Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Meg Ryan and her kids seem perfectly happy since they moved from Santa Monica, California, to New York City last year. Meg and her lanky 19 year old son Jack (with Dennis Quaid) are pictured here, both carrying organic juice. Jack is attending NYU and Meg is dating John Mellencamp. Mother and son have a similar fashion sense.

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  1. he was a homely little kid
    now he’s a homely and gangly big kid
    what’s with those hands and feet??

  2. Janet, you seem to have a powerful girl-crush on Meg Ryan. Why?

  3. He favors Dennis Quaid.

    But yeah, odd hand/foot placement in this picture. He seems to be walking in two different directions.

  4. Some people’s feet really turn out in odd directions and that seems to be what’s up with his. Hands seem to favor her in that the finger are long and thin for a guy,but his hands are also big, he’s a big looking young man and most likely not fleshed out yet, “finished” so to speak. I can see BOTH parents in him. it’s hard to believe she has a kid this big/old, but it explains her messing with her face in an attempt to keep her early “America’s Sweetheart” title. I guess she never figured out there is one in every decade at LEAST and she passed the baton many moons ago.

  5. I hadn’t seen a picture of him in years. He does look like both parents. Hope Jack doesn’t have the “star wacker’s gene” like his wacko uncle Randy Quaid.

    I wish her cosmetic surgery was not so apparent. She always had the sweetest, most adorable face.

  6. Ughh, Ms Ryan needs to get a new uniform, asap!! She also needs a haircut, she looks like The Shaggy DA.

  7. Like the rest of the aging actresses in Hollywood, she has distorted her face and looks terrible.

  8. I’m sure when he discovers the way we see him he will commit suĂ­cide!!

  9. She seems to be really happy right now with her kids and her boyfriend. Leave her alone.

  10. Amen,Lynn. If we could only see ambush photos of the people who are so nasty we’d all vomit our guts out.

  11. ^^^^Hey, imho, it’s better to unload on a few F-d-up celebs rather than get an ulcer over the probs with our daily lives.

    AND NOW…truthfully I could never figure out why she was given the title of “America’s Sweetheart”. Where did that come from anyway? I always heard she was a bitch diva on the movie set. But I guess she learned her lesson after cheating with Russell Crowe.

    BTW, I don’t think the ***stars*** log in and read this and agonize over any criticisms. They might even gain some useful advice from us peons.

  12. P.S.: I have never seen her when her hair was not fly-away and dirty looking. Nor have I ever seen her wear any shoes but ones that look like a man’s work shoes. Nor have I ever seen her wear anything bright, only black. But whatever floats your boat is fine by me.

  13. Why does he have the old-lady hands of Angelina Jolie?

  14. I have heard for many years that she’s always after other women’s men… first she cheated with Russell Crowe, then I heard she cheated with Tim Robbins (Susan Sarandon’s “ex”), then I heard she was seeing John Mellencamp long before he filed for divorce… I’m wondering if this is all true? As for her son, I’m with Walt on that: hope he doesn’t have the genes of his goofy uncle, Randy Quaid.

  15. Leave him alone- he can’t help parents are. He just looks like most kids his age.

    But Meg, my God, she looks like the much older Olsen triplet. I mean, trout-pout from Hell, bad hair (does she ever condition it?) and too much scary bad facial work.

  16. Leave him alone- he can’t help who his parents are. He just looks like most kids his age.

    But Meg, my God, she looks like the much older Olsen triplet. I mean, trout-pout from Hell, bad hair (does she ever condition it?) and too much scary bad facial work.

  17. Fabu you should read less gossipmagazines. Dennis Quaid cheated on HER before she left him and then met Crowe. She also had nothing to do with Susan/Tim, since she and Tim have never been more than FRIENDS. As for Mellencamp and his wife, they had been seperated since late last summer and he never met Meg before October.

  18. Casonia logenberry..For 7 days off from blogging is going to drive me crazy not to communicate but the librarys are closed down for 7 painful days and always love Hells kitchen says:

    What a Big boy but know he is a almost a man but a young man and that is great that you have an son and..He is so big and makes you look so little Meg and to tell you the truth that Meg looks so young it is hard to think she has a grown son. Handsome son and Beautiful mother taking a walk and have a nice day and take care.

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