Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger are getting awfully chummy in Miami where she performed at Art Basel. Patrick’s mother Maria Shriver was ticked off by tabloid reports that she didn’t approve of their budding romance. She made a point of having someone leak to People magazine that she has NO PROBLEM with Miley. Maria knows that if she expressed negative feelings for Miley that Patrick would probably be even MORE attracted to the raunchy singer. That’s how kids are. Maria is no fool. She’ll let the relationship run its course.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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People were commenting that he was apparently a homosexual. Is Miley a high profile besrd?
…………………I have.
Miley will do anything for publicity! Patrick is using Miley for the purpose of a beard!
Gina claims expertise on beard issues!
It appears the most popular response to postings about male celebrities is: he’s gay!
Will Patrick end up with Herpes?
Yes, Ace at Blind Gossip says that Patrick is gay. Miley is just along for the publicity ride. Apparently Maria is cool with her son’s orientation, but Arnold is not. Surprise, surprise! This is why, at least for a short time, Patrick was using the last name Shriver. Speaking of accepting and non-accepting parents, what’s the latest on Warren Beatty’s transgender daughter? Inquiring minds want to know, Janet! 🙂
@Hilary Thanks for the suggestion to visit Ace at Blind Gossip. Interesting stuff on that site!
Maria is like all Kennedy women she doesn’t like children, husband or family.. it’s a myth
Lets face it… Miley likes riding BIG HOTDOGS !
Gee, that’s Arnolds kid, you’d of thought he’d be buffed up. Sadly, he looks like he can’t even pick up a can of buffing wax… But maybe Miley might have a wax job for him.