A few offhand comments about the Golden Globes: Certainly the biggest news of the night was Justin Bieber’s new haircut. It looks like some stylist talked him into feathering that helmet hair he’s held onto and he really doesn’t look happy about it. We all have to grow up sometime. It wouldn’t be a special event without Rob Pattinson – his arrival elicited the most screams from the fans outside by a long shot. Finally, we think Megan Fox is a classic beauty, but this is 2011 and tattoos on the red carpet look SOOO tired.

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  1. the 3 people you mention are NOBODIES…..ok, well, to ME anyway….. especially the kid…. who… WHY he is on the freaking cover of Vanity Fair is beyond me…..i do not know ANY 12 year olds that buy that magazine. they will be getting plenty of letters on that mistake trust me….
    and megan whats her name, she was fine….til she opened up her mouth. what a voice on her…..
    best parts? DeNiro was a master. Pacino, the same……nice to see warren beatty there and michael douglas…..

  2. Beiber’s new Do is cute. he looks like he’s lost some baby weight in his face and looks more grown-up.

    Megan Fox is tiresome…do not care…

  3. BeeWeeBieber’s mother invited some PAEDOPHILES at home to “Play” with his son………
    OOOOOOOOOH, it were the golden globes!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I hate Megan Fox but her dress is awesome! I would LOVE to have that dress. Pattinson looked really handsome, I just love how elegant he is. Stop the Pattison hatefest girls!

    Beiber looks like a lesbians. HAHA.

  5. Reta you looked fabulous at the Golden Globes tonight.
    How was the after party?
    Was it awkward picking up all of those names on the floor around you?

  6. Janet if you think those tattoo’s look tired now, think what they will look like in 5, 10, 20, 30+ years!!

    It is my opinion that tattoo’s look horrible on women, and they don’t improve with age.

  7. Bieber needs to grow at least 4 inches.

    The vain Megan Fox needs to buy some tits, either from her stash of $$$ or her 14 year older hubby’s $$$.

    Pattinson just needs to go far far away into the netherlands of zombies and vampires.

  8. Janet,
    I would like to know about the parties afterwards. Did Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds get together? Did Aniston show up at any of the parties? Did she run into Brad and Angie? Also, any tidbits whatsoever about these parties?

  9. People get tattooes for a reason…..because they like them!!

    Does anyone seriously think Meagan Fox cares what you think of her tattooes? I think her tattoo of MM suited the ocassion. It was like it was an accessory. Maybe if it was a picture of a fire breathing dragon I could see your point Janet.

  10. By the way The Beibs looks handsome with his new do. He looks more mature. Which is a good thing, because he is apparently a sexually active teenager now.

    Gotta change with the times to stay relevent these days!!

  11. Not being a 12 year old, I must say that whoever styled Justin Bieber did a good job because aside from the hair, he had a great tux on. Other observations, I always want someone to run at Al Pacino and give his hair a good combing; Colin Firth is absolutely gorgeous and classy; and Helena Bonham Carter never disappoints. She even wore mismatched shoes to complement that over the top dress and hair.

  12. Michael Jackson would have given anything to be around…just ask Culkin!

  13. I hope the CoS doesn’t go after Ricky Gervais for his comments, which were the only interesting part of the entire evening

  14. Morgan Freeman and his wife (granddaughter) will be celebrating it in a big way too!

  15. Pattinson was so dull, and unable to be himself, that the interviewer on the red carpet couldn’t get rid of him fast enough.
    Bieber’s mother didn’t want the kid exploited, but that’s just what they’re doing with the fauxmance with Selena. So posed, and faked.

  16. Janet, I was thinking the very same thing about the tats as I watched the red carpet arrivals. Those things really look awful on a beauty with gorgeous skin and a fab gown, (Angie included). They make me think of organised dirt. Just very inappropriate. They could easily be covered with a special foundation for that. When these people go to all this trouble to attract attention to hold their audience with gowns, shoes, hair and make-up I don’t know why they are in mass stupidity with the same non-action when it comes to the tats and evening wear. It ain’t like it used to be, eh, Hilary?

  17. As for Triangle Head, wouldn’t it be nice if someone introduced him to a razor now that he’s supposedly all grown up? Also, nice fivehead.

  18. PSS: Won’t it be nice when The Biebs gets out of his girly stage? He couldn’t look prettier now, kind of reminds me of Valerie Bertinelli when she was a young girl on “One Day at a Time.”

  19. Seriously, is Justin wearing pink lipstick? He does make the cutest lesbian.

  20. Kris: I think what you’re seeing is more of an optical illusion. In the left pic he is smiling which changed the shape of the bottom of his nose into a wider spread. It does look slimmer in the rt pic, but not a lot and I think if he smiled the same you’d see it hasn’t been done.

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