Whatever you do, don’t give Kevin Federline the wrong drink! On Kev and Briitney’s last visit to Koi they sat with baby Sean and two friends on the patio -where smoking is allowed. (A baby no-no?) Britney and friends drank what looked like martinis while Kevin ordered “hick drinks” (that’s what the servers and bartenders call them) concoctions that no one had ever HEARD of, and didn’t know how to make. He had to settle for a normal cocktail and was disgruntled. When they left, the Federline bodyguard only left a measly $30 tip for their $500 meal.
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4 thoughts on “ONCE A HICK……..”
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Nothing would surprise me with those two. Not even if it was reported that Britney was drinking while pregnant, which I think she was doing in March when Kevin had that gig in Atlanta’s club Vision.
Hicks is right.
I know you think it’s sad that the majority of us want you to leave Kevin, but please, please, please leave him.
I hear Justin is free…hint..hint….
Britney needs to get rid of him and I am sure her life will get easier