Okay, the first horse is out of the barn as far as sexual predator Roman Polanski is concerned. Actress Charlotte Lewis has accused of Polanski of taking sexual advantage of her when she was sixteen and auditioning for a movie role. She claims that at the time, Polanski bragged to her “I sleep with every actress I work with.” Quite plausible, because taking advantage of very young actresses was a common – and accepted -practice in a certain circle of successful Hollywood men in the self-indulgent 70’s and 80’s. (You KNOW who you are.) Of course it still happens, but nowadays drugs are more prudently handed out, and ID’s are more often observed. Since Charlotte has confessed her underage affair with Roman – how about Nastassja Kinski, who was rumored to be 15 when Roman seduced her? There must be DOZENS of former starlets in Europe ready to tell all! Let the floodgates open!

About The Author


  1. Like catholic priest pedophiles, (and Polanski)they are not curable. Polanski has been raping minors for many years. Finally one of them has come forward. It takes courage to come forward and become a target and deal with the shame/embarrassment. Others need to get over it and come forward. Glad you covered this latest development that everyone in Hollywood has known for decades.

  2. Gee, why were some of these ladies coming out of the wood work years ago when he was under a microscope.

    Do you think their careers or money has ran out. Story at Ten, “Her tell all book about how Roland Polanski abused her at 16”.

  3. You know this rather sad in the fact that, no telling how many men/boys are sexual abused by wealthy women in Hollywood. And yet, they are heavily discounted.

    Thankfully, they had the insight to capture the whole conversation on their tape recorder and video recorder.

    No doubt, wait a few years til their super wealth and then take them down.

    Probably why so many ladies wise up and move back home. Look at Tiger Woods for example.

    Stupid, but how clever these strippers were to record all of his engagements.


    (americans believe this shit too?)

  5. not a big fan of allred, but i want the floodgates to open on this vile human being too!!

  6. I have no doubt Roman and other people in Hollywood did this and still do this today. I guess I’m surprised he’s still be hunted for it. are the other directors worried they’ll be found and accused now too? I’m all for justice against Polanski, but what about the others?

  7. Can’t stand that ambulance chaser and media whore Gloria Allred, but I hate Roman Polanski more.

  8. These girls were lining up for him…no different than what the so called musicians see today. Where were their parents…same question you ask the kiddy stars parents today.

  9. Strom, so let me get this straight. It is ok because the girls were lining up for him? I think not. A man needs to say no to an underage girl no matter what. It’s called following the law. Even though parents are not so great sometimes, that did not give any older man permission to sleep with their daughter.

  10. Janet you failed to mention that Roman was in Europe making these films. Do your homework. Roman fled the U.S. in the 70s and hasn’t been back since.

    I know for a fact that the age for sexual consent in France is 15! This woman is an opportunistic liar, she made a movie with Roman in 1986 that was shot in France. It was on French soil, it has nothing to do with the U.S. She was 16 so that’s considered legal.

    And also when you hire Gloria Allred, nobody takes you seriously.

  11. Why is Roman always screwing teens? Oh that’s right, he’s a pedo. And Hollywood is supporting him why? Oh, that’s right because they are probably doing the same thing. Disgusting!

  12. Hey Sally, Polanski entered a guilty plea and then ran off to escape the consequences of his crime (drugging and vaginally and anally raping a 13 year-old child). Charlotte Lewis is claiming he “forced himself” on her. That makes it forcible rape, and her age is irrelevant to that charge. I’m pretty sure forcible rape is a crime even in France. The fact that she was later in one of his movies smacks of payment to remain quiet about his attack upon her. Finally, although she is disliked by many, Gloria Allred gets her clients the only kind of justice that matters in Hollywood-money. That Rachel girl that Tiger banged has 10 million reasons to take Gloria seriously.

  13. Rachel is a whore but legally Roman was just having a consensual tryst with the French lady who is now trying to cash in. What about Woody the Woodster Allen who was regularly after one step daughter and married another? What about black Morgan Freeman who is now trying to marry the grandaughter!

  14. Well, folks it’s like I say – God will lead you into temptation, as he’s just checking you out to see whether you know right from wrong.

    It’s like getting into your car drunk. How many Hollywood celebrities got a DUI this weekend ?

    Fooling with under aged kids is a bad idea.

  15. Nobody mentioned that Woody Allen has come forward in SUPPORT of Polanski! Gee, wonder why? One nasty child molester supporting another. Why am I not suprised? Can’t we just ship BOTH of these nasty vile old men off to that place where they keep the child molesters and rapists after they’ve served their time, but are still not released because the shrinks deem them still too dangerous to be in society? Woody and Roman need to go there and be with their own filthy kind and leave the children ALONE!!!!!

  16. pedophiles in hollywood are abetted by the courts who don’t prosecute them, let them cop bogus pleas or juries who let them off easy. meanwhile the child victims of these pee-wees are left with a life of shame and distrust. the very least we can do is never forget or forgive.

  17. If you read the BBC story it seems that Charlotte willlingly gave up the booty plus told everyone how she was much more interested in Roman than he in her. She, like J Lo was ready so give it up over and over again for a chance at fame. There is a great smell of $$$$ here for the has been actress now that Roman is on the hot seat and Tiger is paying off the other whores.

  18. I had wondered what happened to this gal’s career. She used to date Charlie Sheen back in the day?
    I will reserve comment about the Polanski scandal until further details are provided.

  19. Seriously? read the actual BBC story rather than Janet’s inaccurate post. This woman said she willingly had sex with Roman.

    I’m not defending Roman, just pointing out French law where this took place. And she’s coming out to talk about this incident now?????????????? If that’s not opportunistic, I don’t know what is. There are real victims of sexual abuse out there and these famewhores along with Allred don’t do them any justice.

    Johnny Depp also defended Roman as did other actors, does that make them pedos as well? So should actors stop working with Woody Allen? Hollywood is a sick business, it’s all about money and fame. Not saying it’s right, but it’s the way it works. Sadly.

  20. It doesn’t matter what French law is. In this country it’s legal at 17 but do you think it’s ok for a 40-something man to bang a girl who hasn’t even graduated high school yet? It’s creepy and gross no matter how you slice it. Men who constantly go after WAY younger females have issues. Serious issues.

  21. If I were an actor I would refuse to work with either of these creep child molester directors. I think any of the actors and misc. other production staff who work with them only support them in their child molesting. They should be put out of business, if no one worked with them, they would be.

  22. Klues, their affair took place in France. She was in France to film a movie in 1986, under French jurisdiciton. The age of consent in France is 15 and this woman was 16 during filming. I’m not saying it’s ok it’s just how the Hollywood game is played.
    Actors sleep around to get roles or to meet the right people. It’s really demeaning, but I don’t think famewhores care for morals too much. And age doesn’t seem to matter to these people.

  23. Reta, famewhores have no morals. Sex and money go hand in hand. Sadly, most of these actors that have been abused are kids and I put the blame on their parents who push them into show business no matter the cost. They pimp their children to these morally bankrupt pedophiles so they don’t have to actually get real jobs to support their families. It’s sad, really, cause you never get your childhood back.

  24. When I was 13, my brother’s 9 year old friend was coming on to me and kept trying to grab me and kiss me. He was sweet, and he thought he wanted to fool around with me, but I wouldn’t let him get near me because it was *wrong*.

    There *are* unfortunately people who are interested *only* in children; and it *doesn’t* change; and often they are very charismatic and know just how to provide emotional support and attention that kids aren’t getting at home. And then a pedophile will use that to get what they want. But it is still wrong.

  25. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    Man Oh man…Why don’t you just wait until they turn 18 years old and that way your not going to jail.

  26. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    Roman Polanski why would you do such a nasty thing…That is being a pig and coward and why would you keep messing with children.

  27. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    Is your Thing..Thing small or something or you don’t want to date some one mature.

  28. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    It is always good to check I.D. if you think the person is not the right age.

  29. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    If they are victims…You are going to get sued and what if one of those young girls gave birth to a child and that would be the only proof that is needed in order for you to go to jail for the rest of your life.

  30. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    There is a way for you to get hurt and that is if some one can prove your a dirty rotten pig person…Yes I felt sorry for the…lost of your first wife but then you keep messing up so many times after that.

  31. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    No one wants you here in america

  32. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    No one wants him in america..because he is not welcomed here and…I felt sorry for him but not anymore..BECAUSE HE WILL NOT ALLOW ANY ONE TO FOREGET ABOUT HIS ACTIONS.

  33. To Strom from Casonia of Seattle,You said massive stuff about me and..All I can assume is that your talking about yourself and your life!Every thing you had said about me is not true..You Called me Mean! Hells Kitchen attention is all I Care about? says:

    THIS MAN IS SO BAD…He makes Micheal Jackson look good.

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