
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Meg Ryan is looking rather normal and cute these days. She’s filming the remake of “The Women” – hopefully, readers have seen the 1938 original movie with Norma Shearer and Joan Crawford and an all female cast. This time around, Meg plays the “good girl” Norma Shearer role and Eva Mendes plays the Joan Crawford tramp role. Annette Bening has the Rosalind Russell part. Mix Bette Midler, Carrie Fisher, and Debi Mazar into the also all female cast and we can hardly wait to see this one! And here’s a surprise- Mick Jagger is producer!

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  1. I think that cast will K*I*L*L a very good movie, I am already weeping…

  2. i love meg and she sure looks GOOD! that outfit is so meg preppy she’s a pretty prep!

  3. why does jagger have to produce the movie! i am sure somebody better can. by the way her outfit is cute that sure fits Meg, she always dresses like a prep. how’s Matthew Perry we know she’s been seeing him lately or not. I’ve heard he used to date Lauren Graham who used play on the long running show the gilmore girls on the cw

  4. she is one HOT chic who dresses soooooooo preppy. i sure hope matthew is still dating her they sure would be a cute couple.

  5. meg is 45 or 46 i guess he likes older women. lauren g. is 40 and matt is 37 or 38. he’s dated both.

  6. hey Meg you can borrow my white tennis sweater anytime.

  7. no my weathered khaki chinos with a nice brown leather belt.

  8. no my weathered khaki chinos with a nice brown leather belt.

  9. my my aren’t we 2 preppy people 9:27 and 9:31 she will wear what she pleases. she always looks great” she’s RICH!!!!

  10. No one can touch the women of “The Women”…remake; yikes…..sad, sad, sad.

  11. I’m just glad she allowed her grotesque lips to retreat back into something more human-like.
    For a while there it looked like she was in danger of morphing into that woman with the suppurated anus on her face

  12. Bette Midler, Carrie Fisher should have got the busybody Roz Russell part but I guess they didn’t want to get beat up a lot.

  13. Sounds like a great cast. Can’t wait for the movie! Meg’s adorable.

  14. Thank god she stopped with the collagen and botox, she looks much better now

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