Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

It’s the first day of Patrick Schwarzenegger’s summer job and his father came to visit. Arnold is at The Grove, shaking the hand of Rick Caruso, the developer of the popular shopping mall. Rick hired Arnold’s teenage son Patrick as an intern in his office for the summer. Presumably Patrick will absorb some business know-how. It’s nice to see a rich kid working in summer even if daddy pulled some strings. Patrick is dressed up in his work clothes wearing a nametag that simply says “Patrick S.”

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  1. I just can’t stand that thick headed, cheating pig pile (The Arnold).

    Maria’s son, Patrick, looks like a fine kid (with his Edward Cullen hair) and I hope he does well in his internship.

  2. You have any idea how big that name tag would be if he had his full name on it? Billboard size. He seems like a nice kid with good looks & manners, hopefully he won’t inherit any of daddy’s asshole-itis.

  3. as long as people cheer arnold will forget his mistakes.
    …………..HIS KIDS DON’T!!

  4. His Dad couldn’t pull some better strings? Arnold’s star must be really tarnished.

  5. The son Patrick is a very good looking boy and obviously got the Kennedy genes! He’d be a great model if he has any height. I wonder what his voice sounds like being raised by AHnold and Maria has a Long Island accent, doesn’t she? And then there’s that whore housekeeper (Mexican or what?) So I really wonder what the kids came out sounding like? I’ve never heard any of them speak.

  6. Good for the boy for taking a realistic summer job for his station.

  7. You can see the Kennedy in him….damn those genes must be strong

  8. Thank goodness none of Ahnold’s kids look like him. Patrick, here, is a Kennedy through and through, from the looks of him.

  9. [And then there’s that whore housekeeper (Mexican or what?)]

    If she is a whore, then so is Arnold! Why you gotta point out that she is Mexican? She could be any one of the other ethnicities within Latino.

    Still showing your bigotry towards women of COLOR. I see.

    BTW, It’s that same “Mexican” housekeeper that TOLD Maria S. about the affair. He soon-to-be ex-husband did NOT.

    Later fool!

  10. Handsome kid – i hope he not on ‘roids tho… really not a good look (thick + acne).

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