No matter how much they HATE EACH OTHER, Jake Pavelka and Vienna Girardi both LOVE FAME, so they agreed to appear on “Bachelor Pad,” which debuted Monday. The two publicity hounds have openly despised each other since they broke their engagement after season 14 of The Bachelor. (After the split she called him “obviously gay.”) But they do share a love for money and fame, and both have come to realize that no one cares about them separately. As a romantic or antagonistic couple they are of interest. Bachelor Pad producers upped the ante by offering them a big bonus if they end up back together!

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  1. Sad fame whores, we should be embarrassed to even knowing who they are!

  2. She’s one of the few people, who, after a well-publicized (and necessary!) nose job, came out looking exactly the same.

    Of course, she could have ended up looking WORSE—which would have made her Tori Spelling. 🙂

  3. If it means they get more $$$, then they will probably end up together. I suspect for the right dollar amount they would have a baby. 🙂

  4. These two are phony con-artists and they deserve each other. Here’s hoping for a fight and screaming match before all this fakery subsides.

  5. Seriously?: I’m with you. I never watch Bachelor, Bachelorette, Jersey shore, housewives of NY, NJ, or whatever. I only knew about Jake and Vienna when they were on some talk show, taking turns saying hateful things to each other….boohoo.

    A poem:

    Trailer trash,
    You soon will crash.

    Your morals are low,
    Can’t wait til you go.

    Trailer Trash, they soon will crash

  6. Seriously can’t stand this cheese dix’ face. Every time I see him on TV, the net, just want to smash the monitor to plastic flakes. Where does cap n’ crunch find the time to pretend to be a pilot? Please, enough of these scripted, non-reality shows. If any of us ever want a dose of actuality, we’ll turn to our own lives.

  7. yoyo, jake’s skillful handling of some abc exec’s joystick qualifies him to be a “pilot.”

  8. Indy, funny, Vienna Sausage!

    Guaranteed there will be more loud, messy sniveling from Ms. Sausage.

  9. @Ugly Truth

    Flippin’ LOL!!!

    No wonder his hand’s always in that grip position. “Gear up, flaps out, power up, rotate.”

  10. Yeah, he’s “obviously gay” because who wouldn’t be attracted to HER?

    Vienna is a opportunistic loser with an axe to grind. Plain & simple. Why not try to humiliate this man, she “supposedly loved”, by trying to shatter his public persona. In my world, that ain’t love!!.

  11. I can’t stand him. Btw, he humiliated himself-he didn’t need any help.

  12. Subliminal story reads as:


    No matter how much they love themselves, Jake Wannabe and Vienna Neverwillbe both LOVE FAME & THEMSELVES, so they begged & stalked ABC to appear on “Bachelor Pad,” which will hopefully end Monday. The two publicity whores have openly despised each other for ratings & broke each other’s heads after season 14 of The Bastard (story at 11) After the fake split she called him “a$$hole.” But they do share a love for money, fame & themselves and both have come to realize that NO ONE cares about them – period. As an unromantic & obnoxious couple they are of NO interest. Bachelor Stayfree Pad producers, upped the ante by offering a one way ticket to the black hole where they’ll live unhappily ever after. The end.

  13. The last time I saw these two “lovebirds” together they got into a heated exchange, which made her tearfully leave the room after given him a few choice words. There is No love connection between these two spotlight lovers. By all indications these two can Not stand each other!!

  14. LOATHE HIM can tolerate HER but she looked WAY better with her original snozz…..
    never watch this crap anyway……

    I have a new Pit Rescue in my life as of Aug 2 so am TOO BUSY being a MAMA again to ”Danger” ( as in Stranger to….i guess) ….a beautiful 7 year old white and brown pit who is the love of my once empty life! YEA US!! Wish us luck…..wish i could post his pix….you would all fall in love with this handsome gent ! 🙂

  15. OMIGOD he looks so much like Allen Haff from Auction Hunters. Cute!!!

  16. @ Pit buLL LOVER:
    First time greeting!!

    All the joys of a wonderful and loving union with your New family member. May there be a labor of love in every frisbee you toss!!

  17. My one wish is that people would stop watching “reality” television.


    Congratulations Pit Bull Lover!!! 🙂 Good luck to you and your new baby. I bet he is already spoiled ! I am so happy for you!!

  19. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen Elisa your doing a great job on things you want to do but you suck on Italian food and you should had rocked it out and made yourself look even better! Taking on something you had no passion for but...You are stro says:

    More downs then ups and I think there relationship was Crazy and there was no understanding and they where not talking to each other but at each other and Vienna did the Coward way of walking out of the room and not listening to everything in front of her and I Really wanted to hear what Jake had to say….Because I wanted to understand the breaking down of a relationship and I thought they really where going to be okay but on the other hand the relationship went down the crapper and I thought this two people where like over? But twist and turns and feelings get in the way.

  20. Carcinogenic Sucks Loogie-Butts and i hope everyone sees what i have a gift for readin and writtin and that i be smart and i am proud...and my fingers stink like my arm pits and my feet are webed and i happy and you are not says:

    look at me cuz i am saying something impotanet

  21. Come on none of you actually watch this shit! Except maybe Casonia.
    Danger is a nice name for a dog P.B. Lover.
    How about Fang or Crippler?

  22. @Pit buLL LOVER:

    Good Morning!!

    Take lots of pictures and enjoy every moment,
    Danger is going to grow up right in front of your eyes!!

    @ Walt Cliff:
    Hope that you are still celebrating.
    Birthday Celebrations Never go out of style.
    Don’t eat all of that ice cream cake at one time!!

  23. Hi Bitches!! 🙂
    1. I have NO idea who AJ whoever is, no I am not HE I am SHE….which I guess He may also BE…..whatev.
    2. My boy was rescued from a warehouse left alone for 2.5 months every night til the guys came back every morning to work….so
    3. I did not give him his name. Actually I hated it BUT it grows on you… Danger…AS IN…STRANGER TO…..
    4. He is beyond loving , friendly and a total cuddle bug….and socialized with other pups, unlike my last Pit, RoscoPie….

    When we were in line at Pet Express for his shots, he was wagging and being friendly with some woman’s smaller god oops DOG there and she rudely informed me she did not want my dog near her dog and I told her Danger was a safe and friendly dog…she said the same thing, OH DANGER!! GREAT Name for a Pit BUll!!
    I GET IT… but that’s been his name for about 7 years….. so trust me, he is already grown up….. I think 20 of his 76 pounds is HIS HEAD!!! NOT KIDDING…..
    Thanks for the well wishes, loves, now I can walk off the 20 pounds I gained after Pie died and I stopped walking ( & crying, walking & crying, walking & crying….:)

  24. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen..Who are you going to pick on know? It looks like your ready to kick off more then 1 person at a time off the show..MasterChef Chefs cook way better then Hells kitchen try out...Right! People always say..I can do Be says:

    Jake and Vienna getting back together could be really crazy and strange and all I Know is that ex relationships are never fixed..There had to be something wrong to drive some one away and when some one says…I Hate you..That means the relationship is trashed and not able to come back together and what makes it come back together is Sex. Might get back together? I hope not…I saw the dislike of each other and Vienna gets up and walks out of the room and never wants to fix the problems as they happen! Frustrating to be with some one..Who will not listen? Frustrating to have a problem that is never addressed.

  25. Casonia Sade Logenberry...I always wanted to be the first Black woman to Win Hells kitchen and I know! I can do it and prove it and then my best friend said it would be a Wrap...If I Got on that show but every one knows season 10 is the end! says:

    Getting back together for Jake and Vienna is going to major hard…Unless something changes for the Better and improve and issues and pass problems are taken care off and..The Best of Luck to Both but only time will tell and we as people don’t know what is in each of there Hearts? Only the Soul knows what is good for each other.

  26. The premiere of Bachelor Pad was exciting and dramatic especially with Vienna, Kasey, and Jake all together.  I can’t wait to see what is going to happen on this week’s episode and the rest of the season for that matter.  Right before the premiere last season’s winners, Natalie Getz and David Good, sat down with CupidsPulse.com to discuss their predictions for this season.  Check it out: http://www.cupidspulse.com/‘bachelor-pad-2’-david-good-and-natalie-getz-share-their-views-and-predictions-for-the-new-season/.

  27. It is always good to play along for the money? Greed keeps couples together and also the world will alway keep an eye on two people who don’t get along!

  28. I don’t think he is but if he is? He is great at hideing it well…I do like his acting and saw him in something?

  29. I don’t think he is but if he is? He is great at hideing it well…I do like his acting and saw him in something? But is something that is hard to come by and to see there Drama and stress and crying is something we can keep are eyes away from.!

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