Yesterday Page 6 wrote a big story about how Nick Cannon is looking for corporate sponsors to pay for his 30th birthday bash and fill gift bags. The party will be hosted by his wife Mariah Carey, and lots of high profile guest are “confirmed” such as Jay-Z and Beyonce, Ashton and Demi, Kobe Bryant etc, to whet the sponsors appetites. Of course, Nick and Mariah don’t need the money but they’re only doing what just about ALL the celebrities do – let someone else pay for their parties. Jay-Z and Beyonce don’t need the money either, but they never pay for their own parties. Nick has ALWAYS gotten sponsors for his birthday parties – the difference is HE talks about it and other celebrities have their PR people handle it quietly.

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  1. If no sponsors come forward to pay for his b-day party, Mariah will cough up the $$. It’s still a small amount to pay for a full-time personal assistant who pampers her and does exactly what she says.

  2. Ah Strom, like many I have all sorts of theories about who you are, but now I think I know.

    Hurry up now, you have gym class in half an hour. If you don’t pass that, your going to have to do seventh grade all over again. Remember, even the KKK has entrance requirement these days.

  3. I am disgusted that these ghetto celebs are getting massive freebees, and that they are starting to bolding demand such things.

    Blame the public/consumer. We are enabling these pathetic approval-hungry losers. It wasn’t all that long ago that entertainers knew their place – they were puppets and dolls who danced and played for our amusement. They sucked it up because they were paid well for it. Now they all think they are geniuses and artistes beyond reproach and deserving of any and all tribute.

  4. dee cee: You have a point there. So nice to have a great gig in these hard times, taking care of every whim of the screeching diva.

  5. Sebastian I second that emotion! Beyond disgusting that the richest people continue to get the most free stuff. Free designer gowns, free jewelry, cars, booty of all kinds and now birthday bags and gifts of all types?! These “stars” make me sick with their greediness. The money they already have should be used to make their own parties just like the everyday person (me) does. The more I hear about the version of celebrity we have today the less I want to be entertained by them, and the more I hope for Sarah Palin to line them up in her sights. They’d certainly make for good target practice with their giant overly swelled heads full of money!

  6. Reta..and Sebastian: I totally agree. These mega-rich cheapskates think they are owed freebies and gripe and whine if they don’t get them.

    Here’s a kicker: GMA (or) Today Show a few months ago was interviewing Donald Trump about a typical day in his life and they asked him about where he goes to lunch. He said he always dined with one or two more persons and the restaurant refuses to take his money. He said he had to practically force them to let him pay. Another strange thing about the Donald is he says he never drinks alcohol or coffee or anything with caffeine.

  7. Thanks alot strom, but I’ll pass. Here your chance to get a taste of that brown sugar, go for it. Once you go black strom, she might see your small dick and start calling you names.

  8. Yes, Indy, celebs are basically double-dipping…into your and my wallets. We pay for their product (movies, CDs, books), but then we also pay indirectly by purchasing the cosmetics and hair product, etc., that they get for free, and going to the restaurants, hotels, etc., where they get comp-ed. It is the new slavery. And the crazy thing is we have enslaved ourselves by literally buying into this crap.

  9. Um think there is racism going on here. For one, Nick Cannon is very rich he was a Disney/Nicoloden star and is a current host and producer. Google the man.

    I’m not a fan of his, I read alot of celeb stuff his request is not unusual.

    Lastly he isn’t ghetto just because he’s black he’s been called clean cut and corny, sort of like an All-American Will Smith persona, also he defended Mariah against Aunty Em without cursing so for that I give the man his props.

  10. The prolific number of stars having parties for themselves with the bills being footed by sponsors has nothing to do with being a “ghetto celebrity” (whatever the hell that means). Is Eva Longoria a “ghetto celebrity?” What about Carrie Underwood? Both beauties had the most lavish weddings imaginable and then sold exclusive photo rights to Ok! and People for over $1 million. At least Angelina Jolie donated all the money for the rights to Shiloh’s baby pictures to charity.

  11. Ghetto-Fabulous has nothing to do with income or the ghetto; it’s a phrase people use to describe their clothing, parties, etc.

  12. Mel, I do not think Nick is ghetto because he is black but because he indulges in these excessive conspicuous consumption activities. I – like many – do not consider terms like “ghetto trash” or “trailer trash” based in race or ethnnicity.

    I will say this for Nick though: he dresses very well, and does not cover himself in bling.

  13. Jenny: You mentioned Carrie Underwood….cringe, yuck, vomit, gulp, blah, bleached blonde with extensions, fake, phony, I hate country music…all this comes to mind.

  14. Okay, Sebastian, thanks. Like I said I’m not a fan of the man but let’s be real, he’s not ghetto not trashy and very rich.

  15. Mariah really irritates me. This bitch can’t even take off her own shoes, she has to have half a dozen assistants hold her up while someone flurries to take her shoes off. Ridiculous. How can anyone be so self indulgent?

  16. I so love Karma. The rich keep getting richer, and the hard workers keep getting poorer. Can’t wait for the results.

  17. By GiGi
    On October 2, 2010 at
    Mariah really irritates me. This bitch can’t even take off her own shoes, she has to have half a dozen assistants hold her up while someone flurries to take her shoes off. Ridiculous. How can anyone be so self indulgent?

    Child, have you not heard of the BarBRA Streisand???? She has minions who WIPE THE BOTTOM OF HER FEET WHEN SHE IS WEARING SHOES! She stands there and they come up and wipe her damn foot.

    That is what divas do! They are papmpered and coddled. But you should see the record company brass who signed these women, they make much more money are behave much worse than Mariah or BarBRA ever could.

  18. All corporate America has to say to these freebie requests is “no”. Issue resolved.

  19. A touch of the mental breakdown that she suffered in early 2000’s may still be clinging to her. Don’t remember too much about it, but they say she went really bonkers.

  20. exactly, red rooster, mel and jerry. these people are not trashy. smh.

  21. Indy, I think Mariah’s breakdown was just a crazy steam-release. She has always been nuts and always will be.

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