Kristen Stewart is a reluctant fashionista at the Chanel show in Paris. She‘s done some ads for the fashion house so she had to show up in a Chanel outfit, but she’d rather be in raggedy jeans. Kristen impulsively got her new haircut just an hour before this photo was taken. Her next project sounds impressive – she’s costarring with Jennifer Lawrence’s cute boyfriend Nicholas Hoult in “Equals” – a futuristic love story.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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…………..down to earth as we like it.
The outfit would be so much nicer if it was pink. Just sayin.
It looks like she is wearing a huge potholder.
if by down to earth, you really mean “above it all” then yes, Miss Stewart is down to earth.
Miss Stewart is so above fashion, but she attends fashion shows and is the face of at least 2 luxury brands (Chanel and Balenciaga).
Stewart is so above the Hollywood machine, and yet she starred in some of the most blatantly crass money making films ever made.
I’m not a fan of Jennifer Lawrence but I’m grateful that JL’s success and popularity with the public means we see LESS of this mouth breathing female!
Who got her into show business? She’s terrible.
Who’s dick did she suck to get famous? (She’s gay)
I don’t usually think she’s ugly, but she looks downright ugly in this pic.
I can’t decide what is uglier, the hair or that outfit. Both gross, together they’re a mountain of gross. She’s pretty untalented to boot.
She is standing like an ape. WTF? Big ol’ chin, too.
There is no way her hair could look any worse than this. Horrible.
Why is she wearing a diaper under a sheer curtain? Hideous.
Can’t decide which chin is bigger …hers or Jenn Aniston. Humongous.
How oh how did she become a star? FUGLY
(And that’s why me name is daggers). LOL
A mosquito net over granny panties. Dreadful, simply dreadful.
she looks like a female version of “drop dead fred” with that hair
So funny Wanda.
Reminds me of girdles, etc. that Kresge’s and Grants department stores had on display above racks on the first floor.
Some fans question whether she has Jewish roots?