It sounds risky, but the fact that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have both put their LA homes on the market indicates that they probably ARE planning to rent a lavish place together. They’ve no doubt realized that as a couple they attract even more publicity than they did separately, and that is a huge PLUS for this attention seeking pair. You can bet their new home will have enormous his and hers closets because they are both fashion freaks. Setting up housekeeping together is also easy because they both love wearing fur coats (above) and prefer to eat from ridiculously expensive Hermes tableware. But can these two egos survive under one roof?
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“……indicates that they probably ARE planning to rent a lavish place together.”
Shouldn’t that have read:
…….indicates that they probably ARE planning to PRETEND rent a lavish place together. Remember kids this is a PRETEND relationship.
I don’t believe he is interested in women and I don’t believe she is interested in anyone right now other than fame. Perhaps, that goes for both of them.
It’s their lives and their business. Still, they are media figures and we are welcomed to spill our views on a gossip site. 🙂
Where’s PETA with the buckets of paint when you need them?
Forget the fashion, they’re both “freaks” period.
Ugh thier more boring together than they were individually.
And now for a timely message/sermon for these two wayward materialistic creatures:
RE: ***Luxury Lovin***……….
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.”
Matthew, chapt. 6, verse 19
“Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”
Colossians, chpt. 3, verse 2
Can’t wait to see if she has the gall for a repeat performance of her disastrous marriage; I w ant to see another big w edding so I can laugh.
Let’s not overlook the fact that this slutbucket is still MARRIED. A minor point I know.
That’s a marriage?
PETA probably figures Kim grew that hair herself, she just forgot to shave. So no animals were hurt or killed. As for that other fool? Probably a faux bathmat he threw on in a hurry since he tipped off the paps. Seriously, I mentioned this before, don’t this degenerates ever get tired of being so stupid & fake?
Two people who have contributed nothing to America and only put up a poor image to the American youth. Send them back to Africa and away from all the cameras.
These are disgusting individuals. Wearing fur in this day and age. They should be ashamed.
What pigs.
yoyo, LOL!!!
They are believing their own press. Their fat heads keep expanding.
My friend Ron worked in a senior citizen center and would give haircuts to the oldtimers.He was a great guy. Nicole was a generous and loyal friend. Mother’s Day was her favorite holiday .She hated fashion and shopping and the fake Hollywood scene.Jackass Kanye said their killer was magnificent. Kimbo has used their murder as a stepping stone to her celebrity.
Looks like Kanye is coughing up a furball. There’s medicine for that.
call it: NAIVITY.
These photos piss me off! They are disgusting because they flaunt and wear fur. It is morally wrong. I hope they have miserable lives because they contribute to animal torture.
They are better people than Greedy Fakeyonce and her crotch rubbing violent thug.
You cant buy class and they will never have it.
T left out the part where Nicole readily gave up ass to BLACK and was deep throating Ron when OJ went nuts.
I find it disgusting that people are still wearing fur in this day and age. Every time I see a fur coat all I can think about is the poor dead animals they butchered to make it.
Kanye is gay. They will be roommates with separate bedrooms if they decide to live together. It’s all for publicity.
They are equally disgusting and have no shame. Kim is STILL legally married and yet she freely whores around like she is single. God I hope Humphries takes her for the only true thing important to her and that is money. God she makes me want to puke and the fact that she has any fans is what is truly disgusting. I wonder if her “fans” aspire that their daughters grow up to be high priced whores who talk in a fake baby voice. I guess so.
I’m with Walt and Moni.
Does anyone REALLY think he “puts” it into her?
Preston and Travolta’s relationship is more real than this.
Waste of air.. comic fools on their perverted parade..
This will last as long until Reggie Bush shows up on Hard Knocks.
^^^JohnP is correct. The lure of the camera is too much for her.
He probably puts “it” in her quite often….just in the same place BLACK Ray Jay put “it” in her on camera. Great claim to fame for a so called white woman…to be anally screwed by a large bevy of BLACK men.