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Before she started filming her reality series and got serious about losing weight, Kirstie Alley lived like there was no tomorrow. She and her exhusband Parker Stevenson shared a meal not long ago at Patys in Toluca Lake and Kirstie ordered the fettucine alfredo. She managed to plow through the generous plate of rich creamy pasta in record time. The host of the restaurant walked over and asked if she enjoyed her meal. Kirstie licked her chops and squealed “It was DELICIOUS! Can I have another one please?” Parker didn’t even flinch as Kirstie devoured a SECOND helping of what is fondly called “a heart attack on a plate.”

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  1. This woman will never lose the weight. You can tell in her attitude and demeaner. In order to lose that much weight you got to have the same attitude as Valerie Bertinelli.

  2. Terrible tiny Tom Cruise-mesiter has espoused that Scientology can do anything. So if they can’t do anything for Kirstie, SCI may be getting a bad rap. Surely there is a thetan audit for fatso’s like her. SCI won’t kick her out though, as she is very rich and gives them mucho dinero.

  3. If she weren’t in Hollyweird, she’d be just fine. But because that business demands that she & every female be stick thin, she’s out of place.

    You know that old adage:
    The thin ones get fat . . . and the fat ones get thin!

    Mo’nique had the lap band surgery & hired a personal trainer. Star Jones did the exact same. They were both determined to get thin & stay thin. Granted, they’ve had some weight gain since the surgery, but overall they look good.

    If Ms Alley is really serious, she’ll get her brain in gear and not only lose the weight, but keep it off . . .

  4. TO L’il Off Broadway:
    Another reason she won’t leave SCI is because they have tons of secrets about each one of them & that information is used as blackmail to keep them in line.

    So I don’t see her leaving SCI any time soon. As long as she can keep giving that SCI-FI Beast $7 million, they’ll keep her until Jesus gets here!

  5. Scientology does not work, it has not cured her “biggest” problem – pun intended . . .

    The money she spent to go OT was a waste . . . she can’t even control her own eating much less MEST

  6. I doubt she is happy . . . being blackmailed subconciously and all

  7. And they have discovered some people can’t taste fat and crave it more than anyone.. gain weight because of their unceasing hunger for it. She might be a candidate for this problem.

  8. She’s addicted to saturated fat. I doubt she will ever lose weight. Sad for her, she’s harming her health.

  9. There is no way I would have eaten like that in front of my ex-husband!

  10. Hey, Natalie…are you NUTS??? This woman has done nothing but complain about how unhapyy she is about her fat and lie about dieting and losing weight for YEARS now! What the HELL makes you think she is “HAPPY”?

    She not only continually lies to the public, but to herself. I believe she is doing this ONCE AGAIN only to get a job on TV again and get a paycheck, nothing more. She’s NOT going to lose weight.

    Anybody trying to change their life to become healthy has NO BUSINESS eating that for a meal, absolutely NONE! Let alone a SECOND serving! What a colossal hog this woamn is and it’s no wonder she has that huge ass following behind her. She might as well learn to love it, because it’s going to be ther the rest of her life, unless she gets surgery to lose weight, and even then she’ll have to CHANGE THE WAY SHE EATS!!!!

  11. Loved the way the whole thing was written, how funny…
    No mention if she had dessert? lol

  12. What happened to Parker anyway, didnt he sue her for spousal support? I liked him back in the day as a Hardy boy, lol.

  13. The answer may not be what Kirstie is eating,
    the question may be what is eating her.When a person publicly acknowledge that they have
    lost 75 pounds, and then later are shown to have gained that back and more,there may be
    some health issues that may need to be address.I wish Kirstie well,not only in losing the unwanted pounds,but even better health.

  14. I always liked Parker too. is he a SCI as well? geez I hope not.

  15. Of course, she is NOT happy. When she was on Oprah recently (not the one where she wore a bikini), she talked incessantly about her weight. Sorry to say, she looked like she was insane, she kept shaking her head, looking side to side, and saying really weird things. After one hour talking about it, she probably went to Taco Bell for 7 or 8 tacos with a DIET coke, and on the way home picked up another favorite, Chinese sesame chicken.

  16. I agree with you completely “kiss a frog”…I saw the same episode and got the same impression…that she is just crazy and embarrassed about her weight. It shows in the constant lying to cover up her actual weight, which I’d guess to be around 300 easy. She is obviously waaay more than she is copping to, and never HAS told the truth. When she supposedly lost 75 pounds, it did NOT look like 75 pounds but MUCH less. If she were truthful, she’d be hopping up on a scale right in front of a camera to prove herself.
    The woman is just NEVER EVER EVER going to be average sized and she needs to either face that fact and finally STFU, or go get surgery and get on with it. Powders are NOT going to get rid of this immense girth of hers and keept it off. It just ISN’T!!!

  17. you are a woman who desperately need to look american?
    ……….KIRSTY HAS THE RIGHT LOOK, folks!!

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