Russell Armstrong’s two exes blame his estranged wife Taylor’s excessive spending for his suicide and call her a “gold digger.” Taylor has been sympathetically portrayed on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Russell was edited to look like the villain. Whether Taylor split from Russell because of his financial woes and lawsuits isn’t known, but she did seem to desert the sinking ship. Russell confessed to a friend that the reality show unfairly made him look bad and he was embarrassed. Also embarrassing was his lack of money – his credit cards were maxed out and he had to move in with a friend, and that’s where he became despondent and hung himself. Sad story – good for ratings. By the way, we’re tired of hearing people repeat over and over about how their “thoughts and prayers” are with the family left behind – can’t they come up with something more sincere and original if they really care?

About The Author


  1. As they say, money is the root of all evil & it can’t buy you happiness. By the same token, you can choose your miseries & in Russell’s case, he got involved with materialistic pirates. So when the jig was up, so was he. Truly a sad situation. RIP.

  2. As clearly stated on another website, the marriage was a business partnership. It was ending because he was no longer the bread winner. Any of his ex’s that are calling her a gold digger are sort of right. She got in it for the money but he knew that in advance.

  3. Wow, I didn’t hear about his suicide. I am shocked. She did seem to be somewhat of a trouble maker. I mean who goes on reality television and starts backstabbing their spouse? Not the morally correct platform to do this kind of stuff, in my opinion. She seemed to have been playing the victim role in their marriage, as is the case in alot of women who come from a domestically violent upbringing. I feel for her though this is just an awful ending to their marriage. Poor kids.

    I guess the true test of her character will show when she does or does not continue with the Housewives series. Will she or won’t she? If I were a betting person, I would bet she will carry on under the guise of “the show must go on”.

  4. Russel was the “fun sponge” on the show. It was obvious in every scene he was filmed in he looked uncomfortable. Taylor is the definition of a “wanna be”, she is the least likable of all the BH ladies.

    Janet I have to agree enough with the “thought and prayers” messages!

  5. I also agree on the “thoughts and prayers”. Most of the time though they just say…..our thoughts are with you..and they don’t mean it anyway.

    Hard to understand how someone could commit suicide no matter what their troubles. shudder.

  6. I don’t watch those “Housewives” shows, but I’m so cynical I assume that his suicide will somehow be factored in for drama.

    I agree about “thoughts and prayers”. To me, those words are the equivalent of people who ask you how you’re doing, when they really don’t give a damn.

  7. Thoughts and prayers for you will be joining me with a chilled pitcher of bloody marys. Cheers!!!

    Better? LOL!!!

  8. People watching pathetic reality peoples lives disintegrate on television. Not one of my ideas of entertainment.
    A suicide pattern seems to be developing from these reality shows however.
    I’m uncomfortable with the concept of strangers firing in flip comments on a gossip site on this subject. One of the more bizarre aspects of the internet age.
    This is wrong on so many levels.

  9. Nothing wrong with saying I’m sorry for your loss, thoughts and prayers are with you, what could possibly be offensive about that? In these situations that’s what you say. Most likely the bereaved are in shock and not wanting to hear all your personal reminiscing about the person, not at that moment.

  10. she was delighted about the news: THIS MEANS SHE GOT EVERYTHING!!

  11. To The Armstrong Family:

    May the blessings of comfort and peace be expressed to you from true friends who will continue to care for you during this most difficult time!!

  12. “Thoughts and prayers” is certainly preferable to telling Taylor to “hang in there.” 🙁

  13. Hopefully this plastic tranny gets nothing but his credit card bills!

  14. …So he decides to hang himself while a guest in a sympathetic friend’s house…


    Bet he stiffed him on the phone bill, too.

    (Not to mention that when humans hang, EVERYTHING voids; so someone had a major mess to clean up as well.)

    I imagine the friend’s feelings about Armstrong are, uh, “mixed” at this point.

  15. To: The Armstrong Family,

    May each day bring a sign of inner peace, and may each passing hour help to heal your loss. May the gift of true friends uplift your spirit at this time and in the days to come!!

  16. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen will always rock and you never know when your going to get the Boot and Stress and frustration is taking its toll on many people. Love the show and will watch it until it ends? says:

    Gold Digging Bitchs will mess your life up in so many way and there where ways for him to stop this woman from spending..He could had cut up and trashed all the credit cards and…He could had limited her spending some kind of way and this empty headed woman..Don’t understand that it takes many hard working hours to pay bill and to pay off everything to make ends meet and some people are just so selfish and don’t care about some one killing themselves to keep there head from under the water.

  17. Casonia Sade Logenberry..People are Lucky to be around Chef Gordon Ramsay..He is a good luck charm and that means your life is going to get better after crossing his path! He is remarkable and amazing and strong. says:

    Blood sucking leachs and..What really Bugs me about Reality Shows is that this woman spend money..Fast and easy and they are not thinking about other bills or the fact they are not bringing in any money to help with the bills and this woman have more clothes and items and..To me it looks like they don’t need any more stuff and it is all about Greed and doing this to hurt there husbands..

  18. Casonia Sade Logenberry..People are Lucky to be around Chef Gordon Ramsay..He is a good luck charm and that means your life is going to get better after crossing his path! He is remarkable and amazing and strong. says:

    When some one over spends and that means your wife…Have her name removed off the checking accounts and cancel all the credit cards.. Blood Sucking Money Hungry and take Advantage of there husband really sucks and blows and really causes man heartach and tention and worry and that is so wrong. This woman keep giving everything they get down the road and this stupid bitches often toss away a Dress they have worn once and that is really Dumb and Stupid and…It is wrong to hurt a mans pocket.

  19. Casonia Sade Logenberry..People are Lucky to be around Chef Gordon Ramsay..He is a good luck charm and that means your life is going to get better after crossing his path! He is remarkable and amazing and strong. says:

    This Reality woman are Greedy and want everything they see and when they get it!!!They nolonger want it and they give it away and they don’t think about how many hours a man has to work to make that money to pay the bill and from know on all the rich man in the world..Need to Limit this woman and some how stop them from going into your pocket and if they act crazy or like a fool..It is better to Divorce the Lady and..Agree to a lump sum and..Let them Bury themselves in there own Dept and loserville way… Drive a man to kill himself..Nuts and this did not have to happen.

  20. I actually liked him, from what I saw on the show. I feel sad because, I know what it’s like to feel that sad, that lonely, etc and it’s heartwrenching. I truly hope, when he’s forced to “come around” again, that he gets it right, if for anything, at the very least, if he completes his next round in this life, then -he’ll reach eternal salvation. May Jahbless this poor man’s soul. 🙁

  21. It was an unhappy marriage that ended tragic. Now, other gossip sites are hinting that he was afraid that he would be outed for his alleged bisexual activities.

    If there were money troubles and considerable debt, then it would be wise for Taylor to stay with the show and make some money to keep her kid in private schools and her in botox.

    Knowing Hollywood, they may even increase her money if she sheds some tears and squeezes out a grey hair on TV.

    I often wonder when was the last time they had a regular burger and small fries …….and kept it down.

  22. Casonia Sade Logenberry..People are Lucky to be around Chef Gordon Ramsay..He is a good luck charm and that means your life is going to get better after crossing his path! He is remarkable and amazing and strong. says:

    When money is getting out of hand and your wife keep spending and all the issues are being enored..Take away the money and just pay all the bills yourself and leave her with one credit card and one amount that you can afford and just let her be broke. Don’t let woman use you up and break your pocket book..It is wrong and unfair and know that he is gone..Is she looking around for another sucker to suck dry like the leach she is?

  23. HANGED himself damn it! Remember it this way: “News just in….hung man found hanged.”

  24. Please pardon me,
    Don’t confuse me with facts.
    My mind is already made up!!
    Taylor Armstrong is Now a widow with a 5 year old daughter. Regardless of the status of their marriage, I can easily believe that Taylor should be allowed some time to grieve without being thrown to the wolves. It is bad enough that she was surrounded by fake friends or rather frienemies as co stars, but in the real world a kind word from the outside of Beverly Hills might just help to be the *Chicken Soup that she Needs for her soul right Now. As a woman who has lived in a high profiled tabloid world, I believe that we can Not minimize the fact that she is still a widow with a young child who will gradually have to learn to live without her father. As adults we sometime find it hard to accept the death of a loved one, and because we saw Russell Armstrong via the power of television, does Not mean that we knew him or the struggles that he dealt with until he was (by all indications)no longer able to deal with them. Away from this topic, we all will be able to continue to voice our opinions and go on with our lives. At this time Taylor Armstrong have a responsibility to her child that few of us will ever have to face with this type of tragedy. PEACE!!

  25. @Leo

    Thank you friend. I needed to hear that. I am ashamed of myself for losing tract of the obvious human emotion. 🙂

  26. @Walt:

    Buddy, Pal, Old Chum!!

    It is always a good time to read *your take on the latest topic!!

  27. Bottom line is that he chose to take his own life. Regardless of what everyone says…gold diging wife, financial ruin, sexual indiscretions…he chose not to face the consequences of his own decisions. People at this very moment are going through much worse and choose to live!

  28. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    I think he should had left that relationship and filed for a fast divorce as soon as this piggy spending leach ass bitch starting sucking up the money for a 600 dollar dress and just think that money could had been used to pay down credit cards and light and heat and phone and cable and food for her house…This lazy self centered Bitch should had been cooking meals at home and cleaning the house and making the beds and washing dishes instead of going out for $200.00 lunchs and every one on this shows are just trying to show off and waste money that is needed to pay the bills.

  29. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    Yes it is great to be rich and have money but there is a limit on spending and it looks like this people are just living beyond there needs and that really pisses me off..The spending of there husband money seems like it is no big deal and? Like it means nothing at all…This Bitch does not think about how many hours some man has worked for it and..The Taxes that apply to his life style and instead of saving him money to pay Car Insurance and for house hold supplies and personal items..All this woman know how to do is waste and waste and Blood Suck there husband to the Poor house.

  30. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    I do have anger toward Blood Sucking Vampires and woman who use men for there money. It is better to drop dead weight and just let them take what ever they want and just make sure the woman gets a large lump sum… That way they can’t take any of your future earnings..Sale the House while married and down size..

  31. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    Blood sucking leaches of Reality woman and they look fake as heck..Wearing Wigs and there face has been altered and there breast are not real and there face is not there face and there lips are not there lips and…Your married to plastic and Lazy ass woman…Who will not cook and clean your house and spend massive money shopping all day long and spending money on items for the house and don’t even need it and giving away 1000s of dollars with of stuff and that man has to work for it is crazy and stupid and dumb and foolish and all the man on this Reality show are taking away are Soaps like One Life to Live for this phony money grubbing..blood sucking leaches that call themselves House Wives that are leaches in the pocket books and spending that money instead of cleaning the house and doing yard work and making there mans life easyer and less stressful.

  32. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    Marry this man for money and not for love and..I bet Russle felt trapped and frustrated and..He know his wife was going to take him to the cleaner and..Yes I know that he left behind his 5 year old daughter and..He knew his soon to be ex wife was going to suck money out of his pocket for 13 years and 4 years of collage and that meant 17 years of abuse to his pocket book….. That is the reason he killed himself? 80 hours aweek the poor man worked with her? All that money she would spend in one day! How frustrating to know that you worked for nothing. No check and Harm to a man..

  33. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    It is so wrong to be a Burden in some one life..It is better to make it easyer for the person that your with and..Be Humble and appreciate everything around you and there is no need to go out every single day for lunch and dinner. I can see it some times but every day is pileing it on really Thick and help your husband and make it easy for you two to spend more time together but the working keeps people apart and that is a way of punishment to the man you love.

  34. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen and Masterchef are giving Chef Gordon Ramsay incredible food that is blowing his mind? Lovely and amazing and..I wish him luck with the next kitchen nightmare. says:

    The man are treated like A.T.M. and this woman are lazy and sit around all day doing nothing and..They are Quick to get rid of thing and buy New to replace and that is so Dumb? This woman have massive cloths and Shoes and glasses and Hats and everything under the sun and..That is Greed talking and Use the poor man to Death and..That is Rotten and Trashy to bring to a relationship and sooner or later what goes around come around.

  35. I have to admit that I have seen this show in very small doses,primarily the reunions shows. This show is an ongoing soap opera. I will *take it upon myself to say that the show’s Name should be changed to Down and Out in Beverly Hills. I know there was a movie with that Name but the reality surrounding “housewives” show that Kim Richards has means by No means of being a Beverly Hills Housewife. Her sister Kyle let it be known that she and her husband were helping her out every month, and the resentment was so high that Kyle told her own sister that her husband treated Kim like a second wife, and then threatened to Not help her out anymore. Now this is what I call “down and out in Beverly Hills”. The habit forming addiction of hanging around getting into each other’s business while being in denial about their friends’ financial status only shows a group of self absorbed people who have put their lives on display for all to see and it is Not always a pretty picture. Poor Kim Richards does Not belong in this group of women who actually look down on her. Kim is trying to be a part of a lifestyle that she can Not afford to be a part of, and her sister Kyle is able to throw in her face that she is there because of her. The throw down that these 2 sisters had in front of the world was shameful. Even though they kissed and made up, the ugliness of their relationship(at that time) is forever immortalized on film. I find it hard to believe that “true” Beverly Hills wives would allow their family’s Name attached to that show in such a negative way. PEACE!!

  36. I feel bad for Kim too. I don’t think she has much money left and probably only went on the show at her sister’s urging. Kyle seems to love the attention. Kim seems very fragile like she’s on the brink of a nervous breakdown and that Taylor person was nasty to her coming between the sisters like that. I loved it when Kim told Taylor that her sister was “faked” by her and told her to go pump up her lips some more …lol.

    These shows should not put people on camera who have obvious mental issues. Kelly Bensimon doesn’t belong on ROHNY either.

  37. I am so sorry a man could not see a reason to go on and a 5 year old little girl will not remember her father and how much he loved her. I will not feel sorry or allow one ounce of sympathy for his “widow”.SHE APPEARS FAKE AND HOLLOW IN PHYSICAL TERMS AND SPIRIT.

  38. I truly don’t feel the same way that “money is the root of all evil.” In my experience there seem to be certain kinds of people who will seize upon any excuse to screw over their fellow humans, in whatever situation they find themselves. Their rationalizations are usually about the money or my other favorite, “It’s a contest” or its ilk. So while I agree with the OP that people do rotten things for money, I think that (with some middle ground for desperate situations) a lot of people just like excuses to screw people over. Possibly both Russell and Taylor Armstrong could be in this camp.

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