or something like that) and things should calm down. I feel so sorry for ones who were in damages.

  15. She is a keeper and definitely won’t put up with his BS and he knows it!!

  16. I think Ryan Phillippe is gorgeous. He seems like a fantastic father who would do the right thing no matter what for his kids. That is a lot more then you can say for most actors or most men for that matter.

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